

该项目由San Sebastian老城区一家主营pintoxs的小酒吧改造而来。为了保留传统pintxos酒吧的特质,店内所有的长型吧台上都摆满了tapas餐前小吃、拥有极其活跃且休闲的氛围。
The project begins with a pintxos (small tapas) bar in the old part of San Sebastian, which has to be transformed entirely due to a change of ownership, but without losing part of the essence of these traditional pintxos bars, with their long bars full of exposed tapas and their lively and casual atmosphere.
▼摆满tapas餐前小吃的吧台,the bar full of tapas © Adrià Goula
酒吧位于San Sebastian一条名为Fermín Calbetón Street的经典pintoxs街道上。该街道径直与停靠有渔船、拥有La Bretxa美食市场的港口相连。酒吧的旧名Txalupa意为小巧多彩的渔船,它引起了人们对这个与海洋密不可分的街区的讨论。
The bar is located on Fermín Calbetón Street, a classic street of pintxos in San Sebastian. This street literally connects the port, where small fishing boats still dock, with La Bretxa market, the old fish market in the city which still maintains the use of the gastronomic market. Its old name, Txalupa, is the name with which the small and colourful fishing boats are called. The name became an opportunity to talk about the essence of this neighbourhood, inseparable from the sea.
▼餐厅临街视角,street view © Adrià Goula
一楼的酒吧在设计时明确参考了港口的风格和色彩。由于San Sebastian港口的水幽深且平静,设计团队便采用深绿来作为该空间的主色调。弯曲的木制吧台在色调和材质上都借鉴了txalupas所指代的渔船。特别定制的手工陶瓷片通过其强烈的绿松石色、斑驳的痕迹和特殊的亮度,将空间营造出一种水生环境的效果。与此同时,设计团队还利用绳索这种典型的传统渔网材料来为空间提供颜色对比。这些绳索不仅赋予了餐桌一定程度的隐私和个性,还在绿松石深色背景的映衬下显得越发温暖明媚。
▼一楼酒吧入口,entrance to the bar on the ground floor © Adrià Goula
▼临街卡座,booth near the street © Adrià Goula
▼从卡座向入口通道看去,view from the booth to the entrance corridor © Adrià Goula
The bar on the ground floor has been designed with a clear reference to the port and its colour. The water of the port of San Sebastian, with a certain depth and calm, acquires a dark greenish hue, which becames the main tone of the space. The curved wooden bar references the txalupas, both in its tones and in its materiality. The handmade ceramic pieces, designed specifically for the project, help us introduce an aquatic effect, through its intense turquoise colour, its imperfections and its brightness. As a colour counterpoint, we introduce the ropes, a typical material in traditional fishing nets. These strings help us give some privacy and personality to the tables, at the same time, they provide contrast to the depth of the turquoise background, thanks to their light and warm tones.
▼深绿为该空间的主色调,dark green is the main color of this space © Adrià Goula
▼绳索在绿松石深色背景的映衬下显得越发温暖明媚, the ropes grew warmer and brighter against a dark turquoise background © Adrià Goula
In the underground floor we needed to create an antagonistic space: a small private club, with a nocturnal and sophisticated atmosphere, were selected snacks and cocktails are offered. Our design finds inspiration in an old boat cellar, where the warm golden wood-tone envelops us, in contrast to the blue maritime floor.
▼位于地下一层的小型私人聚乐部,a small private club on the ground floor © Adrià Goula
▼温暖的金木色调包围着客人,the warm gold and wood tones surround the guests © Adrià Goula
▼吧台区域,the bars area © Adrià Goula
▼从吧台区域看向卡座区域,view from the bars area to the booth area © Adrià Goula
The connecting stairway between the two spaces becomes one of the main protagonists of the project. A narrow and mysterious tunnel tinted with red light helps us attract, thanks to its symbolism, customers in search of a more nocturnal and forbidden experience…
▼连接两个空间的特色红光楼梯间, a red light staircase connecting the two spaces © Adrià Goula
▼楼梯间内部,inside the staircase © Adrià Goula
▼从楼梯间看向一楼吧台, view from the staircase to the bar on the ground floor © Adrià Goula
▼从楼梯间看向地下聚乐部, view from the staircase to the underground club © Adrià Goula
▼一层平面,ground floor plan © EL EQUIPO CREATIVO
▼地下一层平面,underground floor plan © EL EQUIPO CREATIVO