

本项目位于新加坡最新的购物中心——由Safdie Architects所设计的地标性建筑星耀樟宜机场(Jewel Changi Airport)内,于2019年4月17日正式对公众开放。这是一个室内设计和平面设计项目,由建筑事务所Ministry of Design负责完成,旨在通过设计一家名为Durasport的体验式兼沉浸式的超高性能的运动商店,打造一个全新的市场品牌。
Officially open to the public from 17 April 2019, located in the newest mall in Singapore: the iconic Jewel Changi Airport by Safdie Architects, we, Ministry of Design, created a new-to-market brand, designed the interiors and graphics for an experiential and immersive ultra-performance sports store named “Durasport”.
▼商店全景,overview of the store
Durasport’s facade is designed to appear as if in dynamic motion, conveying a sense of active, ultra-high performance sporting activities. Tectonically, high-grade stainless steel is used in a disciplined and cohesive manner as the primary spatial material: an intentional reference to the typical laboratory R&D (research & development) environment in which the store’s innovative and high performance products would have been developed. Specially designed to showcase Durasport’s varied merchandise across 4 key sports, the customized display system allows for extended flexibility across the product & size range. Shelves, racks or holders clip in and out of notched display walls and incorporate an integrated LED lighting system.
▼商店入口全景,立面设计极具动感,采用不锈钢作为主要的空间材料,overview of the entrance, the facade is designed to appear as if in dynamic motion and the high-grade stainless steel is used
Targeting a growing but relatively untapped market segment: the ‘ultra-performance’ athlete & sporting enthusiast, Durasport provides hands-on experiential zones for serious cyclists, skiers, climbers and triathletes, allowing them to sample and test the sportswear or equipment before they purchase them.
▼商店功能分区,zoning diagram of the store
商店内的展品由建筑事务所Ministry of Design和客户共同策划,包括了世界上第一辆石墨烯自行车(一种比纸的重量还轻、但在强度上超过钢材200倍的自行车架,由英国的自行车厂商Dassi发明)、由英国人研发的世界上最轻的折叠自行车——蜂鸟(Hummingbird)、来自意大利DL KILLER品牌的可通过热学效益来成型的定制自行车运动鞋、由英国Zone3品牌提供的可最大限度减少拉伸阻力和增加灵活性的防水服、来自意大利DYNAFIT品牌的可增加上下坡灵活性的可调节高山滑雪靴、以及来自德国Ameo品牌的电力呼吸器等,该呼吸器可以帮助游泳者节省在比赛中一次来回所需之时间。
Products were co-curated by MOD and the client, and include the world’s first graphene bicycle (i.e. a form of carbon that’s lighter than paper but 200 times stronger than steel, by Dassi, UK), the world’s lightest folding bicycle (Hummingbird, UK), heat-mouldable customized cycling shoes (DL KILLER, Italy), wet suits which minimize stretch resistance and maximise flexibility (Zone3, UK), adjustable alpine ski boots that provide flexibility for scaling uphill slopes and rigidity for downhill skiing (DYNAFIT, Italy) and a power breather for swimmers (Ameo, Germany) which enhances lap times.
▼商店局部和展览空间,采用由不锈钢管围合而成的圆形展览系统,partial interior view and the circular exhibition space that is defined by stainless steel
▼商店局部和展览空间,商店墙面还采用三角形的元素,the circular exhibition space and partial interior view of the store with triangular element on the wall
1. “360°全景滑雪体验器(Pro Ski 360 Simulator)”模拟器装置是新加坡的首个能够使体验者完全身临其境的滑雪模拟器,该装置设有虚拟的下坡滑道(Downhill)、自由滑道(Freeride)和平行障碍滑道(Slalom)等选项,体验者可自行选择。穿上Dynafit滑雪靴,体验者便可以开始体验之旅,看看自己是否能够打破记录。 2. “自由登山者(Freedom Climber)”是一个室内互动性非机动攀岩墙,也是新加坡的首例,该体验装置带有可旋转表面,体验者只需穿上登山鞋,就可以在没有任何高度危险的情况下感受到登山的乐趣。 3. “魔镜(Magic Mirror)”是Durasport运动商店中的一个特色,体验者不用亲自穿上滑雪服,只需直接站在镜面装置前,便可以进行“试穿”,还可以通过电子邮件将“试穿”的照片发送给自己。 4. 在“Vasa游泳体验仪(Vasa Swim Trainer Pro)”的训练台上,顾客们不仅可以对Zone3品牌的防寒泳衣进行实景体验和测试,还能够大秀一把自己矫健的泳姿和过硬的技术。 5. 在“Nero Elite互动装置(Nero Elite Interactive)”的自行车训练带上,顾客们可以体验这个价值30,000新元的Dassi自行车,值得一提的是,这个互动装置,也是新加坡的首例。
▼滑雪体验区,设有“360°全景滑雪体验器”,arctic immersive zone with “Pro Ski 360 Simulator”
▼滑雪体验区细节,details of the arctic immersive zone
Not only can athletes purchase these ultra-performance gear all in one place to “up their game”, they can also test them in the store, using 5 simulators in the store, all of which are firsts in Singapore.
