

The city always ocults under its surfaces hidden secret, forgotten situations, opportunities that do not appear simple sight. Matters, objects, spaces, are there, latent waiting to be discovered. In these cases one would wish to be an archaeologist, with his infinite tenacity and patience, gradually stripping the architecture of layers and layers until it reaches its skeleton. As archaeologists we would classify the found materials to move them and thus re-position them in a completely new way. As archaeologists we would draw a new map of everything we have found to keep it ever present. Not to forget, to keep it always at hand. As archaeologists we would limit ourselves to subtract matter so as not to add a new one. As archaeologists we would look at the past to reinvent our present. Transforming is also inventing. Finding is also transforming.
▼墙壁的砌砖肌理和岁月的磨痕皆被完整地展现出来,the surfaces were scratched in order to recover the solid brick texture of the original wall with all the wounds suffered over time
The advertising company BABYDOG decided to move to an old house located on the fourth floor of a building in the center of the historic center of the city of Granada. This was an elongated and compartmentalized dwelling, with a short façade to the street and delimited by a narrow courtyard and a tiny space for ventilation. Only the rooms located on the façade had enough conditions of habitability. The needs demanded by a program like this, an office, forced us to project a complete structuring of the property. The first thing to be tackled would be the punctual discarding of all the walls to discover that the elements analyzed were part of a complex structural framework of load-bearing walls. We first scratched the surfaces in order to recover the solid brick texture of the original wall with all the wounds suffered over time (passage of wiring, pieces of wood from old carpentry and tying elements). After that we made some cuts and castings that allowed the wall to continue working structurally while achieving the desired continuity and communication between spaces. The structural support was made with curved metal pieces tensed by cable-stayed in the lower floor.
▼拱形墙壁通过位于地下的斜拉结构实现了固定,the structural support was made with curved metal pieces tensed by cable-stayed in the lower floor
The result, a ceramic “patchwork” of times, traces and textures through a succession of arcs that were connected and disconnected at the same time allowing the arrival of light from the exterior. At the ends, two doors (the one in the bathroom and the offices) were lined with a mirror so that, facing each other, they could produce the illusion of having discovered an infinite arcade that, replacing the old corridor, extended beyond the limits of the house.
▼在室内的两端,相对而立的两扇门均覆盖以镜面,at the ends, two doors were lined with a mirror
▼“无限的”拱廊,an “infinite” arcade
An arcade located beyond the limits of the succession of stories and times so dear to that archaeologist that we would have wanted to be.
▼拱廊细部,detailed view
▼空间结构示意,main elements volumetries
▼整体结构轴测图,general volumetry
▼墙体建造方案,construction scheme
▼镜面反射方案,reflections scheme
CREDITS Authors: CUAC Arquitectura. Tomás García Píriz y Javier Castellano Pulido Colaborators: Álvaro Castellano (Architect), Miguel Jiménez (Eng.), Francisco Ruiz (Architect), Graziano Testa (Student), Mirian Pistocchi (Student), Pedro Salinas (Building Eng.), Works: Leonardo Cena (Metal), Jorge Calvo (Carpenter) Photographer: Fernando Alda Place: Granada Budget: 45.000 Euros Surface: 98m2 Client: Babydog Comunicación S. L