

缘起——3300米海拔的野性发酵Origin:Wild Fermentation at 3300 Meters Altitude
香格里拉,众神向往的圣地,奇峰峻岭,云雾缥缈,一脉高原风土之中,海拔3300米之处,山地人文蔓延,BON.APPéTIT at 松赞的故事就此开启。秉持“面包有生命”的品牌哲学,BA烘焙松赞香格里拉林卡店以山地灵感为源,携手松赞打造匠人面包研发基地。项目落址松赞香格里拉林卡内,酒店推窗即可见松赞林寺。在这片极具东方野性的土地上,在地基因与烘培艺术融合、发酵,为探寻在地隐秘之门的宾客,带来独具生命之力的本真美食。
Shangri-La, a sacred place coveted by deities, with its majestic peaks, elusive clouds, and the essence of the plateau, extends its mountainous culture at an altitude of 3300 meters. It is here that the story of “BON APPÉTIT at SONGTSAM” begins. With the brand philosophy “bread has life,” BA Bakery partners with SONGTSAM in Shangri-La to create a master baker’s bread innovation hub inspired by the mountainous surroundings. Situated within the Songtsam Shangri-La, the hotel boasts views of the Songzanlin Temple from its windows. In this wild Eastern landscape, the blend of local heritage and baking craftsmanship results in a vibrant culinary experience, catering to guests in search of the region’s hidden treasures.
▼门头概览,storefront overview © 八点设计
风土为源,艺术入境Rooted in the land, Immersed in Art
“Shangri-La’s secluded mountains, grasslands, and climate create its distinct essence. Visitors here connect with nature, explore cultural depth, and experience a balance between the worldly and the spiritual,” shared the designer reflecting on their initial site visit. “Drawing from local heritage, how can the space enhance the brand’s story? In line with the surroundings, how can the design preserve local memories and shape a fresh business narrative?” Throughout the meticulous examination of geographical surroundings, local customs, and diverse clientele, the designer balances professional depth with artistic heights to articulate the intimate connection between people, space, and the natural environment, finding rejuvenation in this return to the essence.
▼窗口,windows © 八点设计
“关于本案的风格定位,我们并没有依循某个固定主题,而是在塑造现代商业的同时,有意识地选择融入。时间更替,风土依旧。停驻观察,店铺形象与木石群楼、周边山地相映成趣,一切自然而然,融为一个和谐的整体。”“For the style of this project, we didn’t follow a specific theme. While creating a modern commercial space, we intentionally blended in. Despite the passage of time, the local essence persists. By observing closely, the store’s image naturally harmonizes with the surrounding wooden and stone buildings and the nearby mountains, seamlessly coming together into a harmonious whole.”▼氤氲散发的暖黄光源,warm yellow light © 八点设计
In the construction of props, 8:00AM Design embraces traditional forms, utilizing joinery techniques and natural cave stone platforms, alongside solid wood cabinet panels, to minimize the presence of artificial carving marks. Within the rustic material textures, every pattern tells a vivid story of local heritage. A dialogue between contemporary elements and the imprints of the mountains begins, remaining fresh and enduring over time.
▼灯光,lightings © 八点设计
The warm yellow light emitted by the counter diffuses, guiding the gaze indoors. Stepping onto the stone tiles feels like entering a serene treasure trove. Tyvek with the brand insignia, illuminated by the light, reveal delicate fibers, reminiscent of the soft, stretching texture formed after bread fermentation, infusing the space with the vibrant essence of the brand culture.
▼柜台,counter © 八点设计
Gazing inward, a parchment scroll artwork resembling a treasure map adorns the wall. With the Kawagebo peak as its backdrop, it reinforces the brand’s theme of wild fermentation. “In this pristine mountain land, the ancient Tibetan culture endures. We hope to maintain this air of mystery, so that when people visit here and follow a design clue, they can almost unveil the mountain essence nestled within the artisanal heart of baking.”
▼透光的杜邦纸,transparent dupont paper © 八点设计
Embedded within the harmony of brand culture and local essence, material selections carry metaphors: the natural cave stone countertops, with their uneven gaps, resemble bread holes; the glass cabinet’s copper supports reflect the Tibetan tradition of honoring guests with copper utensils. Enjoying here means connecting with the spiritual side of ingredients, encountering authenticity and healing firsthand. In Chinese culture, bamboo is renowned for its noble qualities. Reflecting this, the designer employs bamboo-inspired forms, symbolizing the local altitude. Intertwined with these are Tibetan auspicious knots, overlapping like cultural symbols, creating a harmonious melody echoing the local heritage.
▼细部,details © 八点设计
设计后记Design Afterword
漫步自然,熏陶人文,落归文化,怀揣对香格里拉这一藏地风土的敬意,八点设计基于“品牌赋能空间”的理念,臻于材质、工艺、风物的专研,将隐秘之境与烘焙艺术的故事线,呈于BON.APPéTIT at 松赞的表里,叙写东方山地之上的“面包有生命”。当世界各地的人们,跨越经纬,置身此地,品味的是野性发酵的本真之味,窥见的是潜藏于内的自我与天地。在这里,一切顺从自然,根植在地,有机生长。
Strolling through nature, edifying humanities, returning to culture. 8:00AM Design guided by the concept of “space and brand empower each other” meticulously studies materials, craftsmanship, and surroundings. They weave the narrative of hidden realms and baking artistry into BON APPÉTIT at SONGTSAM, portraying the essence of “bread has life” atop the Eastern mountains.As people worldwide gather here, they taste the genuine flavor of wild fermentation and glimpse their inner selves and the universe. This place follows nature, rooted in the land, and grows organically.
▼一瞥,a glimse © 八点设计
▼平面图,plan © 八点设计
▼剖面图,section © 八点设计