

毗邻牛油果种植园,一座结合现代元素的独特建筑拔地而起。这是建筑师 Raz Melamed 设计的三代同堂住宅,坐拥着明信片上一般的美景。
Next to an avocado plantation, a unique architecture combined with modern elements is built from the ground up by architect Raz Melamed, who designed this three-generation home overlooking a view taken straight from a postcard.
project overview
© Amit Geron
▼项目俯瞰,top view of the project© Amit Geron
The structure is home to a couple with three children, and their eldest daughter who had three children of her own. The family asked for a space to house their extended privacy while maintaining privacy for everyone. The design plan answered this need by creating two separate houses, one house for the parents and the children and a second house for the daughter and grandchildren, who share the same yard and pool, but keep separate from each other thanks to the topography. The fronts of each house face the street and two overlook the pool. A floating concrete beam wraps the building and “protects” it from the passers-by, creating a uniform facade for the street in the form of an airy membrane that is partially sealed and partially open.
▼房屋拐角处的下沉天井庭院,the sunken patio courtyard at the corner of the house© Amit Geron
▼悬浮的混凝土横梁“包裹”着建筑,A floating concrete beam “wraps” the building© Amit Geron
A patio sits between the wings in the corner of the house, overlooking the street. It separates a yard to the basement above which a bridge to the main entrance to the house. The beam is reflected in the mirror pool below, which turns into black terraces that descend towards the basement. These create an encounter with the patio vegetation that creates privacy, as well as curtains that are spread over the huge openings.
▼镜面水池向下沉区域延伸,black terraces descend towards the basement © Amit Geron
▼横梁反映在黑色镜面水池中,the black mirror pool reflect the beam© Amit Geron
▼丰富的植被,dense vegetation© Amit Geron
Above the patio, the entrance bridge leads to the main door of the house, which is paved with stone that also extends to the inside of the house, signaling a prominent interior-exterior connection. This connection is strengthened through the large windows that project the view inward, and the entrance to the house is in sight. Another element that reinforces continuity is the pergola that stretches along the second house, creating an axis that connects the two houses despite their different height across the property.
▼天井上方的入口廊桥,the entrance bridge above the patio the entrance bridge© Amit Geron
▼入口廊桥近景,entrance bridge close-up© Amit Geron
这座建筑体现了建筑师的理念:越开放=越美丽。Melamed 使用了少量的墙壁来营造开放和简洁的外观,并通过使用构造柱实现了一个没有分割和分区的开放空间。此外,空间中的柱子没有被放置在立面的网格框架中,使得窗户保持连贯避免中断。
This structure reflects the architect’s view: the more open = the more beautiful. Melamed uses a small number of walls for an open and clean look and a design in order to create an open space without divisions and sections by using constructive columns. Moreover, the columns in the space are placed in a grid that does not line up with the front, allowing a sequence of windows without interruptions.
▼没有分割的室内开放空间,the interior open space without division and sections© Amit Geron
主入口的右侧是起居空间,呈现出白色、黑色和灰色的和谐搭配,并在整个室内空间中或多或少地不时重复。白色厨房通高达 4.8 米,盘踞在室内的一侧,拥有带门陈列柜和彰显室内高度的窗帘。在空间另一侧的陈列柜则被混凝土横梁分隔开。
To the right of the main entrance is the living space that presents a harmonious play of white, black, and gray, which repeat throughout the space in different doses. The white kitchen rises to a height of 4.8 meters, bordered on one side by a covered display case and a curtain that emphasizes the height. On the other side is a display case divided by the concrete membrane.
▼白色、黑色和灰色的和谐搭配,a harmonious play of white, black, and gray © Amit Geron
The front of the kitchen hides the space’s technical systems and features a door to guest services, and a door to the pantry and parking. This space reflects thorough planning that puts an emphasis on efficient daily functions for the members of the household. The family likes to entertain and cook, which made marble the perfect choice for the kitchen island, matching the floor color. Parallel to the corner island is a kitchen eating area, surrounded by chairs of different colors that create interest and joy.
▼通顶的白色厨房柜,the white full-height kitchen display case© Amit Geron
▼大理石台面与五颜六色的餐椅,marble kitchen island and colorful chairs© Amit Geron
Next to this is the living room, which is defined by a black and white carpet, with exclusive and luxurious furniture chosen thanks to the combination of a soft upper cushioning, and light legs that create levitation, and contributes to continuity from the entrance to the kitchen. This texture in the public space illustrates the use of colors in the project: black for metal elements (columns, rails, stairs, cables, bridge) white for walls and carpentry, and gray for flooring and furniture.
▼起居空间,living space© Amit Geron
▼黑白相间的地毯,black and white carpet© Amit Geron
The lighting works under the auspices of the height: recessed fixtures were chosen for the lowered corridors, while a recessed strip in the ceiling hangs at the point where the ceiling rises, a design that creates a mirage in heights and reinforces continuity. The white hanging strip is joined by black recessed lighting strips, and all of them together turn the ceiling into a design dimension that cannot be ignored.
▼走廊天花板的隐藏式灯具,the recessed light fixtures in the corridor ceiling© Amit Geron
▼起居室的白色悬挂灯带,the white hanging light strip in living room© Amit Geron
To the left of the entrance is the private area, where all the bedrooms face the pool for a spectacular view that creates a feeling of freedom and vacation. The access to this area is on a bridge with a cable railing on one side that connects the floors. The railing is stretched from the floor to the basement and the son’s suite, up to the ground floor ceiling, and on the other side a double space that overlooks the patio. The patio strengthens the idea of openness – a space with a yard that is not bounded by walls.
▼桥的一侧为悬索楼梯,另一侧是通高空间,a bridge with cable railing stair on one side,a double-height space on other side© Amit Geron
▼天井庭院与悬索楼梯,patio yard and cable staircase© Amit Geron
The second house has a longitudinal architecture that is lower than the first house on the surface of the lot. The pool highlights the difference in the heights, with the first house on ground zero, and ends in front of the second house, becoming a cube that grows out of the ground.
▼从泳池望向房屋,houses viewing from the pool© Amit Geron
▼第二栋房屋地坪高度略低于第一栋,The second house has a lower ground height than the first house© Amit Geron
▼黑色凉棚连接两栋房屋,the black pergola connect the two houses© Amit Geron
The design line is shared by the two houses, but in the interior of the second house a bare tone stands out, and there is more of a black tone in the elements like the front door and the kitchen, which is in a dramatic and youthful line.
▼大门,front door© Amit Geron
▼厨房以黑色的色调为主,the kitchen is mainly in a black tone© Amit Geron
▼卧室,bedroom© Amit Geron
▼洗手间,bathroom© Amit Geron
The development of this area is a jewel, and along with careful landscape planning, the architect placed functions such as an outdoor kitchen, the pool, a fireplace, a pergola for shading, designed furniture and wardrobes. All these together with the interior of the house create a pampering space that knows how to give privacy along with an embracing family feeling.
▼夜景概览,overall night view© Amit Geron
▼纵向剖面图,longitudinal section© Raz Melamed Architecture
▼横向剖面图,cross section© Raz Melamed Architecture