

现代主义建筑师艾琳·格雷(Eileen Grey)强调感官与结构的相互依存,空间上我们用直线条的廓形来凸显女性的力量,再用不同的材质做碰撞,让女性通过服装来展示理性和感性并存。
Eileen Grey, a Modernist Architect, emphasizes the interdependence of sense and structure. In space, we use the outline of a straight line to highlight the power of women, then make different materials collide, so that women could show their coexistence of rationality and sensibility through clothing.
▼门店外观,store front ©曹亚虎
This is a brand revolution, break to reorganize, then constitute a new space, continue to write new stories. This is a create machine about the transformation of women’s clothing, they constantly working, transmitting and giving, The spirit power of the female self in the new age. Have the right to choose oneself, you don’t have to live as the definition of others about what a woman should be.
▼设计一瞥,design preview ©曹亚虎
new lady 探寻符合现如今潮流的新表达,用年轻化的设计语言,平衡服装文化和体验式消费的商业诉求,打造独树一帜的一间买手店。
New Lady looks for new expression ways which fit today’s trends, with the younger design language, balance the commercial demands of clothing culture and experiential consumption, to create a unique select shop.
▼买手店内景概览,interior general view ©曹亚虎
空间材料以不锈钢为主体,通过微弱的反射光线和镜面的叠加,人影走过形成互动的虚影,增添空间灵活度。QHD Studio 希望通过简单而现代的介质,构成空间的线条感,又具有细节弧线的起伏,创造出空间的层次和空间的维度。
Using stainless steel as the main material of the space, through the combination of feeble reflected light and mirrors, figure walk past forming interactive virtual shadows, increase the flexibility of the space, QHD Studio hopes through a simple but modern medium, to constitute the sense of line of space, as well as the ups and downs detail arc, created the hierarchy and dimension of space.
▼不锈钢为主体,stainless steel as the main material ©曹亚虎
The nature of costume designing is to show the attitude people give to life. Nowadays, people are more tolerant towards clothing, and the diversity of it would also bring different choices.
In an age like this, a select shop which highlights women’s attitudes toward clothing and depicts the spiritual power of female is bringing changes to China’s traditional wholesale market.
▼展示空间,showcase ©曹亚虎
Overall use the rigid frame style, with velvet, cotton, linen, gauze and other textured materials, formed strong contrast, foil each other’s space atmosphere, balanced out a subtle sense of harmony.
▼硬质框架和柔软材质烘托空间氛围,Rigid frames and textured materials set the atmosphere of space ©曹亚虎
As the main object of the entrance, the vertical artistic light tube reflects the shadow of the new women. It’s the place where the whole space gathered power. Through the zigzag duct, transporting energy bit by bit, deliver it and collect it, then turn it into a brilliant fun device.
▼入口灯管装置,light tube installation at the entrance ©曹亚虎
In the middle of the scene stands a cylinder, originally it was a channeled steel that supported the primeval space, but the designer cleverly matches it with the stair landing, tortuous emphasized annular and collocated with coarse-grained lacquer, it implies that as a new woman, she should get rid of the traditional shackles and find her own identity.
▼圆柱和楼梯平台,the column and thestair landing ©曹亚虎
Acrylic tubes hanging above the stairs, it is in the shape of a swing, the joy of rolling on a swing, the freedom time of pushing to air, it is a yearning retained in heart of every female with independent appearance.
▼亚克力圆管,acrylic tubes ©曹亚虎
The curved lines, using the soft side of female, it’s not just tough, in terms of using material, we choose a creamy white terrazzo mixed with pearl shell.
In the aspects of color and form, it expressed that every woman has her own unique side and shining strengths, you need to know yourself so you can show yourself.
▼弧线和材质细节,curved lines & texture ©曹亚虎
两只斑驳的椅子,保留时间打磨的痕迹;它们是 new lady 成长的见证者,有着独特的使命和意义,于是我们保留了其中两个,继续陪伴。
Two mottled chairs, keep the marks of time grinding; they are witnesses to the growth of the New Lady, with a unique mission and meaning, so we kept two of them and continue company us.
Tin-foil cartons of different sizes, randomly piled up in the corner, and you could put two or three stuff on it, it is used to show things. At the same time, the special texture of tin foil is due to the development of the expression era. What other people say about what women wear, we still have to insist our individuality and arming the power of women, look critically at the impact of fashion on people’s lives.
▼柜台和纸箱装置,the counter and the cartons ©曹亚虎
Aluminum air ducts of varied lengths dotting the space, the combination of these machines seems like someone push the button, and they’re going to come roaring into operation at any moment. Mechanical components also implied speed of production and perception of people in today’s fast-paced world. For the novelty pursuit, everyone is striving to be an image of non-conformity.
▼空间细部,interior partial view ©曹亚虎
整体作为 box,进行演变,探索最合适的造型,以及在合适的成本下,拥有可利的商业价值。
The whole as BOX, evolving explore the most appropriate shape, and under the right cost, have profitable business value.
▼盒子里的楼梯,stair box ©曹亚虎
▼设计示意,diagram © QHD Studio
▼轴测图,axon © QHD Studio
▼平面图,plan © QHD Studio
▼室内立面,interior facade © QHD Studio
项目名称 | New Lady 买手店
项目类型 | 商业空间设计
项目地址 | 中国杭州
设计面积 | 128m²
竣工时间 | 2020 09
设计公司 | QHD Studio
设计总监 | 施权洪
设计团队 | 邱淑怡 陈玉 杨鹏飞 李东 洪圆圆 王音
灯光设计 | QHD Studio
道具设计 | QHD Studio
灯光顾问 | 刘勤
项目主材 | 艺术漆 真石漆 不锈钢 水磨石 钢材
项目摄影 | 曹亚虎