OOIIO Architecture于近日在西班牙卡塞雷斯赢得了“Europan 15”国际城市设计竞赛的冠军。
OOIIO Architecture Team wins the 1st Prize in the Europan 15 International Urban Design Competition, in Casar de Cáceres, Spain.
▼规划方案概览,Masterplan overview ©OOIIO Architecture
Jury Comments on the Winner proposal: “The development it proposes is credible and versatile, it integrates strategies on different scales and a diversity of scenarios such as infrastructure, the roads, regulations, the cultural and educational sphere, etc. The economic, social and environmental factors affecting the area and its inhabitants are taken into account right from the start.”
▼区域地图和用地示意,Site map and land using diagram ©OOIIO Architecture
该项目由埃斯特雷马杜拉地方政府与卡塞雷斯市议会共同提出和推进。卡塞雷斯市约有4500位居民,项目的场地距离城市8公里,仅有约10分钟的车程。项目场地位于城市外缘的Charca del Hambre工业区,贯穿该区域的N‐630公路和铁路线为其赋予了明显的线性特征。在A66号高速公路开通之前,工业区一直发挥着重要的作用。场地周围的区域也拥有十分重要的环境价值,天然的水池和草地环布四周,为工业区的重新构想提供了绝佳的机会。
Site proposed by the Regional Government of Extremadura in collaboration with the Casar de Cáceres Town Council. Casar de Cáceres has a population of roughly 4,500. It is 8 km from Cáceres city, barely 10 minutes by car. The project area is the Charca del Hambre industrial estate, on the outskirts of the town. This area has a powerful linear structure, defined by the N‐630 highway and the railway line. This industrial zone played a major role before the new access road to the town from the A66 motorway was opened. Its environs have considerable environmental value: the Charca del Hambre and Cojuge natural ponds and the surrounding grasslands. This in itself is a great opportunity to rethink the land that defines the industrial zone.
▼规划目标和案例分析,objectives and case analysis ©OOIIO Architecture
▼分区轴测示意图,axonometric map ©OOIIO Architecture