

▼杭州甜品店项目概览,overall view of A.Mono Patisserie
“我这个项目没什么特殊的地方,简单说就是做个甜品店,百十平米。但是我又不普通,因为我长在一片美好的景区里,位置在杭州市满陇桂雨景区,赫赫有名的满觉陇路上。什么西湖九溪十八涧,于谦墓,三竺寺还有宋城…都是我的好邻居。所以我不需要突出自己,周围的好邻居都让我底气十足。所以虽然我的前身是一栋农民自建房以及房前沿街的棚架加建。所以我也并没多么想通过设计改头换面。我依旧气定神闲,保持住淡定克制的态势,在这继续好好的做个景区中安静的好房子。” ——建筑的自述
“Being an ordinary patisserie, approximately 110m2, still there are some unique elements which make me stand out from others. I emerged in an unusual scenic place, located in Manjuelong Village, Hangzhou, along the well-known street named Man Jue Long, therefore I don’t have to outstand myself from the site, as they are a part of me. As I was once a small house built by the locals, I didn’t want to have a complete makeover, all I want is to sit quietly in this picturesque spot, merging myself into the nature.” – building’s biograph
▼隐于景区中的甜品店,Patisserie hidden in the nature
说到躲起来,就难免说点题外话。因为作为一个法式甜品店,业主取了一个神秘的名字叫A. Mono (Arrival to Mono),mono来源于日本的物派艺术(Mono-ha),强调物与物之间关系的存在。好比在这里就像是说人也可以是物,可以是自然,自然也可以成为物,亦或是有了灵魂成为另一种意义上的人,所以人-物-自然,成了可以互为转换的三个元素。言而总之,这种物我自然的三重境界,成了我们这个设计中最想传达出的最想被人感知的部分。
As a French patisserie, the owner came up with a mystical name called A.Mono (Arrival to Mono), ‘mono’ originated from a Japanese aesthetic theory (Mono-ha), which emphasize the relationship between one object to another. Applying this theory onto this building, human can be considered as one of the ‘object’, same to nature, therefore the relationship between human, object and nature, these three elements become the foundation of the design.
▼下层露台,氛围安静亲密,terrace on the lower floor creating an intimate and tranquil atmosphere
This building can be classified into two parts, the upper and the lower part. The upper part is renovated from a typical farmer house built by the locals with an addition shed. Initially, we planned to use a transparent material to wrap the shed with the building together to form a sleek outlook, but unfortunately to no avail due to some site condition. Instead, glass shed is used along the boundary, linking from the road into the inner part of the building and to the lower part. We gave up the complicated design thoughts in the beginning and started off with laying the terrazzo flooring and seating to part out each spaces, guiding the flow of people into the shed and then into the interior. This dessert bar is best described as a rest station in the mountain, welcoming fashionable visitors from the city, at the same time becoming a great stop for the locals or even the cats and dogs to catch up.
▼入口棚架,covered outdoor space at the entrance
In the slightly packed interior space, we placed an open bar area as the core of the space. Even though the bar area is separated from the seating area, it is still visually connected to the customers where the process of making desserts and drink can be appreciated. A few bar seats were place along the bar top, maximizing the interaction between customers and the barista. Besides, the huge bay windows bring in the mountain views, by opening them up when there is great weather, it may be hard to tell whether it is an indoor or an outdoor.
▼操作区为空间核心,open bar area as the core of the space
Compared to the open flow on the upper floor, the lower part is sitting in between the intertwining of existing trees, forming an intimate atmosphere between nature. Following the shed, one will be greeted with an open terrace, facing to an infinite picturesque view. The upper and lower part are connected through stairs, enlarging in width while going downwards, with a continuous railing, acting as a bar top at the same time.
▼洞穴般的下层空间,cave-like space on the lower floor
▼拓宽的扶手形成连续吧台,continuous railing as a bar top
Walking down from the stairs, four existing trees could be seen growing harmoniously with the building, merging into one. It is as if the trees punctured through the stairs, through the terrazzo ground, out of the railing, toward the sun.
▼大树和谐地与楼梯和吧台长在一起,the tree is growing with the stairs and bar top
The interior of the lower part easily led us to think of cave-like living. We opted an arched ceiling with concrete texture, eventhe lighting was controlled to be slightly dimmer, imitating the spatial quality of a cave. Providing the continuous terrazzo flooring from interior to exterior and the full height glass window, the boundary between nature and man-made feature is blurred.
▼大飘窗将景色引入室内,large widows introduce nature into the interior space
▼弧形水泥吊顶和白色水磨石地面,arched concrete ceiling and white terrazzo flooring
In amidst of nature, we wish to fit in a certain level of formation and functionality, while coexisting with nature, maintaining its existing pace, leading to another way of living.
▼夜景,night view
▼总平面图,site plan
▼下层平面图,lower floor plan
▼上层平面图,upper floor plan
▼屋顶平面图,roof plan