知末案例   /   Tina


2015/07/17 00:00:00
Acknowledgements to
Simone Marchetti, for grafics and documentation.
Consorzio di Bonifica dell’Agro Pontino, for pictures related to the Bonifica.
Municipality of Latina, for the pictures related to the coastal territory.
The concept drawings are by the Author.
“...and again Latina searches vigour in Mother Earth, in its territories, in order to stand up and face its very future, as she always did under difficult circumstances
Drawing from the breath of half a million years of history, finding its roots in the shattering beauty of its proper water, in the stratification of the ancient towns, the pre-historical settlements and the cultivated fields, in the brightness of its air, in the memory of the woods that yearn to cast their shadows again on this happy arch of coast, right in the centre of the Mediterranean.
Applying a wide-ranging strategy ... opens its sea to other people with whom to share the magic of a surf of twenty three waves ... escorts its guests on paths that were opened over thousands of years ... opens the blinds on its private treasures, the wades and the merchant’s strides, on the remnants of past towns and sanctuaries, the traces of roman roads...
Aerial view of the coastal territory of Latina
Alma Tellus, Alma Mater. That was how the Romans called the earth, the territory.
In her womb they were born, they moved, cultivated the fields, interweaved relations with other peoples, developed the incunambola of the great western civilization in terms of literature, jurisprudence, architecture, great engineering works, and political elaboration.
For her they had sacral respect, they thought her rivers and sources protected by Nymphs, and the plains, roads and crossroads watched by an infinite number of guardian deities.
That is why every gesture regarding the territory was performed with utmost consideration and emotion in a context of rituals that propitiated the approval of the “Genius Loci”, the spirit, that from time immemorial was the guardian divinity of that specific site.
With what different kindness we would sketch the signs, the motions of our planning if only we would be able to remember this remote portion of our cultural heritage.
Its forgetfulness results in this discomposure, this disrepute, this loudness of buildings, excavations and demolitions, in squares in which inaccurate technicians, car wreckers, sand quarrymen and garbage collectors do the best they can do.
Considering these topics, that seem different from those usually subject of town planning discussions, it becomes difficult to define the almost mathematical scheme that through consequentials results in project solutions as to the analyses, nearly always exclusively quantitative and numerical, preceding the zoning tables.
If the Territory is a complex system, intersected by the Human variable, the problem is to analyze the Complexity, intended as the final result of different superposed layers, among which those immediately comprehensive are found close to the surface because they are measured in terms of hectares, residents, and economical dynamics.
Then, while reaching depths, we find the history of the Territory, the language, the entire cultural patrimony, the human profile and their attitudes, their nature and the things they prefer to do, their expectations, their relations with those who reside their frontiers.
And so on, continuing to dig until reaching the most ancient and hidden roots that were formulated by their ancestral forefathers at the break of day.
And the more we will be able to drive into great depths this kind of investigating plough on the reasons that subtend the surface, the more the solutions that we, in our capacity of administrators or planners, will supply to the problems of the territory will result clinging and coinciding.
Tough region the “Agro Pontino”, the countryside near Latina, and yet a fertile womb for human being and their ancestrals since half a million years, ever since it was a happy and lazy concatenation of inland waters and sea bays were the hunting and fishing was easy and pleasant.
And proceeding throughout the ages this region of mediterranean scrub and Pontine Marshes filled with villages and streets, was the theatre of wars and conquests, provided in precious woods and wheat supplies, was locus of flourishing towns and sanctuaries, and port of call for sailors that brought pyrite from beyond the sea and sailed up the rivers to the inland to obtain iron for weaponry.
Then, the immense transformation of the twentieth century during which the plain changed once more in order to reply to new men that decided to settle here. They deforest, dry and regiment the waters, spread a close network of streets and canals, found Latina.
Vanishes for good the savage and dark spell of the scrub, appears a different beauty, the neat and tidy fields, the mathematical clarity of engineering and labour, the geometrical painting of the cultivations.
One plays and wins the wheat battle which in an agricultural country famished by the Great War is the right thing to do, and the towns and the villages innervate a correct, actually exemplary, system of territorial relations.
Towards the end of the fifties along the coast near Borgo Sabotino materializes a huge and disqueiting building, the most impressive of the region: the nuclear power station.
