

著名厨师Javier Aranda要求我们对他的一家米其林星级餐厅La Cabra进行改造。这并非一件容易的事情,因为Javier Aranda一方面希望保留一些代表了他烹饪理念的元素,另一方面他希望引入一种不同的饮食方式,改变原有概念的空间和氛围。
The well-known Chef Javier Aranda asked us to renovate of one of his Michelin starred restaurants, La Cabra. It wasn’t an easy task because he wanted to keep some of the elements he had introduced in the past which defined his elegant gastronomical concept. On the other hand, he was sure about changing the concepts space. He wanted to introduce a different way of eating and this entailed a total atmosphere change.
▼餐厅内部空间,interior of the restaurant
There was another important condition. The restaurant would only be closed for three weeks. After that time, they had confirmed reservations. For that reason, the works had to be done during this strict and short period of time. This is why we decided to organize the intervention in two different parts. The first part took place before the three weeks and consisted of the design and production of most of the elements. The other one was the actual intervention which lasted three weeks. It meant and involved installing prefabricated elements and the space modifications.
▼吧台用餐区,bar area
Through this process we did a large number of prototypes and samples in collaboration with different craftsmen in order to control any parameters and possible constrains. When the intervention site date came, most of the work was done and was ready to be installed. We spent most of the three weeks creating the new space distribution, covering the structure walls using bricks and painting the ceilings dark. At the same time, we installed prefab elements on the space.
▼刷成黑色的天花板,ceilings are painted in dark
▼用砖覆盖承重墙,covering the structure walls with bricks
主要的改造措施是采用预制构件如吧台、不同的桌子、三种沙发、灯具和椅子。所有的东西(除了椅子)都是由mecanismo 团队根据胡桃木块形成弧形家具表面这一理念设计的。材料方面,木材与其它天然材料相结合,例如大理石用于用餐区表面,钢用于辅助构件,织物用于所有的沙发和椅子。所有的材料都是天然的并且按照用途进行安装。
The main part of the intervention was composed by prefabricated elements: bars, different tables, three sofas, lamps and chairs. Everything (except the chairs) was designed by the mecanismo team based on the same concept, a wooden walnut brick pattern which generates curved furniture surfaces. As for the materials, wood is combined with other natural materials like marble for eating surfaces, steel was used in auxiliary elements, and fabric upholstered all the sofas and chair seats. All of materials are natural and were installed in a way that didn‘t feel alien for the used purposed.
▼木材与其它天然材料结合,wood is combined with other natural materials
▼胡桃木块形成弧形家具表面,a wooden walnut brick pattern which generates curved furniture surfaces
▼柔软的织物用于沙发和椅子,fabric upholstered all the sofas and chair seats
▼大理石用于用餐区表面,marble used on eating surfaces
▼钢用作辅助元素, steel was used in auxiliary elements
▼符合整体设计概念与用材的悬挂灯具,suspended lamps using the same concept and materials
Lighting was one of the most important aspects in the project. It was an essential way for creating a new and warmed atmosphere. In order to get this ambience, we designed two kinds of suspended lamps using the same concept and materials as in the rest of the elements. The result of the renovation is a warm and cozy atmosphere combined with a complex and fluid space.