

Invited by ManJingHua Investments Group and Rocco Design, Tanghua Architect & Associates is appointed to design one of the art arcades of the international Art Design Center (iADC) art town. The architecture, which is unpretentious in its existence, locates to the north of art town museum designed by Rocco Yim. It is on the east side of the central pedestrian street, accommodating retail stores, cafes and artist studios.
▼项目鸟瞰图,bird-eye’s view of the project ©张超摄影工作室
在整个艺术小镇中,蜿蜒的中央步行街道由南至北串联了三个步行街区,空间收放有度、张弛自如、构图严谨。我们希望为这条街道增加一缕神秘、甚至忧郁的气质,与左邻右舍形成窃窃私语般的对话。正如意大利画家乔治·德·契里柯(Chirico Giorgio de)的作品那样,阳光斜撒、明暗对峙、街道空寂,小女孩儿的孤独衣裙闪过,转弯处人影绰约,而街角蹲伏着不可思议的神秘物品。
▼设计灵感——乔治·德·契里柯的画作,design inspiration – Mystery and Melancholy of a Street by Chirico Giorgio de ©Chirico Giorgio de
The orderly and systematic urban planning of the art town ensures efficient transportation with a winding central pedestrian connecting to three blocks. Our design seeks to instigate a sense of mystery and even melancholy in this pedestrian, reminiscent of the work of Chirico Giorgio de, where fading afternoon light intruding into the almost empty street.
▼南侧街景,street view on the south ©张超摄影工作室
▼轴测图,axon ©深圳汤桦建筑设计事务所有限公司
The restricted periphery of the architecture encircles several floating boxes, generating horizontal and vertical paths in between. On the second floor platform, a rusty red arch reveal itself over the shadow. A sage illuminator in the south echoes with the street light……
▼西侧街巷,外围硬朗的界面和内部半透明的浮空盒子形成对峙,street view on the west side, the restricted periphery of the architecture encircles several floating boxes ©张超摄影工作室
▼西北侧街景,street view on the northwest ©张超摄影工作室
马塞尔·杜尚(Marcel Duchamp)在他的画作中以松散的几何体量打碎了时间,为静止的图面赋予移动的表征。我们用一座充满立体主义色彩的锈红色楼梯作为漫游路线中的视觉焦点。弧形穿孔板翻转变化,形成半透明的、伴随行走不断变化的异形画框。
▼设计灵感——马塞尔·杜尚的画作(左),Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2 by Marcel Duchamp (left), 充满立体主义色彩的锈红色楼梯,向契里柯和杜尚致敬(右),the cubist staircase in the rusty red, paying a tribute to Chirico Giorgio de and Marcel Duchamp (right) ©Marcel Duchamp (left), ©深圳汤桦建筑设计事务所有限公司 (right)
The work of Marcel Duchamp, in which pieces clusters of abstract fragments together to imply movements, inspired us to design a cubist stair in the architecture. The stair enclosed by rusty red perforated plate, which naturally becomes the visual focus due to its exotic arc form, constantly reframes the landscape as visitors ascending the stairs.
▼体量上的转折,the turning at the volume ©张超摄影工作室
▼“杜尚的楼梯”成为了漫游路径的聚焦,Duchamp’s Stairs becomes the visual focus of the architecture ©张超摄影工作室
▼立面细节,facade details ©张超摄影工作室
▼“杜尚的楼梯”,锈红色的弧形穿孔板翻转变化,形成半透明的、伴随行走不断变化的异形画框,Duchamp’s Stairs enclosed by rusty red perforated plates, reframing the landscape as visitors ascending the stairs ©张超摄影工作室
▼从“杜尚的楼梯”向外望,looking out from Duchamp‘s Stairs ©张超摄影工作室
Four horizontal and two vertical lanes on the ground floor confines a narrow wedge-shaped courtyard, ascending and sinking through the building volume. On the second floor there is an open-air atrium connecting into the transportation system of the art town.
▼二层广场,与整个艺展城的立体交通体系相接,platform at the 2nd floor that connects into the transportation system of the art town ©张超摄影工作室
▼“盒子”的间隙,gap between “boxes” ©张超摄影工作室
▼楔形内院,the wedge-shaped courtyard ©张超摄影工作室
▼中庭交错的光影,the shifting lights in the courtyard ©张超摄影工作室
▼区位图,site plan ©深圳汤桦建筑设计事务所有限公司
▼平面图,floor plans ©深圳汤桦建筑设计事务所有限公司
▼南立面图,south elevation ©深圳汤桦建筑设计事务所有限公司
▼西立面图,west elevation ©深圳汤桦建筑设计事务所有限公司
▼A-A剖面图,A-A section ©深圳汤桦建筑设计事务所有限公司
▼B-B剖面图,B-B section ©深圳汤桦建筑设计事务所有限公司
项目名称:iADC艺术小镇02-12地块2# 设计方:深圳汤桦建筑设计事务所有限公司 项目设计 & 完成年份:2015/2019 主创及设计团队:汤桦 王鲲 郑昕 张文韬 杨原 赵宇力 等 项目地址:深圳市宝安区松福大道与107国道交汇处深圳国际艺展中心艺术小镇 建筑面积:5808 ㎡ 摄影版权: 张超摄影工作室 合作方:香港华艺设计顾问(深圳)有限公司 客户:深圳市沙浦巨帆投资有限公司
Project name: Shenzhen International Art Design Center (iADC) Art Arcade Design: Shenzhen Tanghua Architect & Associates Co., Ltd Design year & Completion Year: 2015/2019 Lead Architect: TANG Hua Design Team: WANG Kun, ZHENG Xin, ZHANG Wentao, YANG Yuan, ZHAO Yuli, etc. Project location: Shenzhen International Art Exhibition Center Art Town, the intersection of Songfu Avenue and National Road 107, Baoan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Gross Built Area (square meters): 5808 ㎡ Photo credits: ZC Studio Partners: Hong Kong Hua Yi Design Consultants(S.Z.) Ltd. Clients: Shenzhen Shapu Jufan Investment Co., Ltd. Construction Drawing:Hong Kong Hua Yi Design Consultants(S.Z.) Ltd. Photographer:Arch-Exist, ZHENG Chenxi Editor: WANG Kun, ZHENG Chenxi, DAI Qiong, TANG Mengchan