

Melbourne Jet Base的愿景是为高收入的个人、外国政要、名人及体育明星等提供最高水平的入境和离境体验,保证服务、安全性和隐私性远在商业航空公司的水平之上。
Melbourne Jet Base seeks to redefine the entry and departure experience for high net worth individuals, foreign dignitaries, celebrities and sports stars who demand level of service, security and privacy well beyond what is available in a commercial airline terminal.
▼项目概览,project overview
Situated in a discreet location at Melbourne International Airport Tullamarine, the facility boasts 24 hr access to full length runways, two expansive hangars with ancillary ground support spaces, in-house customs and immigration screening, generous pilot support areas, function spaces and high-end guest facilities more akin to the World’s finest luxury hotel lobbies.
▼落客区,drop-off area
Melbourne Jet Base’s architectural expression is defined by its elegant and iconic wing form, articulated using aviation inspired materiality and a play on the poetic tension of earth and sky. Conversely, the warm interior spaces embrace a uniquely Australian palette of materials, textures and colours, designed to both calm and comfort those in transit.
▼设计展示出地面与天空之间的诗意张力,the wing form shows a play on the poetic tension of earth and sky
▼气氛温馨的室内空间选用了具有澳大利亚风格的材料、纹理和配色, the warm interior spaces embrace a uniquely Australian palette of materials, textures and colours
▼可媲美世界最奢华酒店大堂的高端客用设施,high-end guest facilities more akin to the World’s finest luxury hotel lobbies
▼餐区细部和商务会议区细部,dining area detailed view; business area detailed view
2019年7月,该项目获得了维多利亚建筑奖的商业建筑奖。评审团对它的评价是:“Melbourne Jet Base从常规的机库和A形工业构架中脱颖而出,成为墨尔本航空场景中令人耳目一新的存在。”
In July 2019, Melbourne Jet Base was celebrated with a Victorian Architecture Award in the Commercial Architecture category. Commended by the jury for being a shining star amongst mundane airplane hangars and industrial A-frame sheds, ‘the Jet Base in Tullamarine provides a refreshing addition to [Melbourne’s] aviation scene.’
▼造型优雅的屋檐结构,the elegant and iconic wing form
“项目的任务书强调了安全方面的要求,这从一定程度上增加了设计的难度。Cox Architecture的方案引入了高度复杂和特殊的建筑形式,以一种美观而轻松的方式回应了以上挑战,最终交出了值得借鉴和褒奖的优秀成果。
‘The project’s brief, along with its security and safety requirements, presents a degree of complexity that would have tested most design teams. Cox Architecture articulated these elements with beauty and ease within a highly complex and striking form, delivering a project that deserves reward and recognition.’
▼夜景,night view
Awards: Architecture Award, Commercial Architecture, Australian Institute of Architecture VIC chapter 2019 Project size: 16000 m2 Completion date: 2018 Project team: Cox Architecture