1. First in Singapore to carry this, Durasport features “Pro Ski 360 Simulator”, a completely immersive ski simulator featuring Downhill mythical slopes, Freeride, and Slalom (Parallel) ski options. Strap on the Dynafit ski boots and see if you can beat the fastest time logged. 2. Also a first in Singapore, the “Freedom Climber” is an indoor interactive non-motorized climbing wall with a rotating surface to simulate climbing without height risks, test your climbing shoes here! 3. Exclusive to Durasport, the “Magic Mirror” allows customers to “try on” ski clothing and email photos to themselves, without physically putting on the ski outfits. 4. Test the flexibility of the Zone3 wetsuit and your stroke technique on the the “Vasa Swim Trainer Pro” swim bench. 5. Another first in Singapore, you can test the S$30,000 Dassi bicycle on the “Nero Elite Interactive” cycling trainer rollers.
▼登山体验空间,设有“自由登山者”模拟装置,the climb immersive zone with “Freedom Climber”
Durasport运动商店是建筑事务所Ministry of Design为客户Durasafe所设计的第二个项目,在本项目中,建筑师提出的问题是:如何在21世纪中创建一个实体运动商店?要知道,在新加坡这样的国家中,零售市场已经非常成熟了,网店也越来越普遍,更为重要的一点是,市面上已经有很多老牌的多品牌体育用品商店了,为此,建筑师对体育用品市场和客户现有的品牌和商品库存进行了详细的调研,最终明确出一个细分的市场——“超性能”运动爱好者群体,且目前来看,这个细分市场尚未完全开发。一旦明确了这些关键性的定位和品牌决策,同时有品牌和产品作为参考,建筑师便有了设计的方向,从而进行一系列与用户体验、空间规划、3D探索形式、材料和照明设施、展示系统、品牌名称、品牌标志和周边、以及总体视觉效果等相关的设计。
Durasport is the 2nd store we’ve designed for our client Durasafe, and the question we asked is, ‘How do we make a brick and mortar sports store relevant in the 21st century?’ In a mature retail market like Singapore where online shopping is prevalent and there is no shortage of established multi-label sports stores, we analysed the sporting goods market as well as our client’s existing brand and product inventory, and eventually identified a market segment that at present remains relatively untapped: the ‘ultra-performance’ athlete & sporting enthusiast. Once these critical positioning and brand decisions were made, they became the project’s “North Star”, referred to and applied downstream to the choice of brands and products to carry, user experience journey, spatial planning, 3D form exploration, material and lighting selection, display system design, brand name, logo and collaterals, and overarching visual identity.
▼“魔镜”装置体验区,可直接站在镜面装置前进行“试穿”,the “Magic Mirror”, customers can “try on” ski clothing without physically putting on the ski outfits
▼自行车运动体验空间,设有“Nero Elite互动装置”,cycle immersive zone with “Nero Elite Interactive”
▼自行车运动体验空间细节,details of the cycle immersive zone
▼展览空间细节,details of the display space
值得一提的是,店内体验的关键在于三个阶段的零售策略,即以“激发、沉浸和(随后)说服客户”来完善空间体验。为了完善Durasport运动商店的整体品牌体验,建筑事务所Ministry of Design还构思了品牌名称,并为其设计了品牌LOGO和一系列周边产品如手提袋、名片、信笺、信封和内部标志等,以反映和传达品牌的基本品质:活力、创新和超高的运动性能等。
Key to the in-store experience is a 3-stage retail strategy to ‘excite, immerse and (subsequently) convince’ the customer. Rounding off Durasport’s holistic brand experience, MOD has also conceived the brand name, and designed the logo and collaterals such as the carrier bags, name cards, letterheads, envelopes, and internal signage to reflect the brand’s essential qualities: dynamism, innovation and ultra-high sporting performance.
▼建筑师设计的商店周边商品,the collaterals of the store designed by architects
▼平面布置图,layout plan
Design Firm: Ministry of Design Design Design Team: Colin Seah, Joyce Low, Kevin Leong , Fai Suvisith, Justin Lu, Nong Chotipatoomwan, Maggie Lek, Richard Herman Responsibility: Brand Strategy + Interior + Signage + Graphic Design Built in GFA: 183sqm Built: 2019 Location: Singapore Branding collaterals: Logo, Store business card, Letterhead, Envelope, Vinyl sticker display tags, shopper’s bags (3 types, S,M, L), & product description labels Facilities: A) 4 Immersive Zones (54.8 sqm) – Cycle (18.9 sqm), Arctic (13.2 sqm), Climb (10.8 sqm), Trizone (11.9 sqm) B) Central spine display with Product Displays 1-3 (93.4 sqm) C) Others: Help desk & Cashier , Fitting room, Window display, ipad stand, Hanger Wall, Measurement Wall Construction duration: 9 weeks Date of Completion: 1 April 2019 Official Opening: 17 April 2019 Photography: CI&A Photography, Edward Hendricks ID Contractor: Kingsmen Projects Pte Ltd Owner: Jefferson Soh, Managing Director, Durasafe Pte Ltd