This is the constructed mark that predicts an epoch-making change; this is the Italy of the economical miracle that lays the foundations for the energetic supply for the industrialization of the sixties and seventies. From there on the countryside of Latina will be, more or less consciously, re-founded because shaken at the basis of the revolution that will turn the whole country in an industrial power of worldwide significance.
And the Territory records as a faithful seismograph production plants, infrastructures, sheds, chimneys.
Until the end of the eighties, when something goes wrong and Latina de-industrializes, the factories close because markets have changed, because the production is no longer competitive
And again Latina searches vigour in Mother Earth, in its territories, in order to stand up and face its very future, as she always did under difficult circumstances.
Drawing from the breath of half a million years of history, finding its roots in the shattering beauty of its proper water, in the stratification of the ancient towns, the pre-historical settlements and the cultivated fields, in the brightness of its air, in the memory of the woods that yearn to cast their shadows again on this happy arch of coast, right in the centre of the Mediterranean.
Applying a wide-ranging strategy.Its textile industries have gone to pieces, and soon also the tomato cultivation will crash, diabolical mechanism of the global market. So if there is no possible future for those emptied industrial buildings and the areas that are waiting for companies that no-one will found, let us acknowledge this with courage, let us found the town of the third millennium, and let us transform these non-feasible economical projects into sustainable projects that are tuned in with the Territory.
Because there is something that no competitor will ever be able to take away from Latina: its geographical position, in the centre of the ancient “Mare Nostrum” of the Romans, on a 40-minutes distance from an international airport, in a barycentric position between Rome and Naples, two cities that together add up unbounded cultural patrimonies and that possess un unequalled potential of attraction on
world’s tourism.
A fine sand coast squeezed in between the outermost edge of the Circeo National Park, the Fogliano Lake and thousands of hectare of vegetated area that reach as far as Nettuno and that comprise practically unexplored archaeological sites.
Ancient rivers that for centuries have been trade routes, along which other archaeological findings trace dizzy routes in centuries depths, lakes, roman streets, woods, thermal resources, still rows of trees that mark the day of those tilling the land that was regained by the land reclamation. Everything blessed by a climate that assures Europe’s apex of days of sun exposure.
These are the petroleum, the uranium, the gold, the treasures of Latina. In fifty years from now Italia will return to be the “Bel Paese”, the beautiful country, in which all Europe, probably the entire world will come to search culture, holidays, relief from a life of exaggerated competitiveness, spiritual and historical roots, salubrious and friendly air, because this is what matters.
Latina, with its coast and the charm of its land is still in an advantaged position.
And just as it offered fishing sites and abundance of animals and birds to pre-historical men, offered wheat to the republican and imperial Rome, offered space and land to till to the past-century Italy, and areas to industry-creating Italy, once again this Territory will draw on its womb-resources for the lucky people that will live under its skies.
Rendering available this arch of the coast falcated from Torre Astura to Rio Martino on which to lay out the bases of a third foundation of the town, a third millennium Latina.
An accommodating, welcoming Latina, easy exercise for a town that welcomed with open arms different people that preferred its eternally sea-swollen and –perfumed air, to fall in love with life and its landscape sodden with water to disenchant one-selves of these summer days that never end.
Latina that opens its sea to other people with whom to share the spell of a surf of twenty three waves, and escorts its guests on paths that were opened over thousands of years, that opens the blinds on its private treasures, the wades and the merchant’s strides, on the remnants of past towns and sanctuaries, the traces of roman roads, Latina that welcomes in the shade of its primordial woods and on the shores of its lakes, Latina that refreshes through the hand of its peasants that produce wholesome food as they farm the land with masterly skill, Latina that escorts new wayfarers and ancient pilgrims as far as St. Peter’s Throne and the excavations of Pompeii, as far as the islands that, in those days that the air is crystal clear, seem so close, almost touchable.
The coast, the area subject of the Master Plan, as a workshop of the future, as a strategic resource, vital, precious to such an extend to be explored every metre of the entire surface in search of all the traces of history, the ancient and the recent history, of all of the environmental specificities, all the traces, the footprints of labour, all future’s evidence.
And to have the resoluteness to cancel all scars of offence, the carelessness, both guilty and unaware, to feel the duty of indemnity, of restoration of what got lost, of the reinstatement of beauty, in order to emphasize all the unimaginable potentials.
