
2021/04/19 10:01:11
龙华区第二外国语学校位于深圳市龙华区大浪街道,用地面积 23656㎡,建筑面积 76175㎡,容积率高达 2.03。
Longhua Second Foreign Languages School is located in Dalang Street, Longhua District, Shenzhen, with a land area of 23,656 square meters and a floor area of 76,175 square meters, with a floor area ratio of 2.03.
▼非正式学习空间和操场,informal learning space facing the sports field © 曾天培
▼基地区位,location© 坊城设计
▼顶视图,top view© 曾天培
Except for the urban interface on the north side, the other sides of the project are surrounded by the complex functions of the current urban village, and the problem of collecting, distributing and transporting students can only be solved through the limited urban interface of Huawang Road on the north side for a period of time. At the same time, in order to coordinate the parking needs of the surrounding community, the school added a social parking lot in the basement of the project, but the additional basement construction further diluted the construction cost of the school. These preconditions of high functional density, high construction speed and low cost have become the limiting factors faced by the project. At the same time, it is also a rare opportunity for us to focus on solving this typical problem of a series of high density schools in response to the severe school position gap in Shenzhen.
▼主入口鸟瞰图,aerial view of main entrance© 曾天培
▼学校与城中村,the school and urban villages© 曾天培
The composite use of space is the key point of high-density campus. Each space needs to respond to the use needs of more types of people, and then integrate and superimpose them into a number of specific needs and corresponding strategies.
Except for the municipal road on the north side of the base, the other interfaces have no public interfaces directly to the outside. The height difference between inside and outside the site is large. At the same time, the north side of the base is the only public interface of the project. The groups with strong publicity are arranged on this side and the side of the court, while the groups with less publicity are arranged in turn in the base. The three groups of primary school and junior middle school are organized around their own inner courtyard. The common classrooms and mobile classrooms are arranged on the same floor, providing a better group relationship for the subsequent addition of classes. The sharing axis between primary and junior high schools is equipped with the theater and lecture hall, swimming pool and teachers’ office area, which is most suited for shared use. It is not only convenient for the sharing of primary and junior high schools but also convenient for school management. Teachers’ office is more open in the form of joint office, which improves the quality of office and promotes the communication between teachers.
▼设计生成,design generation© 坊城设计
The continuous multi-level open floor, terrace and roof garden become the excellent carrier of daily teaching, rest activities and ecological experience. Through a complete roof, the most active multi-level terraces and aerial floors facing the court are organized together. The remainder of the building is organized into an efficient and simple form through a continuous roof, which contrasts with the multi-storey platform at the core. Based on the above design strategy, a forest school with clear zoning, efficient operation, active and open is presented here.
▼轴测全景图,axonometric panorama© 坊城设计
▼林中学堂叙事,narration of the school in the forest© 坊城设计
Base on the school teaching function, we provides a “informal teaching space”, an “outdoor forest” composed of gray space steel trusses serves as the most active focal point of the school, forming a pleasant path to school and leisure, to create a natural and relaxed exchange atmosphere in the forest, while forming a unique architectural image of the school, to become a campus with distinctive personality and full of fun.
▼下午阴影下的操场,the playground in the shadow of the afternoon© 曾天培
We hope these multi-level platforms to be play spaces that children can access at any time. The boxes interspersed in the air do not have strict function definition, and can be changed into different functions according to the needs of students. At the same time, there is no formal enclosure or limitation between each platform, so that these uncertain Spaces become the soil for children to grow.
▼空中的盒子,box in the sky© 曾天培
In this three-dimensional stage formed by the most active interface, students can carry out small band, drama, song and dance performance, film broadcast, speech and other community communication activities in these three-dimensional courtyards and platforms.
▼互动的立体平台,interactive three-dimensional platform© 曾天培
These interactive steps, instead of the monotonous vertical stairs, can promote the up and down eye contact between students and increase the interest. At the same time, it is an informal place where students can sit and communicate and learn without being stiff.
▼互动的立体平台,interactive three-dimensional platform© 曾天培
The educational walkway forms a visual interaction with the playground and courtyard, allowing you to view the large activities taking place in the school from different angles. The platform at the center can even be extended as the rostrum of the sports festival; Students can also relax and sit on the steps to watch the activity.
