墨尔本 CBD 未来生活模型 | Eq.塔垂直社区设计

2019/01/30 10:00:03
本项目是建筑事务所Elenberg Fraser新上任的设计总监Igor Kebel主持设计的第一个项目,成功地完成了建筑事务所Elenberg Fraser向完全参数化的设计过程的转型。Eq.塔是一座新的住宅楼,位于墨尔本CBD区域西北边缘的A’Beckett大街上,靠近维多利亚市场,它生动地展现了建筑师Igor Kebel探索新的建筑领域的热情。该项目预示了墨尔本未来的城市面貌,即它有望成为东南亚城市体系中一颗熠熠生辉的明珠。Eq.塔还为维多利亚市场提供了一种感官上十分舒服的建筑形式,使该地区的建筑不必再拘泥于混凝土的方盒子体量,同时作为一剂强心针,为墨尔本现下尚未充分开发的西北角带去活力并引领其未来的发展。
A while ago we introduced Igor Kebel, our new Design Director – the time has come to introduce his first project, which we’re proud to announce represents a dramatic shift in the Elenberg Fraser design process into a completely parametric environment. Eq.Tower – a new residential building situated on the north-western edge of Melbourne’s CBD at A’Beckett Street, near the corner of Elizabeth and Queen – is also dedicated to Igor’s love affair with the New World. The project is a teaser for Melbourne’s urban future – this city has the potential to be a glittering star in the galaxy of South-East Asian cities. Eq.Tower also provides a luscious alternative to the concrete boxiness of the Victoria Markets precinct and will be a catalyst for regeneration in the currently under-utilised north-western corner of Melbourne.
▼建筑外观,exterior view
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回到设计本身,建筑事务所Elenberg Fraser的参数化设计过程确保每座建筑都围绕着其物理要求进行设计,从而在特定的场地产生特定的影响和效果。而对于那些进行渴望科技上的创新的人来说,这也是一个千载难逢的好时机——因为建筑事务所Elenberg Fraser正在使用编程的方式进行参数化设计。建筑师通过一系列小规模的程序设计,使整个建筑方案得以满足要求:在朝向上满足景观视野的要求、日间采光必须满足舒适度要求,同时还需要考虑建筑与风频率和风振荡之间的相互作用。因此,建筑师需要运行程序以解析设计:首先,使用名为Ecotect的软件对程序中的代码进行测试,如果测试通过,则再由团队成员们进行进一步的调整。这使得建筑事务所Elenberg Fraser能够放大他们的实验成果,同时找寻到隐藏在每个站点下的正确编码,从而获得了如今Eq.塔可延伸到菱形的建筑顶部的独特的沙漏形状的造型:建筑师们确信,这个形状将为这个特定的场地提供最佳的风环境和自然光环境的应对对策。
But back to the future of Elenberg Fraser – our new parametric process ensures that each building is designed around its physical requirements, producing the best result for each specific site. For those who want to get technical we are now designing using the parameters of a scripting process. A series of small routines covers the main criteria: view lines/aspect, amenity/daylighting and interaction with wind frequency and oscillation. The programs are run to resolve the design, which is tested in Ecotect software then further adapted by the team. This gives us the ability to amp up our experiments and find the truth hidden in each site. At Eq.Tower, it’s resulted in the unique hourglass form, which stretches up to a diamond-shaped top: we know this is the shape that will provide the best outcomes in terms of wind and sun for this particular site.
▼从远处看塔楼,建筑下部采用沙漏状的造型,上部则为菱形,着重考虑了风环境、光环境和景观视野,viewing the tower from a distance, the tower is in the unique hourglass form, which stretches up to a diamond-shaped top, taking the wind, natural light and views into great consideration
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此外,建筑事务所Elenberg Fraser的新设计过程还有一个特点,那就是阳台和冬景花园的无缝整合。众所周知,当建筑超过24层后,超出部分需要设置封闭阳台以确保室内环境的舒适性,因此,建筑师创造了一个腮状的结构,使得室内空间仍然可以与其周边的建筑元素进行互动。颜色的变化增强了建筑的多面性,这个构想来源于本项目的首席建筑师所钟爱的香水——迪奥华氏男士香水的瓶身设计。特殊的低辐射玻璃和其上附着的定向氧化物涂层使得建筑可以与太阳相互作用,并随着太阳的移动和光线的强弱而不断改变自身的颜色。当太阳的高度较低时,玻璃便会呈现出淡粉色的色调,而当太阳高度较高时,建筑表面则会反射出天空的景色。建筑事务所Elenberg Fraser中的建筑狂热爱好者可能会将这种现象当作是该事务所自身从柯布西耶到密斯、再到现在后密斯时代的现代主义过渡的一种认可,而Eq.塔的玫瑰色调也与建筑师自己的住宅中光滑且具有流动性的粉色相呼应。
▼从远处看塔楼,建筑在白天太阳高度较低时呈现粉色,viewing the tower from a distance, the glass glows with a pinkish hue when the sun is low
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Another feature informed by our new process is the seamless integration between balconies and wintergardens – we now know that after 24 storeys we need to enclose balconies to ensure comfort for residents so we created gill-like structures that still allow for interaction with the elements. The multi-faceted form is enhanced by the variation in colour – nominally inspired by the Dior Fahrenheit bottle, not-so-coincidentally our lead architect’s signature fragrance. Specially sourced low emissivity glass with a directional oxide coating means that the building interacts with the sun, constantly changing with colour and light. When the sun is low, the glass glows with a pinkish hue, when it’s high – it reflects the sky. Architecture geeks amongst us might appreciate that this is a nod to Elenberg Fraser’s own transition through modernism from ‘Corb’ through to Mies, and now post-Mies – Eq.Tower’s rose tint echoes the slippery, fluid roses reflected in his House of the Architect.