The coast becomes a tourist centre of surprising prophetical beauty, as suitable for a new town, that settles down on this ancient territory, wild, restored with care and motherly patience, in which the marks of the past break out with flashing clarity, a theatre of time from history’s dawn until its remote future, the flowers of the dunes that become material of architecture, the quiet surface of the waters that turn into transparent façades exposing a landscape of insolent and shameless beauty, stars entangled on a stretch of the horizon, age-old fires to the sight of the sailors in the night.
The waters, in the first place.
· The sea water of this ancient sea of friendly sails and Saracen ships, of this sea that together with the wind generated the dunes and confined the coastside lakes, of this calm sea made of rollers that arrive from the other side of the horizon. This sea is to be returned to his sacral and majestic nature of history’s Father, of metaphor of this unfathonable abyss that is the human mind, of, not only physical, regenerating force. As a support to the Master Plan, at the start of the process, is to be weaven a rigid protection system of the tributaries, specially the Astura, the Acque Alte and Rio Martino, in order to preserve the complete and continuous swimming worthness, employing a commitment while thinking of the sea as a primary reserve for the survival of the entire territorial system, because that’s what it is about.
And along the ancient waters, the Astura, the Mascarello, the Cicerchia, the Mastro Pietro, the Rio Martino, regain the footsteps of transhumanation, of the passing of flatboats and barges, of the pre-historical stations and then those Volsca, Roman and medieval, right down until the times that preceded the great land reclamation. The streams and their basins, the lake of Sant’Antonio, the Isola dell’Oro.And along these passages interweave memory’s routes that are to be travelled on foot, riding horse, or sailing. The waters of the Fogliano Lake stretched towards west encountering the Astura and the other tributaries, and towards north fill up the engraving of the Cicerchia far over its current banks.
And then the new waters, those escorted to sea by land reclamation works. The land reclamation has been thought as a uniform corpus of planning decisions, of hydraulic works, of manufactures, of settled presences in landscape as wind-breaking strips, canals, constructions, that are to be restored, protected and returned intelligible in their complex as a monumental sequel, as a significant trace of those past century’s years. Also in this case was made a scrupulous field research, locating in the area subject of the Master Plan all recognizable presences of land reclamation works and proceeding in their classification, mapping and indication of the necessary interventions for their preservation and their exploitation within a tourism applied to a strong and distinguished cultural and environmental specificity. These presences as well have been stitched together in routes that will enable their exploitation and their comprehension by means of dedicated paths.
· At last all the newest waters. Those that are planned to be realized in the Mater Plan’s area, in the heart of the landscape axis that structures the new Marina system, in order to grant to the water, besides its role as memory of history and our father’s labour, also the important meaning of item of joy, of fun, of reconciliation with nature’s elements. Planned is a vast and articulated system of sheets of water, fountains, thermal pools, swimming pools with fresh water and those with sea water, all organically connected to the project’s settlements.
The Fogliano Lake stretched towards west far over the current edge of the Via del Mare, in some periods almost up to the present Borgo Sabotino, and collected the waters of the Mascarello, the Mastropietro and for a long time even those of the Astura that continued to change its outlet to sea throughout the ages.
The land reclamation governed the flow to sea of the Mascarello, channelling in it the so-called Acque Alte, traced a regular river bed for the Mastropietro intercepting it in parallel with the coast and draining the Fogliano lake by the Colmata canal below the sea level, thus trying to make cultivable the ancient swamps banking up ground up to an elevation near the sea level and ensuring the practicability of this reclaimed area by means of the Capo Portiere water-scooping machine.
The imprint of the lake, the ancient tributaries, of the pools and the swamps is still very evident in the aerial photos provided. The Piccinato plain, of which the current Detailed Plan is the immediate and true accomplishment, considered to group the residential growth in the inside of this still semi-swampy district, because these fields had never been very cultivable.
The few interventions realized of this plan had to reckon with awful sediments whereas the foundations were concerned, as stratification investigations revealed the presence of peat and insubstantial silt for dozens of metres of depth.
Bad spot for realizing buildings, still worse for living, therefore there are few permanent residents, and mainly these houses are used by a segment of recent expatriates, more or less in order with immigration laws and all laws in general terms.
