

The building is constructed according to the parameters set as winner of a tender offer in 2012 for the bus station and municipal library in Ronda (Malaga). The municipal library it is the first phase of development.
▼整个建筑的结构是由一系列单独的骨架单元构成,structure will function as a single unit formed by ribs that provide the image to the building establishing the dialog of its meetings with the corners
▼东立面,east facade
▼立面近景,detailed view
All these conditions give way to one of the key elements of the project: the foreshortened perspective. All the visual recognition features are created by torn visuals from the Vial de Ronda or from the potential main walk linked to the rail way. It is decided that structure will function as a single unit formed by ribs that provide the image to the building establishing the dialog of its meetings with the corners. The structure allows for this visual game with two different scales. In the distance, the foreshortened perspective brings the concept of a solid and blind group, allowing to disseminate at a short distance, appreciating the transparency between the ribs.
▼“百叶窗”强调出骨架之间的透明度,a solid and blind group appreciating the transparency between the ribs
这项设计与建筑中的其他部分形成了良好的融合。南立面的墙壁上以打孔的方式呈现了当地作家Vicente Espinel的诗句。
This concept is established in the entire project with the rest of the construction items. the element of the south facade, drilled by the graffiti of the Vicente Espinel poems, a local writer.
▼钻孔墙壁,drilled wall
The reduced budget determines the need for an 85% of prefabricated solutions reducing the time of construction. As well, a unique typographic system is used for all the signalling, using the same templates and hence reducing costs.
▼图书馆室内空间,interior view
▼建筑中的标识系统采用了独特的打印技术,a unique typographic system is used for all the signalling
▼自习空间,study area
▼走廊视角,corridor view
▼夜景,night view
▼场地平面图,site plan
▼首层及二层平面图,ground and first floor plan
▼南立面和东立面,south elevation and east elevation
▼北立面和西立面,north elevation and west elevation
MMIT ARQUITECTOS Javier Terán Alonso Agustín Montes Gaisán Alberto Montes Gaisán APAREJADOR Salvador Lara Pastora CONSTRUCTOR Lirola PROMOTOR Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Ronda (Málaga) EMPLAZAMIENTO Calle Guadalcobacin 5- 29400 Ronda – Málaga- España SUPERFICIE PARCELA 6406 M2 SUPERFICIE CONSTRUIDA BIBLIOTECA 1207 M2 PRESUPUESTO E.M. € 763 589.00 632,63 EUROS/M2 FECHA CONCURSO 21 JUNIO 2013 FINALIZACION OBRAS 25 FEBRERO 2016 Photographer: Fernando Alda