


The supermarket design with a bank branch and a pharmacy. It is made in the form of a parallelepiped, in which one wall is completely replaced by a 6-meter stained-glass window, facing the main street of Rezina city. Thus, the supermarket’s sales floor has good natural light, and the floor space is visually enlarged. Porcelain stoneware with rusty metal effect is used as a facing material, making the rigid volume of the building look more attractive.
Unique Award in the RM in nomination Public Architecture
Irina Grechuhina has got only-begotten in the Republic of Moldova the Prize in architecture and interior design in nomination Public Architecture!
Objectivity and qualitive selection these are the distingishable characteristic of DAS Award, and here the main role is given to a professional jury which consists of five leading specialisst in the field of architecture and design: 1 Diego Cisi & Stefano Gorni Silvestrini Archi Plan Studio-Professor of Politecnico di Milano University of Leonardo da Vinci, Luca Zanaroli - he is Italian architect, Marcio Kogan h is from Brasil, Oleg Volosovskiy - he is the leading architect and designer from Ukraine, Tiego Da Valley - he is from Portugal, the founder of Tiago Do Vale Architects.
Year 2017
Work started in 2016
Work finished in 2017
Status Completed works
Type Shopping Malls / Showrooms/Shops / Interior Design