The dune cordon was the easiest place to carry out the reassembling of the farms on the furthermost front towards the sea, and there is where was realized the farm link road coming from Borgo Sabotino. At the end of the fifties this cartroad and the delicate mechanisms that by nature had generate and maintained the marvellous equilibrium between aeolian, marine and vegetative actions fail for good among constructions on the sand, fences, asphalt, sidewalks and apartment blocks.
Geologically the strip between the Mastropietro and the coast road is a different matter: the zone maps report here the first culmination point of the ancient dune, this is land that emerged from remote ages, that, though poor of humus, presently is regularly cultivated.
However there have been incidents of illegal subdivision of the old farming units and building assaults that are manifest both in cartography and landscape.
Near Sabotino can be observed, also in the aerial photos, the network of riverbeds of ancient waterways that descent toward the old Mastropietro.
Three territorial segments with distinctly different features, today endangered by the same promiscuity, by use and abuse.
We propose an intervention aimed at their vocational reclamation that will be synergetic with the intervention strategic for the tourist development of the seafront and the entire municipal territory.
Wood of Fogliano, scrub of Cisterna, Riserve, Cerreto, are toponyms that are present and ranged in antique cartography, and by now present only there. In the portion of the Circeo National Park that rests in the territory of Latina the hectare of wood are really few, and, deducted the lacustrine basin, the remainder is used for agricultural purpose, very well irrigated by mother nature’s favour and definitely productive.
Therefore, of the woods remain some residual fragment and a lot of memory. For this reason the Master Plan provides for extensive areas of targeted reforestation and is, in some way, philologically cohering with a sort of overall design that sees, besides an innovative exploitation of the territory, a contemporary effort in strengthening its features and specifities.
Magnified environmental vocations combined with investment strategic of essentially private capital contribution, which may be coordinated only by a political and administrative project, wide-ranged and far-seeing. This is the exact background that implied the formulation of this proposal.
Restoring the environmental continuity along the stretch that goes from the Fogliano Lake to Foce Verde and, in a dealable future, up to Torre Astura.
Insertion of the three strong units on the seaside: the canal harbour of Rio Martino, the thermal baths pole and the tourist harbour of Foce Verde.
Re-naturalization of the basin between the Colmata canal and the Mastropietro. Withdrawal of the edifices upstream the Mastropietro through the establishment of an integrated landscape axis between the permanent residences and the hotel and congress facilities that is to contain the transfer of that volumetry presently persistent on the seafront and to ease the pressure on the Via Litoranea on geologically appropriate soil.
Volumetry in exchange for land, cubic volume bonus in exchange for the transfer and as an inducement to the re-conversion of the destinations from residential to hotel.
Recovery of the ancient watercourses and of their arboreal complements, restoration of the existing historical buildings, including those of the land reclamation era and restoration of the land reclamation streams.
Removal of the promenade from Rio Martino to Foce Verde and reinstatement of the dunes and the consequential expansion of the area available for bathing.
Activation an extension of the surface metro system from Foce Verde to Rio Martino to attend to the bathers with a route behind the dune cordon.
Opening of a cycle path from the tourist harbour of Foce Verde until Rio Martino, always behind the dunes.
A titanic effort, sure, that may engage the span of an entire generation, but dealing with complexity challenges does not tolerate shortcuts, partial solutions, weaknesses or compliances. Then let us calmly begin to disentangle this plan that may seem a visionary book of desires.
· Restoring the environmental continuity between the Fogliano Lake and the Astura delta.
Latina’s coast is embraced by two green lungs: the Circeo National Park and the area with an elevated landscape and archaeological value that currently is used as a military firing ground and is accessible for public only occasionally and with considerable restrictions. The reinstatement of continuity between these two areas of international significance has been regarded as the primary target to be realized through urbanistic and administrative mechanisms that are described in the following paragraphs.
· Insertion of the strong units of infrastructuralization of the reclamation area.
Strong points behind this continuity cordon have been considered the planned harbour of Foce Verde and the one in progress at Rio Martino, necessary reassembling for the harbour equipment of the coast, to be considered strategically irremissible to the take-off of this territory. Midway between these harbours has been integrated the thermal complex of Capo Portiere, able to activate a further, conclusive attraction on high-level and remunerative tourism all over the year, considering the quality of the thermal water available, unique in Europe for its pureness and therapeutic features.
· Render the tourist fruition non season-bounded, through the thermal infrastructuralization of the territory.
