

杭州是中国其中一个发展最为飞速的城市,Archi-Tectonics 与!Melk 联手为该市一个高楼林立的区域打造体育公园总体规划,116 英亩(47 公顷)的公园占地宽广,共建有 7 座建筑。
Archi-Tectonics and!Melk have inserted a sweeping masterplan with a 116-acre [47-hectare] park and 7 buildings into a densely built skyscraper district of Hangzhou, one of China’s fastest-growing cities.
▼项目概览,Overall view©SFAP
体育公园虽然是为杭州 2022 年亚运会而建,但其规划设计也放眼未来,为杭州擘画绿色未来的道路开辟出新方向。设计采用“海绵城市”景观策略,打造出一片丘陵绿洲,除了提供一年四季的休闲游玩好去处,也充当城市绿肺以回复杭州当地的生物群系和加强其水文效能。
Though the park was commissioned for the upcoming Hangzhou Asian Games2022, the team looked beyond that event to set a new course for the city’s environmental future. Designed with a ‘Sponge-City’ landscape strategy, the project introduces a hilly oasis programmed for round-the-year recreation that doubles as a green lung restoring the local biome and strengthening its hydrology.
▼景观平面,Landscape plan©Archi-Tectonics
▼公园整体鸟瞰,Aerial view©SFAP
▼乒乓球馆鸟瞰,Hybrid Table Tennis Stadium©SFAP
▼曲棍球场鸟瞰,Field Hockey Stadium©SFAP
体育公园取得“中国绿色建筑三星级认证”,为现时中国绿色建筑评级的最高级别,相当于美国 LEED 的白金级认证。Archi-Tectonics 与 GC 的团队透过 BIM 技术优化,成功为项目节省了大量钢材并降低总体成本,施工时间亦缩短超过两成,仅为 3 年。
The project achieved “Green Building Evaluation Label 3 Star” (GBEL 3 Star), the highest level of sustainability in China and equivalent to LEED Platinum. Through BIM optimization between Archi-Tectonics and the GC’s team, the project saved substantial amounts of steel, overall costs, and shortened the construction time over 20% to just 3 years.
体育公园设有 7 座全新的绿色建筑,除了在杭州亚运会期间承办多项赛事,日后更会转型为社区日常所用。园内设有自然保护区、远足散步径、水景、游乐场和高低起伏的草坡等,兼具绿色建基的功能,比如湿地、透水铺装和雨水管理等。公园总体规划中的绿化屋顶总面积达到 64,000 平方米,每年可吸收 114,846 公斤二氧化碳,并释放 83,408 公斤氧气。
The design inserts 7 new green buildings for the Games that will convert to community-use after, with a mix of natural reserves, hiking paths, water features, playgrounds and landforms that double as sustainability infrastructure like restored wetlands, porous pavement and stormwater management. The Masterplan’s combined green roofs in the park cover 64,000 m2 and can absorb 114,846 kg of CO2/year and release 83,408 kg of O2/year.
▼公园景观中的绿色建筑,The green building in the park’s landscape©SFAP
▼景观路径,Landscape pathway©SFAP
▼曲棍球场的透水铺装,Porous pavement of theField Hockey Stadium©SFAP
杭州 2022 年亚运会是自奥运会以来的第二大国际性赛事,体育公园为亚运会的主要场地之一,亚运会期间众多观众將聚集于此,往来场馆观赏赛事。而在亚运会结束后,体育公园会转型为社区绿地,服务杭州所有市民,从小孩到上班族、乃至老年人都能在园内进行各式各样的休闲活动,包括划皮划艇、跑步、远足散步、溜滑板和运动。公园谐和融入并强化杭州原有的城市肌理和基础建设,为高密度的市区空间引进极其需要的绿化空间,作为“城市海绵”和绿肺,收集、过滤并再利用雨水径流。
During Hangzhou Asian Games 2022—the second-largest international athletics competition after the Olympics—the park will be the hub where spectators gather between events and move between the venues. Once the Games end, it will become a neighborhood green space programmed with a mix of activities—including kayaking, running, hiking, skateboarding, and sports fields—to cater to the city’s entire population, from children and young professionals to the elderly. It is designed to plug into and strengthen Hangzhou’s existing fabric and infrastructure, bringing much-needed green space to the dense city and acts as an ‘urban sponge’ and a green lung that collects, filters, and re-uses storm-water runoff.
