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Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所

2023/08/21 11:19:32
Relogged 是一座位于河岸绿地上的私人住宅,建筑的结构为典型的木造度假屋,balbek bureau 事务所对其进行了重新设计,以更好地迎合居住者的喜好和生活方式。
Relogged is a private residential house located in the green zone on the riverbank. Constructed using log cabin technique, it was redesigned by our studio to better align with the client’s style and way of living.
overall of the project
© Andrey Bezuglov
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-5
在收集有关木屋的案例时,balbek bureau 事务所的建筑师们发现他们找不到任何符合自身设计偏好和整体愿景的参考资料。因此,他们决定相信自己的直觉。
为了与小屋深色的木材外立面形成鲜明的对比,设计师为室内选用了轻质墙板、纺织品,中性混凝土地板,并且秉承了极简的设计语言。在整体室内概念方面,屋主人给出的风格参考是先锋设计师 Rick Owens 位于意大利城市 Concordia 的公寓,该公寓彰显出强烈的极简、原始与实用主义的风格。
The project’s name, Relogged, refers to its main objective, which is to reinterpret the log cabin concept. It also plays with the vibe of the location – a place where nature and comfortable, tranquil living converge.
While exploring examples of redesigned log cabins, we couldn’t find any references that matched our preferences and overall vision. Therefore, we decided to trust our intuition.
We opted for a contrasting solution for the dark wood on the walls – light wall panels and textiles, neutral concrete flooring, and a simple, minimalist geometry.
As for the overall interior concept, the client’s stylistic reference was Rick Owens’ apartment in the Italian city of Concordia – grungy, brutal, and utilitarian.
▼一层分析图,analysis diagram of ground floor©balbek bureau
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-15
▼二层分析图,analysis diagram of upper floor©balbek bureau
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-17
The client’s first request was a complete departure from the classic aesthetics of the log house. During the discussions, a decision was made to adapt the log house to a modern design while preserving the exposed wood inside the rooms. This decision was also technically motivated – fully covering the wood would have been problematic due to the movement of the house’s timber. As the owners rent the house, we had to implement our ideas with minimal effort – using pinpoint construction changes and through furniture and interior solutions.
▼由客厅看餐厅,viewing the dining area from the living room© Andrey Bezuglov
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-22
The exterior of the log house was dark-hued, so we decided to unify the color and tone of the wood inside with a dark shade. In the search for the perfect option, we tested different colors and determined the right amount of layers until we achieved the desired effect. Before staining, the entire log surface was sanded. Additionally, we removed as many trimmed beams from the log structure as possible to make the lines and geometry appear cleaner.
▼由客厅看厨房,viewing the kitchen from the living room© Andrey Bezuglov
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-26
The entrance to the living area is designed as a glass vestibule. Symmetrical stairs in the grand hall lead to the second floor. The staircase structure is a wooden-clad metal console. In line with the overall concept of minimalist design and clear geometry of elements, as well as the client’s request, the stairs are without handrails.
▼对称的楼梯,symmetrical stairs© Andrey Bezuglov
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-31
▼楼梯细部,details of the stairs© Andrey Bezuglov /Maryan Beresh
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-33
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-34
▼悬空的踏步结构,suspended steps© Andrey Bezuglov
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-36
▼二层大厅细部,details of the hall of upper floor© Maryan Beresh
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-38
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-39
To the left of the entrance is a home theater. There is a step at the entrance since there used to be a garage with a different floor level, making the theater area recessed. According to the client’s suggestion, the walls are paneled with plywood. The metal cabinets in the theater are custom-made based on the bureau’s sketches and are also placed in other rooms of the house, acting as unifying elements in the interior. The passage from the home theater leads to the kitchen. In contrast to wood, the kitchen furniture is adorned with metal to add a sense of technology and modernity to the interior. The large kitchen island is made of concrete, and the kitchen chairs are vintage.
▼家庭影院,the home theater© Andrey Bezuglov
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-43
▼家庭影院由原停车库改造而成,the home theater is renovated by the former garage© Andrey Bezuglov
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-45
▼家庭影院细部,details of the home theater© Andrey Bezuglov
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-47
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-48
▼金属电视柜细部,details of the metal cabinets© Maryan Beresh
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-50
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-51
▼厨房,kitchen© Andrey Bezuglov
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-53
▼厨房近景,closer view the kitchen© Andrey Bezuglov /Maryan Beresh
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-55
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-56
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-57
▼细部,details© Maryan Beresh
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-59
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-60
客厅内,几面落地的窗扇将人们的视线引向河流。入口玄关的对面,一座覆盖着混凝土面板的壁炉构成了家庭聚会的核心空间。室内墙壁采用了仿混凝土的灰泥饰面,地板则采用了微水泥。客厅中心的大沙发采用了 propro 家具品牌,壁炉区附近还设有大型图书馆中常见的垂直金属书架和一张舒适的阅读椅。为了方便拿取,书架上配有可移动的金属楼梯。
The spacious living room has windows overlooking the river. Opposite the entrance to the house, there is a fireplace covered with concrete panels. The walls are finished with plaster imitating concrete. Microcement is used for the flooring throughout the house. The living room’s centerpiece is a large sofa from the propro furniturebrand. Near the fireplace area, there are vertical metal shelves for a substantial library and a cozy reading chair. For convenience, the shelves are equipped with movable metal stairs.
