侬屋里丨中国上海丨Say Architects

2021/02/25 12:10:21
Elle Deco杂志邀请Say 以“家”为主题为其设计一个临时性的展览空间。每个人对家都有独特唯一的感受,家可以静谧、新鲜、热情、宁静、开心、兴奋的。我们将这些感情抽象成为四个不同色彩的空间,代表四种空间与氛围。
▼项目概览 overview © 郭靖
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Elle Deco magazine invited Say Architects to design a temporary exhibition space based on the concept of “Home”. Home is unique and specific for each person, a home could be either tranquil or fresh, passion or peaceful, happy or exciting. We abstract these emotions to a four-segment space with a different colour; each colour represents space and an atmosphere.
▼四种空间与氛围 four-segment space with a different colour ©Say Architects
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A bright yellow exterior space, a passionate red kitchen, a green, peaceful living room and a fresh, clean blue bathroom, these four space are united by a vast floating white roof and form a conceptual “Home”.
▼从商场外看装置 view from the outside © 郭靖
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▼不同颜色体块的组合 the combination of color blocks © 郭靖
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▼走近体块 approaching the color blocks © 郭靖
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Starting from the yellow exterior area, the four spaces gradually change their height from above the white roof, floating between ceiling and floor, further to sunken into the floor. This variation generates a variation sense of enclosure.
▼二楼视角 views from the second floor © 郭靖
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▼装置与商场空间的互动 interaction with the shopping mall © 郭靖
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▼在装置中看商场 view of the shopping mall through the installation © 郭靖
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空间体块由半透明布料制成。 我们选择了特定布料来达到一种柔和优雅的半透明感受,这种布料让整个结构轻盈干净,同时保证各个体块具有相应体量感。
The geometries are made of translucent fabric fixed to the steel structure. We select the fabric to reach exquisite transparency, it gives the whole structure a very light quality, but the geometries are still quite substantial. Several openings on the white roof allow people to see the upper store through the floating surface.
▼半透明布料 translucent fabric © 郭靖
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▼细部 details © 郭靖
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▼手绘平面图 plan sketch © Say Architects
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▼手绘立面图 elevation sketch © Say Architects
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