

该项目位于哥斯达黎加的一处偏僻场地,四周种满了丝瓜和木瓜等植物,距离La Fortuna de San Carlos的热带雨林仅有15公里的距离。这所学校90%的学生都是来自贫困线以下的移民家庭和单亲家庭。对于大多数学生而言,学校能够为他们带来一个安全的环境,并且每天能保证一顿餐食——这也是阻止他们辍学的一个原因。
The school is located in Sector Angeles, a remote citadel surrounded by yucca and papaya plantations, at only 15 kilometers from the tropical forest of La Fortuna de San Carlos. It’s student population is 90% formed by children of migrant families who live below the poverty level and in a situation of social vulnerability. For most students, the school provides a safe environment and the only complete meal of the day, one of the main reasons that prevents them from dropping out of school, while their parents’s economy, mostly single women, depends on agricultural activities, which are the main source of their livelihoods.
▼学校外观,exterior view ©Fernando Alda
▼入口,entrance ©Fernando Alda
Norte Sur Arquitectos rethinks the traditional school’s institutional presence as the primary visual and cultural image of the traditional public education to create a colorful landmark that disrupts the monotony of the deep green landscape, to allow the students, school leadership, staff, and parents to develop a fresh and positive image of their physical space and an emotional connection to foster a sense of pride and ownership.
▼入口大台阶,large stair ©Fernando Alda
To provide with a comfortable learning environment in a hot and humid tropical region, where the rainy season lasts 9 months a year, the school is a passive bioclimatic structure that allows the building to breath, composed by low maintenance prefabricated systems and low cost materials that come together for construction economy and due to the lack of space to store materials during the construction process.
▼建筑采用了被动式的设计,并使用低维护成本的预制结构和材料进行建造, the school is a passive bioclimatic structure that allows the building to breath, composed by low maintenance prefabricated systems and low cost materials ©Fernando Alda
▼交通空间,circulation area ©Fernando Alda
The entire program is solved in one pavilion with three levels that takes advantage of the preexistent topography of the narrow plot. A wooden skeleton adds warmth and a playful diagonal rhythm across the building, to unify and alternate the different heights and scales between one level and the other. It also contains a gallery where the main circulation areas look down to the lower level corridor, which also serves as a polyvalent space for community meetings, school’s gathering events and playground for the children during the rainy days.
▼门厅可以作为多功能空间为学生们提供集会和活动场所,the gallery can serve as a polyvalent space for community meetings, school’s gathering events and playground during the rainy days ©Fernando Alda
▼对角线形的木制框架为整个建筑赋予了温暖和活泼的气息,the wooden skeleton adds warmth and a playful diagonal rhythm across the building ©Fernando Alda
▼木制框架细部,detailed view ©Fernando Alda
All the classrooms and the cafeteria windows are oriented to capture the diffuse light of the north along the day. A translucent breathing envelope supported by the wooden frames softens and filters the direct sunlight from the south, allowing for crossed ventilation and to gaze at the views towards the green surrounding landscape.
▼半透明、可呼吸的建筑外墙,a translucent breathing envelope supported by the wooden frames ©Fernando Alda
▼夜景,night view ©Fernando Alda
▼鸟瞰图,aerial view ©Fernando Alda
▼首层平面图,ground floor plan
▼二层平面图,first floor plan
▼屋顶平面图,roof plan
Project: Sector Angeles’s Public School Program: school Location: Sector Angeles, San Ramón, Alajuela, Costa Rica Architects: Norte Sur Arquitectos Design team: Isidro Ramírez, Marco Carrillo Structural engineering: Ingeniería Cañas Electrical engineering: Proeléctrica Mechanical engineer: Karina Ocampo Project management team: Javier Brenes, Carlos Fallas, Eylin Leiva Contractor: Rovi de San Carlos Area: 1803 sqm Completion: 2018 AUTHOR: Angeles Solís PHOTOGRAPHY: Fernando Alda