▼塔楼外观局部,当太阳高度较高时,塔楼外立面反射天空的景象,part of the exterior view, when the sun is high, the tower facade reflects the sky
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一进入住宅楼内部,住户就立即置身于墨尔本著名的道路网络系统中,一条带拱廊的街道连通着周边的道路、市场和一些小路,穿过城市抵达亚拉河畔。从下向上看,建筑形成了一个垂直的社区,这是建筑事务所Elenberg Fraser对城市公寓的最新研究成果:建筑师们通过建筑技术和基础设施创造了一个共享型的经济体系和一系列社交空间,而Eq塔只是该构架的一半体现。裙房的顶层是为住户设计的休闲娱乐区,该区域内设有一系列卡拉OK套房、剧院、泳池、水疗中心、桑拿浴室和健身房等,其中一些设施可以通过特定的小应用程序进行预订。一路向上走,来到了33层,这里设有游戏设施、私人用餐和酒吧休息室等一系列空间,以供住户举办从晚宴到泳池派对等一切他们所能想到的活动。
Entering inside you are immediately situated in Melbourne’s celebrated laneway network, an arcade connects to the surrounding streets, the market and the informal paths that wind down through the city to the banks of the Yarra. Looking up, the building forms a vertical community – Eq.Tower is the latest manifestation of our research into urban apartment living – we have created a shared economy and social spaces through the technology of the building and infrastructure, the apartments themselves are only half the story. At the top of the podium find a residents’ lounge with karaoke suites, theatrette, pool, spa, sauna and gym – some of which are bookable by a special applet. Way up on level 33 you can host everything from a dinner party to a pool night, with games, private dining and bar/lounge facilities.
▼建筑裙房顶层的休闲娱乐区局部,其中设有一系列公共设施,part of the residents’ lounge with a series of facilities at the top of the podium
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The backdrop to this urban community is the interior design, which continues the morphological motif. From the lobby, mirrored and metallic coloured portals signal the ‘Inception-style’ transitions through space, culminating at the threshold of each apartment. Inside, the gradient starts again, with materials and furnishing moving from dark to light, set against a natural palette. From the dramatic timber kitchen island bench, to the floating mirrored range hoods, to the chevron tile walls in the bathroom, these apartments are full of surprising tones and textures, with space maximised to an almost impossible degree.
▼大堂空间局部,一系列金属色的镜面玻璃传达出一种盗梦空间般的空间过渡感,part of the lobby, mirrored and metallic coloured portals signal the ‘Inception-style’ transitions through space
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这种CBD区域的未来建筑生活模型同时也是建筑事务所Elenberg Fraser正在开拓的新前沿领域。像Eq.塔一样,Elenberg Fraser完成了从“我们是谁”到“我们在哪儿”的身份转换,为“墨尔本将来成为东南亚的地标性城市”而努力,并为能够为该过程出一份力而感到自豪。
This new prototype of CBD living is also the new frontier of Elenberg Fraser. From who we are to where we are, just like Eq.Tower we are tickled pink to be part of Melbourne’s future as a South-East Asian city.
▼公寓室内空间局部,采用灰暗的色调,part of the interior space of the apartment in the dark tone
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▼公寓内的厨房中岛空间,the kitchen island inside the apartment
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▼厨房中岛局部,采用明亮的色调,part of the kitchen island in the palette of light
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Location: Melbourne, Australia Project size: 55000 m2 Site size: 1895 m2 Completion date: 2017 Structural / Civil Engineer: Robert Bird Group Quantity Surveyor: WT Partnership Town Planner: Urbis Acoustic Engineer: Vipac Consultants Fire Engineer: Omnii Traffic Engineer: Cardno Grogan Richards Architect: Elenberg Fraser Furniture Supplier: Hub Furniture
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