

San Antonio是厄瓜多尔的安巴托(Ambato)市的一个住宅区,在这里,无数曾经的独栋住宅逐渐变成一座座住宅楼。作为安巴托市的中心区和主要街区之一,San Antonio不仅能够为其住户提供全面的服务,享有着极高的辨识度和认可度,其中还有一系列不同风格的建筑物,让人们能够大饱眼福。
San Antonio is a residential neighborhood in the city of Ambato – Ecuador, the single-family homes are becoming buildings. It is a central district, has all the services, was one of the main neighborhoods of the city and enjoyed great recognition for its festivities and the architecture style we can find in it.
▼住宅楼外观,exterior view ©Jag Studio
The homeowners who once lived in this area have changed and the united neighborhood that once existed has become a walled neighborhood, lacking in community and public space. The property for the project has a complex geometry, a practically triangular shape lot, with almost 20 meters of front and 3 meters in the back. In addition to this, an existing house built at the back of the land must be conserved.
▼住宅楼外观,建筑建于一片近似三角形的基地上,exterior view, the building is built on a practically triangular shape lot ©Jag Studio
▼立面设计生成过程,the facade scheme
To provide the city with an element that opens onto the street, which gives its space to the neighborhood and allows it to be part of it from the neighborhood. Seeing and being seen is part of a response to the lack of communication and insecurity that has been experienced in recent years, where the streets delimit their journey with high walls totally impermeable to a daily reality. The optimization of resources as a constructive and financial strategy for achieving a successful commercial project and within the economic margins of the market.
▼住宅楼临街立面外观,使用玻璃立面和由木板条打造而成的竖向百叶般的外表皮,exterior view of the street-fronted facade, using glass and vertical louver-like wooden panels as the skin ©Jag Studio
The building exposes its social areas and access to the neighborhood, has a permeable and adaptable screen that sifts the light and provides security to the element without losing the direct connection to the street. The fence opens towards the street, giving the neighborhood a green area and public space. The transparency of the enclosure and the permeability of the façade generate a kind of void in the walled street.
▼临街立面局部,将作为公共空间的小片绿地设置在建筑朝向街道的围栏之外,partial exterior view of the street-fronted facade, the fence opens towards the street, giving the neighborhood a green area and public space ©Jag Studio
▼临街立面局部,装有可调节竖向百叶的玻璃立面不仅确保了室内与街道的联系,还引入自然光线,partial exterior view of the street-fronted facade, the adaptable screen sifts the light without losing the direct connection to the street ©Jag Studio
▼可调节竖向百叶外表皮细节,details of the adaptable vertical louver-like skin ©Jag Studio
Three apartments distributed in 3 floors, the complex angles of the land gave the pattern to generate light courtyards and spatial organization on each floor. The light courtyards also centralize all the installations and allow cross ventilation in the spaces.
▼室内楼梯井空间仰视,天窗采光,looking up from the interior stairs space, the skylight introduces natural light ©Jag Studio
▼室内楼梯井空间俯视,采用线型的幕帘作为楼梯扶手,looking down from the interior stairs space, using the lineal screen as the handrails ©Jag Studio
▼室内楼梯井空间局部,天窗和通透的玻璃立面将光线引入室内,partial view of the interior stairs space, the skylight and the transparent glass facade introduce the sunlight ©Jag Studio
▼公寓内部空间组织和灵活的辅助空间,the interior spatial organization and the flexible secondary space
▼辅助空间具有灵活的组织方式,the secondary space has flexibility
Among the habitability analysis, the kitchen is considered as a fundamental point in the home (point of heat) this is an articulating space of the departments vinvulating the two areas, bedrooms and social areas. In addition to this, each department has a master bedroom, and a flexible secondary space, which has a series of sliding pivoting panels that can transform this space from a multipurpose room into two independent bedrooms according to the needs of the users.
▼公寓的起居空间和厨房,采用钢筋混凝土隔墙,the living space and the kitchen with reinforced concrete diaphragms ©Jag Studio
▼公寓的厨房,采用混凝土井字梁系统,the kitchen with the concrete cross beam system ©Jag Studio
▼从厨房看向私密空间,looking from the kitchen to the private space ©Jag Studio
At the construction matter, the project structure is designed with reinforced concrete diaphragms, which support the three lightened slabs. All the elements are modulated in standard formats of boards and pieces of formwork to minimize the waste of material and reduce the time and cost in unnecessary cuts a workforce. The diaphragms make up most of the internal divisions, while the rest of the divisions are built with pressed block masonry, which reduces time, costs and volume of material in walls and plaster reinforcement. Wood and metal are the other two materials that complement the structure in closures, facade, vertical circulation, details among others.
▼住宅楼夜景,night view ©Jag Studio
▼住宅楼手绘轴测图及其光影效果,the sketched axon and its light and shadow effect
▼下层平面图,lower floor plan
▼上层平面图,upper floor plan
▼正立面图,front elevation
Design: RAMA estudio Architectural Design: Carla Chávez, Felipe Donoso, Carolina Rodas Client: Cadd y Construcciones Location: San Antonio, Ambato-Ecuador Builder: Cadd y Construcciones Analysis and structural calculation: Ing.Germán Rosero Electrical Engineering: Ing:Juan Trujillo Electrical Design: Ing Javier García Designer Team: Carolina Rodas, Carla Chávez, Felipe Donoso, Eduardo Pullas, Diego Vélez. Construction Area: 400 m2 State: Completed 2018 Photo credits: Jag Studio Illustration: Carlos Valarezo