▼客厅壁炉,fireplace of the living room© Andrey Bezuglov
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-64
▼家庭图书馆,home library© Maryan Beresh
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-66
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-67
The dining area and the cabinet are to the right of the main hall. We removed the walls between the living room, kitchen, and dining area, merging them into an open space, while preserving the original log beams. The walls of the house display paintings from the client’s private collection. The interior furniture is a combination of the designer’s suggestions and vintage pieces collected by the client. During the process, most windows were replaced, except for the large frontal window spanning two floors. Additional vertical windows were added to the dining area and cabinet to bring in more natural light and add dynamism to the space.
▼餐厅,dining room© Andrey Bezuglov
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-71
▼开放的餐厅氛围,open ambiance of the dining room© Andrey Bezuglov /Maryan Beresh
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-73
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-74
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-75
▼餐桌与艺术品细部,details of the dining table and the art painting© Andrey Bezuglov /Maryan Beresh
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-77
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-78
▼书房,study© Andrey Bezuglov /Maryan Beresh
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-80
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-81
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-82
On the second floor, to the right of the stairs, is the primary bedroom with a wardrobe and a bathroom. We added another symmetrical window in the ceiling to let more natural light into the bedroom. As per the client’s request, the bedroom walls are paneled with wood, using wooden veneer wall panels, which helped to separate the bedroom from other rooms in the house stylistically and improved sound insulation. The large bed was custom-made, initially considering an all-metal design, but ultimately a more practical option was chosen with a wide metal cabinet. Vintage lamps complement the interior, and a large mirrored screen is placed opposite the bed. The radiators were also replaced in the rooms with metal ones, fitting the overall style. In contrast to the wooden walls and log texture, the bathrooms are decorated in a simple and modern style with a microcement finish.
▼主卧室入口,entrance of the master bedroom© Andrey Bezuglov
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-86
▼主卧室,master bedroom© Andrey Bezuglov
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-88
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-89
▼主卧室细部,details of the master bedroom©Maryan Beresh
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-91
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-92
To the left of the stairs are two children’s bedrooms with a shared bathroom. Both children’s rooms feature soft zones based on a similar principle. The “nook” and the bed with soft upholstery were custom-made based on our designer’s sketches. We added wardrobes and metal shelves in the rooms. The second-floor rooms presented challenges with the floor level due to the nature of the wooden structure in such houses.
▼儿童房,children’s bedrooms
© Andrey Bezuglov / Maryan Beresh
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-97
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-98
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-99
▼儿童房书桌,study of the children’s bedroom© Andrey Bezuglov
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-101
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-102
▼书桌细部,details of the study© Andrey Bezuglov
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-104
▼细部,details© Maryan Beresh
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-106
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-107
对于 balbek bureau 事务所来说,Relogged 住宅为他们创造出一次探索陌生领域的愉快冒险,让建筑师们对传统的木屋形式产生了新的思考。此外,本项目也展现出创意合作的价值,建筑师们尊重并采纳了屋主人的想法和建议,最终成功地为他们塑造出极富个性的居住空间。
Relogged became a pleasant escapade for us into an unfamiliar territory, allowing us to work on rethinking a rather established and traditional form of a log cabin. The project also reminded us of the value of creative collaboration – thanks to the ideas and suggestions from our client, we created a space with character.
▼浴室,bathroom©balbek bureau
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-112
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-113
▼浴室细部,details of the bathroom© Andrey Bezuglov
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-115
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-116
▼底层平面图,ground floor plan©balbek bureau
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-118
▼二层平面图,upper floor plan©balbek bureau
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-120
Studio: balbek bureau
Architects: Slava Balbek, Vika Didych, Yuliia Barsuk, Alina Vovkotrub, Serhii Havrylov
Project managers: Kateryna Karelshtein, Anna Viktorova
Project area: 375 sq. m
Project year: 2022
Location: Ukraine
Photo credits: Andrey Bezuglov, Maryan Beresh
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-128
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-129
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-130
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-131
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-132
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-133
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-134
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-135
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-136
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-137
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-138
Relogged 住宅丨乌克兰丨balbek bureau 事务所-139
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