Near to Capo Portiere the city of Latina possesses, through the company Terme di Fogliano, a site of more than sixty hectares on which has been planned a thermal spa and therefore were excavated two wells for the extraction of the thermal water, captured in a profound basin of limitless potential. It is considered strategic that this resource, unique in Europe for the pureness and therapeutic features of the water, has to be distributed over the close net of hotels planned, because this feature would solve automatically the problem of the tourism being season-bounded, implementing the desirability of the tourist operator’s offer and activating a generator of economical flow unrivalled worldwide.
· Withdrawal and de-strengthening of the present promenade.
An unavoidable passage for the qualification of the tourist offer is the removal of the promenade over the entire length from Foce Verde to Rio Martino, in order to rebuild the ancient dynamics between land, sea and wind on the dune cordon that generated this stretch of coast. The link roads along the coast can be withdrawn beyond the very dune cordon, at approximately two hundred – two hundred and fifty metres from the shoreline, in a retreated position non visible from the beach.
The road deposit, once removed the asphalt surface and opportunely regenerated, could become the alignment of the bathing establishments, served by this discreet and out of sight link road.
This road could be articulated by a large and continuous cycle path, linked again to the urban axis planned, and by a traffic restricted lane serving the shuttles that from the single new facilities or from the hotels will distribute the bathers over the entire arch of beach as well as from the route of surface metro that disengages the very service. It is also planned that the various parking lots realized by the local government during the past years beyond the dune cordon will be re-used and linked to each other by the same road system, connected from the current Via Casilina and from the extension Sabotino – Foce Verde.
These parking lots would also serve the settlements executed during the past few years in realization of the Detailed Plan in force, pending the convenience of their re-assignment beyond the Mastropietro. The removal of the promenade will produce the effect of increasing the area at disposal of the bathers, of relieving in an extremely significant way the atrophic impact on the delicate dune stability, offering space, privacy, services for the very bathers, establishing conditions of enjoying the beach that probably are unique in the Mediterranean.
· Improvement and recovery of the ancient watercourses.
On the area considered exist many watercourses, some of which are ancient and difficult to locate by an on-site reconnaissance; others date back to the land reclamation period, often as a correction of the original courses.
Their close network is still manifest of the aerial photos, from which the original river beds can be deducted through the interlinked presence of arboreal species and, more clearly, in the chromatic differences in the green of the current cultivations that take on a more deep and luxuriant colouring there where they clearly draw water from veins flowing deeply, veins that never really dried up by land’s flattening or by the new regimentation of the drains.
These water veins, sometimes completely covered, other times still visible, have been located and enhanced in detail through planning the reintroduction of the original arboreal wealth, reimplanting the species that in ancient times crowned its course.
Along these courses have been planned non-stop walking paths linked between each other and in turn connected to the major green zones.
The watercourses traced by the land reclamation have also been protected by planning the preservation and the restoration of the wind-braking strips there where damaged.
· Rationalizing the camping system.
The realization of the link road beyond the dune cordon described at the previous point determines between this road and the Colmata canal a long strip available for the execution of a system of camping in a perfect position for the possibility of an immediate access to the beach as well as for the direct connection to the surface metro.
In this area can be organized both the transfer of the existing camping places currently outside this new destination as well as the settlements of new businesses in this sector, this through the direct undertaking by the current owners and the intervention of the local administration when it concerns areas obtained by means of the cession of other areas in virtue of the volumetric transfer to the new zones destined to construction.
· Strolling around everywhere, by metro, walking, cycling, horse riding, canoeing.
The connection between the city and the sea has been stubbornly pursued linking the cycling track presently established below the office district and planning its extension until the dune cordon and along this for the entire length of the shore, planning new cycling tracks: one along the Cicerchia canal that from the heart of the city leads, without intersections with the road system, directly to the centre of Fogliano, another one along the Astura, others as minor connection between the various settlements along the ancient watercourses and along the land reclamation’s canals.
Providing in rendering navigable the Cicerchia, the Astura, the Mastropietro and the Colmata completes this plan to make usable the entire reclamation district and to connect it to the city in an organic and total way, for everybody, without cars, every day of the year.
· The marriage of the sea.
When Latina was founded it did not possess a direct connection the sea, realized only in the sixties. Strange destiny for a sea town. It is now time for the city to meet its lover that has been waiting while caressing its hem with indefatigable surf.
