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Design is a means rather than an end
and form provides the necessary support for an inner ritual,
a larger or smaller component
ultimately returns to the emotional response
客厅—Sitting room
本案是一套四室的户型,居住者是一对年轻的小情侣。原本部分空间的尺度感相对紧凑,我们在设计时,考虑到居住者现阶段的需求,将四室变为一室,打造一个会陪伴主人共同生长拓展的空间,满足业主不同阶段的需求。在拓展场景可能性和功能完整性的前提下,充分的让空间流动起来。This case is a set of four-room apartment, the residents are a young couple. The scale of the original part of the space is relatively compact, we design, taking into account the needs of the residents at this stage, will be four rooms into a room, to create a co-growth and expansion of the space will accompany the owner, to meet the needs of different stages of the owners. In the expansion of the scenario possibility and functional integrity of the premise, the full flow of space up.
沙发面朝阳台,可观景亦可观影,阳台空间也被纳入到客厅空间中来,形成开阔的竖厅格局,让空间具备不同场景下使用的弹性。疏影清茶,春花夏雨,秋叶冬雪,走过四季,装饰了窗子,也装饰了我的梦。The sofa faces the balcony, can view the view also can view the movie, the balcony space also is incorporated into the sitting room space, forms the open vertical hall pattern, lets the space have the flexibility which uses under the different scene. Thin shadow tea, spring flowers summer rain, autumn leaves winter snow, through the four seasons, decorated the window, also decorated my dream.
打开后空间原有的梁体成为需要解决的问题,弧形吊顶弱化梁体的同时又串联空间,化零为整,独特的艺术美感,成为空间中的点睛之笔,更显空间灵动柔和之感。After opening, the original beam body of the space becomes a problem that needs to be solved. While the curved ceiling weakens the beam body, it also connects the space in series, turns the zero into the whole, the unique artistic aesthetic feeling, becomes the finishing touch in the space, more flexible and soft sense of space.
餐厨—Restaurant and kitchen
—Multifunction room
在设计时,我们考虑到业主目前的生活状态,希望空间是开放的,包容的,也是可生长的,因此,我们将南向紧邻客厅的房间打开,在现阶段做为一个多功能房,休闲,阅读,工作,打游戏,储物与颜值兼具,空间变得更加开放而包容。In the design, we take into account the current living conditions of the owners, hope that the space is open, inclusive, but also grow, so we will be south adjacent to the living room to open the room, at this stage as a multi-purpose room, leisure, reading, work, playing games, storage and both appearance, the space has become more open and inclusive.
# 关于另一种可能性 #
With the change of the owner’s living condition, we consider that the multi-purpose room can be converted into a separate bedroom after the owner has a baby. In the early design, reserved linkage movable door track, to meet the possibility of the late multi-functional conversion, movable desk and bookshelf, easy to move, to meet the needs of the owners at different stages, give the space the flexibility to be used in different scenarios. We hope that the entire space is inclusive, warm, will accompany the master of common growth and expansion. Guest bathroom —
法式半墙连拱洗手台,干湿分离,最大化居住者的空间使用感受。柔和的弧形线条,奶油色乳胶漆与墙砖,胡桃木浴室柜搭配大理石台面,优雅与浪漫共存。French half-wall multi-arch wash table, dry and wet separation, maximize the residents’ space use experience. Soft curved lines, cream latex paint and wall tiles, walnut bathroom cabinets with marble countertops, elegant and romantic coexistence.
主卧—Master bedroom
We will be the original north-facing room adjacent to the master bedroom into the master bedroom, to create a spacious master bedroom suite. Sleep, leisure, washing clothes and hats, everything. French double door, full of ceremony. Clean and soft color matching, soft and charming light, quiet and warm.
U 型步入式衣帽间,超大收纳空间,满足日常衣物收纳。极简的造型与线条,颜值与储物并存。窗边一字形梳妆台,穿插自然,兼具美观与实用。玻璃柜门与奶白色柜子搭配,更具层次感与空间通透感。简约利落的线条贯穿整个空间,形成结构秩序的美感。
主卫—Master bathroom
Design Company丨设计机构:隅间空间设计工作室 Main case designer丨主案设计:彭华宇 Executive designer丨执行设计/撰稿:宋威乐 朱梦窈 Location丨项目地址:建业 定鼎府 Project Area丨项目面积:140 平方 Project type丨项目类型:私宅