
2019/01/16 16:26:11
阿姆斯特尔大厦是Powerhouse Company事务所首座已落成的高层建筑项目,它完美地体现了公司在建筑和城市设计方面的愿景,满足了定制化建筑不断增长的功能需求,并通过积极与周围的城市环境相融合,有效提高了建筑的整体质量。
Amstel Tower, Powerhouse Company’s first completed high-rise, perfectly embodies the firm’s vision of architectural and urban design. It also meets a growing demand for bespoke buildings with unique programmatic requirements and adds overall quality by actively integrating with the surrounding urban fabric.
▼建筑概览,overview ©Christian Richters
With an innovative design, Amstel Tower transforms a public transportation hub into a vibrant mixed-use complex for living, working and playing. Located next to the Amsterdam Amstel Station, the new tower comprises a 24-story residential tower, mid-rise podium for an international hotel and landscaped ground level with retail and parking. Amstel Tower is commissioned by Provast.
▼场地鸟瞰,新的塔楼与阿姆斯特丹阿姆斯特尔车站相邻,aerial view, the new tower is next to the Amsterdam Amstel Station ©Ossip van Duivenbode
As the second-busiest transport hub in Amsterdam, Amstel Station is currently undergoing a major infrastructure upgrade. Amstel Tower is a vital part of this development to transform the area into an exciting new district. The complexities of introducing a dynamic new public space and a residential function on the site included optimizing the flow of travelers on the ground floor, minimizing the building’s overshadowing and reducing impact of traffic noise for the new residents. The design solution was to create a soft, elegant building that not only addresses these complexities, but also stands in gentle contrast to the surrounding rectilinear high-rises.
▼阿姆斯特尔大厦实现了动态公共空间与住宅功能的有效结合,the design introduces a dynamic new public space and a residential function on the site ©Ossip van Duivenbode
105米高的塔楼与宽阔的裙楼展示出不同的城市特征。从历史悠久的市中心和Wibautstraat主干道望向建筑时,塔楼以其独特的轮廓丰富了阿姆斯特丹的城市天际线。建筑的轮廓向着东面逐渐展开。高度较低的裙楼与毗邻的小型建筑形成和谐对话,同时激活了新的公共广场。Powerhouse Company事务所于各利益方进行了深入的研究和讨论,最终决定将建筑的首层打造为充满活力的公共空间,使其与既有的场地网络交织在一起。
The 105-metre-high tower and wide podium each have a different urban character. Enriching the Amsterdam skyline with an iconic silhouette, the tower appears slender when viewed from the historic city centre and from the Wibautstraat, a major avenue and urban axis. Its profile gradually unfolds eastwards. The low podium engages with the immediate small-scale surroundings and activates a new public square. After careful research and discussion with stakeholders, Powerhouse Company modeled the ground floor as a vibrant public space that is interwoven with the existing site networks.
大厦的设计灵感来源于 H.G.J. Schelling在1930年代设计的阿姆斯特尔车站的圆形天顶。在该项目中,这座天顶被重新诠释为一个环绕裙楼和塔楼各层的屋檐结构,在建立视觉连贯性的同时,为每间公寓提供户外空间,并起到遮阳和隔音的作用。此外,立面上的垂直元素与旧车站优美的全玻璃立面保持了韵律上的一致。圆角轮廓和不对称的造型缓和了塔楼对周围街区形成的阻挡感,以一种友好而柔和的流线型姿态对河岸环境形成了完美的补充。
The design of the tower takes inspiration from the rounded canopy of the 1930s Amstel Station designed by H.G.J. Schelling. The canopy is reinterpreted as full-perimeter overhangs across the podium and on each level of the tower. This creates visual coherence and provides outdoor space, sun shading and noise protection for the apartments. In addition, the rhythm of the vertical elements in the facade is carefully synchronised with the rhythm of Schelling’s beautiful full-glass facade of the main train station hall. The rounded corners and asymmetrical shape limit overshadowing onto the neighbourhood and create an inviting, streamlined profile that perfectly complements its riverside surroundings.
▼环绕裙楼和塔楼各层的屋檐结构带来户外空间,并起到遮阳和隔音的作用,the full-perimeter overhangs across the podium and on each level of the tower provide outdoor space, sun shading and noise protection for the apartments ©Ossip van Duivenbode
阿姆斯特尔大厦的设计目的并不仅仅是与城市形成连接,它还将为年轻的专业人士提供价格适宜的高品质住宅空间,解决他们在城市中心找房和住房的问题,以此来激发更强的社会凝聚力。Powerhouse Company事务所以智慧创新型的设计应对了功能需求上的挑战,打造出一座能够为城市生活赋予质量和活力的建筑。
However, Amstel Tower’s design not only seeks to create architectural and urban connections, but also stimulates greater social cohesion by providing affordable, high-quality living spaces for young professionals, a group that finds it increasingly challenging to find adequate housing within the city limits. By using the programmatic challenges and opportunities in a smart and innovative way, Powerhouse Company has managed to create a building that adds quality and liveliness to the city in numerous ways.
▼阿姆斯特尔大厦提供价格适宜的高品质住宅空间, Amstel Tower stimulates greater social cohesion by providing affordable, high-quality living spaces ©Jeroen Musch
▼场地平面图,site plan ©Powerhouse Company
▼轴测图,axon ©Powerhouse Company
▼公寓平面图,apartment floor plan ©Powerhouse Company
PROJECT CREDITS Client: Provast Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands Size: 27.000m2 Architect: Powerhouse Company Partners in Charge: Paul Stavert, Nanne de Ru Team: Nanne de Ru, Paul Stavert, Ard Jan Lootens, Erwin van Strien, Gert Ververs, Joppe Kusters, Max Tala Nossin, Mitchel Veloo, Nolly Vos, Stefan de Meijer, Alex Niemantsverdriet, Amber Peters, Helena Tse, Jeffrey Ouwens, Luca Piattelli, Luke Vermeulen, Máté Molnár, Maud Gossink, Murtada Al-Kaabi, Paul Rikken, Pim Haring, Ruben van der Spek, Undine Kimmel Contractor: JP van Eesteren Structural engineering: IMd raadgevende ingenieurs Installation engineering: Ingenieursburo Linssen
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