That is why the sea – mountain Territorial Road is innervated to the longitudinal axis of the coast district and becomes the connection aorta between the city and its heart. And that is why the surface metro is extended until the dune cordon and proceeds towards west in order to serve the Sabotino harbour, and slides down towards east until the channel harbour of Rio Martino.
Finally that is why the union of the planned and the existing road systems has been supervised in a fluent and natural way: so that the sea will be at a two minutes distance from every point in the territory, so that it will be near also mentally, so that it will enter in the interior panorama of the city as an immanent, daily and unavoidable presence.One can ponder about the hidden sense of the rite with which Venice each year marries its sea, of those magnificent boats that cross the lagoon, of those crowns of flowers thrown in the water: the marriage of the sea.
And, after the reasons of the Complexity, the Plan.
That is not to crumble, but to reunify.
That is not to invent but to reveal, that is to satisfy with the smooth and sensual gestures of a lover. And that is how the zoning marks have been offered the opportunity for eight intertuned stories, stratified in a choral chant in which the land, the water and time have disentangled their stories, with different voices, from one end to the other of the reclamation district. Majestic the voice of the sea, melancholic the voice of the Astura and its delta, joyful and silvery the new water’s voice.
Areas reconciled with their past and their future with large signs of continuity, eight vocations that become eight steps over time, that become eight continuous parks.
· The Seafront Park.
Profile and features of the dune cordon are evident in the stretch between Capo Portiere and Rio Martino, even with the interferences constituted by the presence of the seafront road.
The restoring of its continuity also in the stretch between Capo Portiere and Foce Verde and beyond is a strongpoint of the proposed Master Plan.
The removal of the roads should be followed by a subsequent step that guarantees the total reactivation of natural mechanisms that throughout ages have created the dune cordon and that allowed its development, evolution and preservation.
Therefore all paths that, from the course of the new roads beyond the dune cordon, lead to the bathing establishments settles near the current seafront road and reach the shore, will be executed with suspended wooden walkways, method already applied by the administration of the Circeo National Park, so that natural mechanisms between wind, sea and vegetative actions will not be damaged.
The same precaution is to be taken in the installation of all the bathing establishments, seasonal or regular.
And above these walkways unification mark: the large white tents that shadow the refreshment and bathroom places. A reference to the temporary encampments of whom travels the desert, knowing that his strides last for just a moment on the sand of these dunes that are moulded and reshaped by wind’s willing.
At a distance of only a few days of sailing from here, on the opposite seashore.
· The Archaeological and Naturalistic Park of the Astura’s Delta.
Silently the Astura approaches the sea. Reaching its sight, near the ruins of the ancient town that has given it its name, stopped, consternated because its course had reached the end, and hesitating dispersed in the twists and turns of the flat plain on which was written and re-written an inextricable labyrinth of courses, among the vegetation of the large Pontine Marshes and the ruins of buildings, bridges, of warehouses animated by ships and merchants, by sailors and smugglers that had seen the waters indelible coloured by the blood of Corradino Di Svevia.
Nowadays of these things remain the engravings on the dune, the fascination of a name, the Isola dell’Oro, the torture of sunset, the ruins covered by vegetation, memory’s spectres of ages that have only barely been veiled with an almost human piteous mantle by abandonment and time.
This is the stretch of the coast that partly is in use as military firing ground and partly has been illegally apportioned, and on which is planned the execution of the Archaeological and Naturalistic Park of the Astura, highlighting through a guided re-naturalization both the tracing of the ancient course of the river and the archaeological ruins of the ancient city, as already has been done by Princess Caetani for the town of Ninfa.
This park is the incipit of a naturalistic and archaeological route that ends at Satricum and unravels itself on the water of the very river, joined by a path to be travelled by horse or by bicycle among these two emergencies, territorially and culturally enchanting and charming.
· The Park of the Water’s History.
It is our concern to transmit in the Plan the so-called DNA of these lands. Complicated genomes, stratified, sometimes conflicting.
Bring to the surface the secret laws that produced it, made it grow, that signed its traces, through the ancient settlements constructed on the border of the rivers and the ditches and the land reclamation houses lined up along the land division roads.
That is how the structuring axis between the Mastropietro that crosses the entire Plan’s District has been thought as assonance as to the old watercourses that pass through the marsh with loops and stagnations, bending around the dune’s emergences, thinning there where the sandy appearances were more substantial and spreading beyond the dune cordon before plunging into the sea.