Archi-Tectonics 创始合伙人 Winka Dubbeldam:“我们的设计以体育公园改革杭州环境。体育公园为杭州设下新基准,成为更绿化、适应力更强的城市,未来的城市规划都会以此为高密度城市绿化发展(sustainable density)的标杆。” “We designed the park as an agent of environmental change in the city,” says Winka Dubbeldam, Founding Partner of Archi-Tectonics. “It sets a new standard for Hangzhou as a greener, more resilient city, and future urban masterplans will look to it as a model of sustainable density.” ▼公园内的水体,The water body in the park©SFAP
▼亚运会结束后,体育公园将转型为社区绿地,Once the Games end, the park will become a neighborhood green space©SFAP
山谷购物村庄 Village Valley Mall
体育公园长约一英里,场地两端分别是杭州亚运会的两大场馆(曲棍球体育场和乒乓球体育馆)。公园中间由一条道路和河道一分为二,设计团队因而构想出以“山谷村庄 (Valley Village)”概念的购物大道来连接两边,在公园内打造一条生气勃勃的社交“动脉”。“山谷购物村庄”构思成下沉式购物大道,商店设计成一个个圆形玻璃亭,形成一个“绿色山谷”。购物区两侧各设停车场,车道连接地下的货运空间。每座建筑的地面层均提供防火通道。
The plan sites two venues for the games—the Field Hockey Stadium and the Hybrid Table Tennis Stadium—at either end of the mile-long site. The park is bisected by a road and river, and a shopping ‘Valley Village’ concept was developed to act as a connector of the 2 halves of the park, creating a social artery. The Valley Village mall is conceived as a recessed green valley with circular glass shopping pavilions. Two parking garages flank the shopping area and connect underground to provide delivery access. Each of the buildings offers fire egress at grade.
▼山谷购物村庄,Village Valley Mall©SFAP
▼下沉空间,The sunken area©SFAP
Winka Dubbeldam:“购物区本来整个都要建在地下。不过,我们反其道而行,将购物区做成一个景观怡人、设有绿化购物亭的山谷村庄,在户外打造核心社交空间,让购物区有种与公园绿丘和周边城市紧密相连的感觉。与此同时,我们面对一个大挑战,就是整个项目只有 15%可以是在地面可见的建筑,其余 85%必须是公园绿地。”
“Originally, the entire mall was supposed to be underground,” says Winka Dubbeldam. “Instead, we made it into a shopping valley landscape with green pavillions, creating an open-air social core that feels connected to surrounding landscapes and city. We were challenged by the fact that only 15% of the project could be visible above ground, as 85% had to be park.”
▼连桥,Linking bridge©SFAP
“山谷购物村庄”定位为公园的核心社交空间,沿路设有商店、餐厅、咖啡厅、小食亭和户外聚集空间。这里的透水铺装最大程度地减少了雨水径流,而每个圆亭商店都设有绿化屋顶,不仅加强了保水效能和延伸绿地景观,亦提供了休闲游玩、野餐和欣赏景色的地方。团队也特别设计了太阳能翼屏(Solar Wings),为“山谷购物村庄”提供遮阳以外,也能发电和提供照明,更能引风吹进下沉式空间,营造舒适的微气候。
The Village Valley Mall is lined with shops, restaurants, cafes, kiosks, and outdoor gathering areas, positioning it as the social core of the park. Permeable pavement minimizes storm-water runoff. Each of the store pavilions is topped with green roofs that enhance water retention, extend the landscape, and offer places where visitors can relax, picnic, and take in the surroundings. Custom-designed Solar Wings shade the Valley Village while generating electricity and lighting for the park. They also push wind down into the Village Valley to generate a comfortable micro-climate.
