

soft pond是nendo为施华洛世奇家居工作室设计的水晶托盘系列。
A range of small crystal trays for “Atelier Swarovski Home”, a home collection launched by an Austrian crystal brand Swarovski, founded in 1895.
A unique quality of flat-cut crystals, used for chandeliers and dresses, is that the thicker the material is, the more saturated its color gets. The same phenomenon appears in large bodies of water – the deeper the lake is, the darker its color. Therefore, a mix of crystal thicknesses was used in the objects to gain a range of shades and convey a feeling of depth.
▼设计草图,design sketch
The crystals were made by gradually increasing the thickness from top down, starting with 4mm, 5mm, 6mm, then 7mm. They were also tapered so they will become thinner towards the outer periphery, to create a gradient effect within the same depth of water. The result is a small vessel that resembles a small pond scooped up and placed on the table. The trays come in four different sizes, all with change of cutting at the same thickness, aimed to make the depth of water appear the same when using several vessels at the same time.
The incline on the upper surface was created using a technique of acid pickling, controlling the desired proportion by gradually enlarging the pool of acid. The appearance of this liquid-based manufacturing process supplements the overall concept by evoking the image of small ponds also during production.
Collaborator: nis Photographer : Akihiro Yoshida