

小大为新生活方式的多品牌集合平台“zuczug 素然”旗下的“in the park”进行的店铺空间设计。店铺新开业期间,小大作为与”park”合作的第一个设计师团队在“in the PARK”里举办了一个为期1个半月的建筑作品展。
Zuczug is a multi-brand collective platform of new lifestyle, and the store space of its sub-brand “In the Park” was designed by Kooo Architects. During the new shop opening period, Kooo Architects which as a first design team to cooperate with “Park” held anexhibition of architectural model project about one and a half months in the designed store.
展览名称:小大in the park 地址:上海市徐汇区安福路322号6号楼1F 时间:2019.1.27-3.10每日10:00-22:00 空间设计:小大建筑设计事务所 展览平面设计:刘欢/UNITAG DESIGN logo设计:周锦葵 摄影:林未秋(小大建筑事务所)
▼通透的店铺外观,transparent shop front
Review these years since Kooo Architects established, one of the projects is designed the Hotel Comfact in a narrow space in Tokyo. For the purpose of addressing privacy problem came from site’s building density, we met resident’s committee several times. Sometimes we visited the site in village where even has no signal and had discussion with local construction party who cannot understand the drawing about how to use local technique build the house. Sometimes we discussed with costume designer about part connection of a mobile building which is shown in the Louvre museum in France, and continually tried different sample.
▼展览空间一览,exhibition space
▼人们在不同的展台前停留,people attracted by different exhibition units
我们认为突显核心的想法具有巨大的力量。 突显核心想法所指的是,在推进项目的同时,接受相关人员所提出的限制与要求,并与他们共同成长,拥有强大的包容力。我们相信依靠这个想法所做出来的建筑作品,时隔多年再次回顾,依旧保有超越地域文化,备受吸引的力量。
We think that highlighting kernel of idea has tremendous power, which means accept the limitations and requirements of relevant personnel also grow with them with strong tolerance while the project is working, we affirmatively believed that the architectural works we created based on this kind of thinking, which is still retain the power to go beyond regional culture and be attracted by humans.
▼展览现场,view of the exhibition
Architecture-related designing seems to be a complex puzzle, but it always has many solutions with lively forms. We have always been steady in our pursuit of good works that can be accepted by various cultures.
▼展览空间后的服装展示区,clothing display area behind the exhibition space
With the purpose of this exhibition is introducing some of our practices through these projects.
▼夜景,night view
▼展览平面图,exhibition guide