And inside this road axis, whose two lanes have been widely divaricated, has been planned the Park of the Water’s History, a concatenation of water landscapes, of potting and fountains as if generated by a handwritten transcription of the engravings of all times waters of the skin of these lands.
On the borders of these potting have been set fountains, swimming pools with either fresh water, sea water or thermal water, a festival of the waters, of all the waters of Latina, so that they may re-emerge physically at the centre of this new living, that amazes and charms mankind every morning just like it did half a million years ago.
· The Park of the Good Living.
Currently the coast district could be described as a “sparse urban system”, spreaded by the promenade (the stretch from Capo Portiere to Foce Verde), by the coast road and by the intermediary connection that is the link road planned in the Marina Plan in force as a connection between the new settlements, up to now performed for only a small part.
The current promenade has the profile of the land reclamation’s farm link road. The coast road that until the sixties showed a neat line of farms has now been crammed on the street front with a continuous series of new buildings that made his specificity completely illegible and the original edifices still distinguishable can probably be counted on the fingers of one single hand.
The link road of the Plan in force is a fast-flowing traffic road that supports the secondary roads to the new residential complexes, isolated among them, enclaves going adrift who’s summer equipment appear an ephemeral firework, brief intermission of the continuous presence of illegal rents, emigrant’s and underground families, perfect spot for prostitution and brothels.
The formulated proposal is to transfer this link road to the northern part of the District in order to make it a urban and contemporary landscape axis, strong, well-organized, and to realize on its borders the constructions non accomplished of the Plan in force, the edifices newly planned, the transfer volumetry for both residences as hotels in a tight link that does not admit dark zones or of irregular brightness, animated continuously by residents and tourist, both seasonal and congressional, by bars, restaurants and clubs open to public all over the year along a pedestrian mall, lively, amazing.
The route is established on the extreme west of the district and on the east on the road that leads from Borgo Grappa to the Canal Harbour of Rio Martino, following the crest located on the geological maps and granting thereby to the newly planned edifices optimum settlement conditions, besides salubrity of living.
The transfer with volumetric premium along this axis does not only involve the volumetries at the south of the Mastropietro but also the housings situated on its inside and those on the street front of the coast road, exactly to restore the coast road’s original appearance and to encourage, there where appropriate, an excavation campaign searching the traces of the ancient Via Severiana.
· The Fogliano National Park.
The area of the Fogliano Park is managed by the National Park administration. The only interventions planned in this area concern the demolition of the current promenade and its de-strengthening by its transfer beyond the dune cordon.
The newly planned trace is dedicated exclusively to the shuttle-bus, the surface metro and the accessibility by bicycle and on foot. This new condition is an absolute improvement of the current circumstances and should meet the Park administration’s approval. Beyond, along the coast road, the link axis between the Canal Harbour of Rio Martino and the rest of the coast district has been approached as near as possible to the very coast road on the outside of the Park, planning a broad strip to be dedicated to the foundation of the Fogliano Agricultural Landscape Park.
The existing buildings can be used as the seat of a University Department of Landscape Sciences.
· The Pontine Agricultural Landscape Park.
The portion of the district that goes from the present Via del Lido until Rio Martino, engaged for the most by the National Park and the Fogliano Lake, preserves, outside the boundaries of the very Park, evocative aspects of the original agricultural landscape of the Pontine countryside and has been destined by the Plan in force to become public parks and gardens.
The necessity to guarantee an organic connection between the two extremities of the district until Borgo Grappa and the Canal Harbour of Rio Martino, in this case has been suppressed mitigating the longitudinal link’s redundancy also through the partial re-use of the coast road, exactly to minimize the impact on this splendid and calm stretch of the landscape.
The building interventions planned, in order to stimulate the landscape recovery of the narrow strip that has been damaged by recent buildings along the coast road, has been concentrated on Borgo Grappa’s constructed boundaries with the double purpose to provide the Borgo as well as the Canal Harbour with hotel accommodations and to render it rather an expansion of the existing.
All this to set up the Pontine Agricultural Landscape Park, concluding the preservation cycle of the Master Plan’s area applying the last topic, the protection of the Pontine Agricultural Landscape, that in this area takes on the utmost of pregnancy and specific significance.
· The Health and Sports Park.
