知末案例   /   GROUP A


2023/09/21 12:36:53
GROUP A为荷兰品牌Bruynzeel Keukens和Keller Keukens的母公司DKG设计了以木质元素为亮点的透明办公大楼。开放式的工作环境与中央餐厅相结合,加强了工厂、办公室和各部门间的连接。总部办公室与相邻的工厂共同构成了DKG位于Bergen op Zoom的心脏地带。
GROUP A designs transparent headquarters with wooden accent for DKG, the group behind the Dutch brands Bruynzeel Keukens and Keller Keukens. The open work environment in combination with the central restaurant strengthens the connection between the factory and the office and the various departments. In combination with the adjacent factory, the head office forms the beating heart of DKG in Bergen op Zoom.
▼项目概览,Overall view © Ossip van Duivenbode
荷兰DKG总部大楼丨GROUP A-3
巧妙的再利用 Smart reuse
A strategically located shed on the company’s own factory site was chosen as the site for the new building. The shed was demolished and the foundation and ground floor slab reused as the basis for the two-story new building. Compared to complete new construction, this reduced CO2 emissions by an estimated 35%. The contours of the former shed define the 3,800m2 office. To bring daylight into the 80 meters long and 27 meters wide office, two centrally located atriums form the basis of the design.
▼场地鸟瞰,Aerial view © Ossip van Duivenbode
荷兰DKG总部大楼丨GROUP A-8
▼首层平面图,Ground floor plan © GROUP A
荷兰DKG总部大楼丨GROUP A-10
以木材点缀的透明感 Transparency with wood accent
The wooden louvers that protect the work floors from direct sunlight on the south facade merge into a canopy on the west facade. Thanks to the open nature of the canopy, trees and plants on the terrace of the restaurant on the first floor create a pleasant outdoor space that establishes a relationship with the green surroundings and the factory.
▼南立面的木质百叶窗与西立面的顶篷融为一体,The wooden louvers on the south facade merge into a canopy on the west facade © Ossip van Duivenbode
荷兰DKG总部大楼丨GROUP A-15
▼户外座位区,Outdoor seating area © Ossip van Duivenbode
荷兰DKG总部大楼丨GROUP A-17
▼立面局部,Facade partial view © Ossip van Duivenbode
荷兰DKG总部大楼丨GROUP A-19
连接中庭 Connecting atriums
Daylight, cascading through the atrium roofs, welcomes employees and visitors to the reception atrium. Here is the entrance to the restaurant where factory and office employees eat lunch together. In contrast to the formal reception atrium, the atrium on the east side has an informal character with a coffee bar and various seating areas. The office floors are accessible from the two atriums, each with a wide staircase. Meeting areas have been created around the atriums. The atria contribute to spontaneous meetings between employees and invite them to take the stairs instead of the elevator.
▼俯瞰接待中庭,Overlook to the reception atrium © Ossip van Duivenbode
荷兰DKG总部大楼丨GROUP A-24
荷兰DKG总部大楼丨GROUP A-25
员工健康 Employee wellbeing
Detached meeting rooms divide the column-free office floors into clusters of workstations. Here the departments are acoustically grouped to prevent noise pollution among employees. The building is ventilated with 100% outside air. The design ensures employee well-being with a healthy indoor climate and comfortable work environment while maintaining an open character.
▼沐浴在自然光线下的中庭空间,Atrium space bathed in natural light © Ossip van Duivenbode
荷兰DKG总部大楼丨GROUP A-30
荷兰DKG总部大楼丨GROUP A-31
▼办公楼层,Office floor © Ossip van Duivenbode
荷兰DKG总部大楼丨GROUP A-33
迎接未来 Ready for the future
The futureproof design is characterized by an efficient and flexible layout in which different forms of work, focused on collaboration, are supported by a wide range of workstations. The column-free office floors, where the floor to ceiling windows allow natural light to enter profoundly, are freely dividable and flexible for other forms of work in the future.
▼办公楼层还可以自由地进行分隔,The office floors are freely dividable © Ossip van Duivenbode
荷兰DKG总部大楼丨GROUP A-38
荷兰DKG总部大楼丨GROUP A-39
荷兰DKG总部大楼丨GROUP A-40
▼工作亭,Booth © Ossip van Duivenbode
荷兰DKG总部大楼丨GROUP A-42
▼安静工作区,Quiet working space © Ossip van Duivenbode
荷兰DKG总部大楼丨GROUP A-44
荷兰DKG总部大楼丨GROUP A-45
氮氧化物排放 Nitrogen oxides emissions
考虑到场地附近存在Natura 2000区域,现场拆除和施工活动主要使用了电力驱动的建筑设备。经过与承包方的密切协商,氮氧化物排放量被限制在每年16.55千克 NOx。DKG总部项目已于2023年第一季度竣工。
Because of the nearby Natura 2000 area, both site work and demolition and construction activities were mainly carried out with electrically powered construction equipment. In close consultation with the contractor, nitrogen oxides emissions were limited to 16.55 kg NOx/year. The DKG headquarters was completed in the first quarter of 2023.
▼建筑外观,Exterior view © Ossip van Duivenbode
荷兰DKG总部大楼丨GROUP A-50
▼场地平面图,Site plan © GROUP A
荷兰DKG总部大楼丨GROUP A-52
▼一层平面图,Ground floor plan © GROUP A
荷兰DKG总部大楼丨GROUP A-54
▼二层平面图,First floor plan © GROUP A
荷兰DKG总部大楼丨GROUP A-56
▼剖面图,Section © GROUP A
荷兰DKG总部大楼丨GROUP A-58
Project name: DKG headquarters Location: Bergen op Zoom, NL Client: DKG Keukens Function: Office building with restaurant Architect: GROUP A Team: Adam Visser, Lolke Ket, Dennis Berger, Frank Deltrap, Brigitte van der Tuin, Bas Cuppen, Raymond Leentvaar, Boyuan Shi, Charlotte Nieveen van Dijkum Contractor: Bouwbedrijf Vrolijk, Moerdijk Installation advisor: Barth Installatietechniek, ’s-Gravendeel Building physics: DGMR Structural engineer: Breed ID, The Hague Project supervision: BLPB Size: 3.800 m2 Start design: 3rd quarter 2020 Start construction: 3rd quarter 2021 Completion: 1st quarter 2023 Photography: Ossip van Duivenbode
荷兰DKG总部大楼丨GROUP A-60
荷兰DKG总部大楼丨GROUP A-61
荷兰DKG总部大楼丨GROUP A-62
荷兰DKG总部大楼丨GROUP A-63
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