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意大利 San Rocco 教堂

2019/05/15 13:55:18
仍在建设中的San Rocco教堂由水平的综合设施和一个垂直的中空体量构成,一方面连接了教区服务与街区环境,另一方面则强调了教堂作为神圣空间在城市中的地位。主体建筑坐落在场地的西北侧,重新定义了位于Cavour大道和Roma大道之间的街区一角。
The play on the contrast between an horizontal perimetrical complex and a plastic vertical body, was a choice made with the intention, on the one hand, of linking the parish services to the fabric of the neighborhood and on the other, of reaffirming the presence of the church as a sacred space in the city. The building lies on the northwest side of the ground, redefining the corner of the block between Via Cavour and Via Roma.
▼教堂外观,exterior view
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▼建造中的教堂内部,interior view during construction
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The church, rotated with respect to the entire complex, was conceived of as a single volume 30 meters high and inclined at 30 degrees with respect to the ground. It reaches out towards the parvis and is cut at the top only by a great cross- shaped opening. The weekday chapel is on the side of the church; the parish centre is perpendicular to Via Roma and the covered colonnade is on the other end of the parish centre. The parvis becomes the place of social gathering and the central element of the entire complex.
▼教堂顶部开凿出一个十字架形的玻璃天窗,将光线引入内部,the church volume is cut at the top only by a great cross- shaped opening
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▼十字形天窗,the cross- shaped opening
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▼场地平面图,site plan
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▼首层平面图,ground floor plan
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▼二层平面图,first  floor plan
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