▼运动场与平台的关系,the relationship between playground and platform© 曾天培
The three-dimensional educational walkway is a place full of curiosity and exploration. The line of sight permeates with the playground and classrooms. Students can conduct diversified activities such as observation, communication, play, and entertainment. During the break, students can stop to do activities and watch exhibitions without feeling congested. The scattered classrooms in the middle allow students to focus on practical places after class. Interspersed with small nooks and furniture, students also have their own place for self-study, rehearsal, and hands-on creation.
▼立体步道,three-dimensional footpath© 曾天培
▼“森林”下的空间,space under the “forest”© 曾天培
A community shared school needs a gate that is more open than the traditional one. By dealing with the height difference, we have abolished the wall and set up an organizational relationship between two doors, welcoming parents and the community into the campus without affecting the daily teaching of the school. This open design greatly alleviates the usual traffic jam at the school gate. The drop-off area on the ground floor is an extension of the library, where parents can wait for their children and students can conduct after-school activities.
▼开放的校园入口,the school’s entrance© 曾天培
▼分层管理的主入口,the main entrance can managed by different level© 曾天培
The interactive square in front of the school is a place where they can wait and play with their parents, classmates and teachers, and discuss the interesting things of the previous day and the arrangements after school. The wide and open square in front of the school allows students to sit and socialize without sun or rain, and promotes the growth of students’ communicative ability and empathy.
▼趣味的无障碍坡道,accessible ramps© 曾天培
▼功能管理分析图,function manage diagram© 坊城设计
The age span of students in a nine-year system school is large, and students of different ages are prone to conflict. The division of students’ activity areas is a difficult point in the functional layout. We hope that primary and junior high schools can have a relatively clear sense of domain and communicate with each other under the attention of teachers.
▼操场侧鸟瞰,aerial view from the side of the playground© 曾天培
In order to realize this idea, the design separated the primary school and junior high school functions, forming two courtyards. The size of the two is divided by the teacher’s office as a node. Young students can have more relaxed activities in their own field space, and can also realize the communication between students from the primary and the junior high.
▼水平延展和跳跃的立体盒子 A three-dimensional box that extends and jumps horizontally© 曾天培
▼功能共享分析图,function sharing diagram© 坊城设计
We believe that because of the strong connection between education and life, as well as the precious features of functional space, the school will surely serve as a link of community life in the future and become an important node of the life of surrounding cities. Therefore, the school must consider the possibility of opening to the outside world and sharing functions.
▼沿街透视,perspective along the street© 曾天培
The project features a large elevation difference between inside and outside the site, especially the public interface on the north side, which can create a one-storey double ground level urban relationship. Therefore, functions that are easy to share with the outside world, such as library, gymnasium, lecture hall and art classrooms, are arranged on the elevation facing the city. In the future, through the management of vertical traffic, the school can be open and shared on the elevation of the city.
▼与共享空间相连的雨水花园,a rain garden connected to the shared space© 曾天培
▼空间剖面图,spatial section© 坊城设计
▼总图,master plan© 坊城设计
▼半地下室平面图,ground floor plan© 坊城设计
▼首层平面图,first floor plan© 坊城设计
▼五层平面图,fifth floor plan© 坊城设计
▼东立面图, east elevation© 坊城设计
▼北立面图,north elevation
用地面积:23656 平方米
建筑面积:76175 平方米
班级规模:54 班九年一贯制
景观设计:GND 杰地景观
Project:Shenzhen Longhua Second Foreign Languages School
Location: Longhua, Shenzhen
Design year: 2018-2019
Completion Year: 2020
Gross Built Area (㎡): 23656
Ground Floor Area (㎡): 76175
Architectural design:FCHA
In Charge: Zetao Chen,Jinlefu Su,Zhiwei Lu
Project Manager: Jianhui Wang
Design Team: Xusheng Guo, Rushuai Ma, Tao Li, Chenhua Yu, Wenlong Jiang, Yongchen Zhang, Qingping Huang, Rui Min, Zhifeng Xu, Lijin Huang, Zhiyi Liang, Yongjia Lin, Jun Zhou, Zhenhong Lei, Danlin Chen
Client:Longhua District Education Bureau
Construction: Longhua District Public Works Bureau
construction agency: VANKE
Architectural construction drawing:BEIJING CCI architectural design co,ltd
Interior design and construction drawing:JNJW design studio
Landscape design and construction drawing:GND DESIGN GROUP
Curtain wall construction drawing: POSITIVE ATTITUDE GROUP
Contruction: China Construction Third Bureau First Engineering Co., Ltd
Photographer: Tianpei Zeng
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