

German furniture manufacturer E15 and British architect David Chipperfield will be presenting a new collection at this year’s international interiors show IMM Cologne. Tables feature prominently, with both designers having sentimental ties to the household essential
为了与Chipperfield和E15创始人Philipp Mainer的建筑根源保持一致,几个关键的设计来源于英国的历史建筑。Chipperfield的‘礼顿’咖啡桌和‘Drayton’餐具将取代他们的位置,在既定的设计王朝展示在SonedelMobile 2015。
A living room display featuring the 'Byron' armchair, 'Drayton' sideboard, 'Enoki Migoto' side tables, 'Neyriz' patterned rug and 'Nima' cushions
The collected works emphasise the importance of clean, robust design fashioned from high-quality material. Pictured left: 'Enoki Migoto' and 'Mr B'. Right: 'Shiraz' sofa and 'Leighton' table
Chipperfield's 'Fawley' bench was a design from his original collaboration with E15 (pictured here with an 'Enoki' side table)
These sturdy designs embrace practicality – but by showcasing the best of European handcrafted production lose nothing of their design credentials. Pictured left: 'Holborn' table, 'Karnak' chairs and 'Iceland' sheepskin. Right: 'Dotto' blanket
The 'Enoki Migoto' side tables are crafted from solid marble
'Big B' offers playful a personification of E15's first oak table 'Bigfoot'
The cold marble of the 'Enoki Migoto' side table is offset by a sheepskin rug
The robust new 'Holborn' table is one of the highlights of the collection
keywords:David Chipperfield, Furniture design, Global Fair Guide 2016
关键词:David Chipperfield,家具设计,2016年全球博览会指南