知末案例   /   UAP


2018/09/04 17:52:27
“光的声音”是澳大利亚艺术家Alexander Knox为布里斯班乔治大街300号的商业建筑设计的外立面装置。该装置以屏墙的形式环绕在三座大楼的底商外沿,为这一即将完工的高端商业综合体赋予了标志性的外观。
“The Sound That Light Makes” by Australian artist Alexander Knox forms the exterior screen to the newly developed 300 George Street precinct in Brisbane, Australia. Wrapping around the podium at the base of the three tower site, the work creates an iconic visual signature and landmark for the soon-to-be-completed high-end commercial area.
▼立面概览,exterior overview
Spanning 2660 square metres and comprised of over 2500 3D pressed and planar aluminium panels, the work uses geometric and organic shapes to explore the effect of light shimmering on the surface of water. Its three-dimensional metallic surface is designed to catch and mimic the kinetic nature of light on water, bringing the influence of natural forces into the highly urbanised setting of Brisbane’s CBD. The art façade’s title ‘The Sound That Light Makes’ refers to the shimmer of light on water as a whisper from the sites pre-urban epoch.
▼三维的金属表面模拟了光在水面上的运动属性,the three-dimensional metallic surface is designed to catch and mimic the kinetic nature of light on water
▼“光的声音”由超过2500块3D压制铝板构成,“The Sound That Light Makes” comprised of over 2500 3D pressed and planar aluminium panels
▼入口立面细部,detailed view of the entrance facade
通过使用算法设计工具,艺术家Alexander Knox与他在墨尔本的工作室团队共同提出了压制3D激光切割的设计和工艺制作概念。在此基础上,UAP将Knox的想法付诸实践,并通过数个步骤使该项作品的制作和安装得以完成。除了立面之外,UAP在布里斯班的工作室还将负责生产并装配建筑主入口处的三个立柱(由DBI Design设计)。
Through the use of algorithmic design tools, Knox and his Melbourne studio developed the pressed and 3D laser cut design and artwork concept. Working collaboratively with the artist and developers Multiplex, UAP developed Knox’s design and constructed and installed the artwork in separate phases. In addition to the façade, UAP was also commissioned by Multiplex to develop the three entry columns originally designed by DBI Design, which were designed and fabricated in UAP’s Brisbane studio and workshop.
▼立面的制作是基于压制3D激光切割工艺而完成的,the fabrication of the facade was based on the pressed and 3D laser cut design and artwork concept
▼细部,detailed view
▼装配中的铝板细部,structure detail during construction
▼安装阶段,installation phase
▼制作过程,fabrication phase
ARTIST:Alexander Knox ARTWORK TITLE:The Sound That Light Makes PROJECT:W Hotel Brisbane Facade & Columns LOCATION:Brisbane, Australia CLIENT:Multiplex BUILD:UAP YEAR:2018 (ongoing)
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