▼“山谷购物村庄”夜景,Village Valley Mall night view©SFAP
“零土”景观设计策略 Zero-Earth Landscape Strategy
设计团队透过开掘湿地并以“山谷购物村庄”连接公园两边,在无需额外土壤的前提下,成功把原本宽广平坦的基地改造成地势连绵起伏的一片绿地,其中有些山丘更离地面 20 多米。这个设计忠于团队的“零土”策略,旨在尽可能减少土壤开挖对环境的影响。部分新建山丘充当自然保护区,促进生物多样性和生态保护。绿地之下是一个贯通整个公园的地下网络,面积达 68,000 平方米的停车位及人行通道接通所有建筑和体育场馆,在不破坏上方绿地景观的前提下为公园全区提供效率极高的后勤运作、货运路线和人行通道。地下还设有电影院,为市民提供了又一娱乐场所。
Digging out the wetlands and the Valley Village to connect the 2 halves of the park, made it possible to shape the previously flat site into a landscape of rolling hills that rise more than 20 meters above grade without bringing in additional soil, adhering to a ‘zero-earth’ strategy to minimize the environmental impact of soil removal. Several of the new hills function as nature reserves, promoting biodiversity and ecological conservation. Beneath the landscape, an interconnected network arraying 68,000 sm of parking spaces and passageways connect all the buildings and stadiums. The underground network offers efficient back-of-house services, deliveries, and access to all areas of the park without disrupting the natural landscape above. It also hosts a cinema, creating another leisure destination in the city.
海绵城市:以水景设计打造游玩设施并强化可持续发展的适应性 Sponge City: Water Features for Recreation and Resilience
设计采用“海绵城市”模型,广泛应用水道,增强基地的水文性能,并为游玩设施的规划设计带来全新的可能性。蜿蜒的河道贯穿体育公园,并在“山谷村庄”的位置做成人工高架水道,与一旁的道路一同横跨于购物区之上,成为亚运会为 VIP 贵宾专设的通道。这条水道是湿地系统极为重要的一环,有助缓解雨水径流的情况和弥补新建设对环境的影响。与此同时,水道也适合划皮划艇,周边的丘陵绿地和“山谷购物村庄”更可从上方欣赏河上泛舟的怡人风景。河中设有小岛,令水流加快,以天然的方式清洁河水并为河水增氧。
The design implements the Sponge City model, incorporating extensive waterways that enhance hydrology and open new possibilities for recreational programming. An artificial river snakes through the site, passing over the Village Valley as an aqueduct beside a roadway that creates access for VIPs during the games. The river forms a crucial part of the wetland systems, mitigating stormwater runoff and offsetting the impact of newly built areas. It also doubles as a kayaking route and creates a scenic element overlooked by the hills and the Village Valley Mall. Islands in the river generate a quicker current, naturally cleaning the water and oxygenating it.
▼河流景观,River side©SFAP
设计团队找来 Mobility in Chain (MIC) 加强公园的可达性,并令游人能够更容易穿梭其中。“山谷村庄”设有自动扶梯,方便游人从位于最深处的购物大道向上走,回到把公园一分为二的道路;另一方面,蜿蜒的人行桥在道路和水道之上连接公园两边的丘陵绿地。公园有数座跨越河道的桥梁,流畅地把公园重新整合到周边社区的基础设施之中。
Mobility in Chain [MIC] was hired to make this park as accessible and easy to navigate as possible. Escalators from the Valley village create access from the deepest points of the shopping artery back to the bisecting road while elegantly curving pedestrian bridges traverse the hilly landscape to connect over the road & river. Several bridges are crossing the river to re-integrate the park into the surrounding neighborhood’s infra-structure fluidly.
▼夜间整体鸟瞰,Aerial view by night©SFAP
▼景观策略,Landscape Strategy © Archi-Tectonics
▼爆炸轴测图,Exploded View© Archi-Tectonics
▼进入路径,Access Routes© Archi-Tectonics
▼西立面图,West elevation© Archi-Tectonics
▼场地立面图,Site elevation© Archi-Tectonics
▼场地剖面图,Site section© Archi-Tectonics
▼公园活动,Activities© Archi-Tectonics
▼公园活动列表,Activities List© Archi-Tectonics
面积:116 英亩
竣工日期:2021 年 10 月
建筑设计师:Archi-Tectonics, LLC
结构工程:Thornton Tomasetti
交通规划:Mobility in Chain
Location: Hangzhou, China
Area: 116 acres
Date of Completion: October 2021
Design Architect: Archi-Tectonics, LLC
Local Architect-of-Record: The Architectural Design & Research Institute of Zhejiang University, ACRC
Structural Engineer: Thornton Tomasetti
Transport Planning: Mobility in Chain
Landscape Design:!Melk