The area at present called of the Colmata before the land reclamation was part of the old basin of the Fogliano Lake and in part swamp in which the old course of the Mastropietro, but also the Astura, the Mascarello and the other ancient rivers turned into a marsh for the greater part of the year
It lies below the sea-level and has always been unsuited for agricultural exploitation. Its geological features make building difficult. The Master Plan provides in the re-naturalization and the introduction inside its perimeter of facilities for the recreation, health, sports, walking and free time in order to enable its use as completing area for the restored dune cordon, a green lung for the entire city.
· The Technological Park.
With regard to the two Atomic Power Plants of Borgo Sabotino there is little and conflicting information available.
These blocks are part of landscape and history of this territory.
The Plan proposes to convert them into the seat of an Energy Technological Park, with educational and museum purposes.
Remains to define the compatibility of this intent with the company that currently manages the decommissioning of the old reactor, but surely the introduction of a new function would grant the city both the re-use of a container and a strategic area, as well as the benefit of a centre of technological excellence that is to aim at the research of the future’s energies, compatible with a context of high naturalistic value, besides the possibility to protect this site for the temptation to create here a radioactive waste cemetery.
In order to make the territorial system planned propulsive and in agreement with a political project that thinks the city territory as a single theatre of life and planning skill able to look forward, have been introduced four University Centres attached to the district’s features, and that contribute in strengthening the Latina University Centre.
· University Institute for the Future’s Energy Research.
In the form of a regular faculty or of a short-term degree, to be realized within the Technological Park situated in the Atomic Power Plants of Borgo Sabotino. The current laws that stimulate the use of alternative energies such as solar, marine of aeolian energy would thereby have a direct and immediate study and experimentation scenario, and the whole district would become a pilot experience on an urban scale of the new technologies of procurement from renewable sources of energy.
· University Institute of Medical Hydrology.
The thermal resource of Capoportiere has therapeutically features unique in Europe and in the world. A University Institute for the Study of Medical Hydrology connected as a specialization course to the local Faculty of Medicine or as a short-term degree for thermal health workers would award a medical qualification to the Thermal Establishment and to the hotel accommodations a matchless credibility, and would excellently instruct the whole staff needed.
· University Institute for Landscape Sciences.
To be locate on the inside of the Fogliano National Park through the re-use of the many buildings now vacant or of improper use. It should deal with the sector generally called Landscaping, tackle problems such as environmental management, landscape restoring and the recovery, the planning and the management of Natural Parks.
· University Institute of Sea Sciences.
To be situated at Borgo Grappa, in order to create a strong centre at the east of the District. Should deal with Oceanology, Natural Science referred to the marine environment, the management of sea’s resources, purifying problems. The allocation could partially be planned on the outer edge of the Borgo and partially in the vacant Foundation’s edifices. The coast district hereby becomes a single laboratory in which new ways of understanding the relation with environment, new ways of living, of enjoying the landscape, of living the history of the territory become ways of being, and then of planning the future.
First pillar of the plan is the equalization mechanism of benefits and burdens of the urbanistic expectations that was created in the seventies exactly in the city of Latina and that today has become patrimony of the entire urban and administrative culture in Italy.
By means of this mechanism the local administration will acquire for free all areas with public destination specified in this Master Plan and will also act as a clearinghouse between the various properties with different destinations, according to a smoothly working mechanism that yielded an unequalled administrative productiveness. The second pillar is an unsuspected mechanism of transfer premiums regarding the volumetries situated in the areas that are to be recovered, according to the following essential outlines.
The economical values that are the basis for the calculation of the volumetric transfer premiums are founded on the ascertainment that at the moment the real estate market in Latina draws up contracts of real property exchange between the landowners and the building contractors applying a basis of a third.
Supposing to offer the owners of a building a desirable doubling of their property, we create the condition of having to put at their disposal a volumetry of six times the size of their current estate, so that by means of a mere exchange contract (two parts to the owner and four parts to the financer-building contractor) they may obtain the doubling of their property, accepting the volumetric transfer premium and making over to the Local Administration the freed edifice for the new use provided for in this Plan. The strategic innovation proposed is to divide the premium in two parts: a share that doubles the residential volume, the other four shares in hotel volumetry. This bonus is to be calibrated at an administrative stage, by a premium differential of the hotel volumetry from two to four times the transfer volumetry, because only the Administration can decide in what measure to stimulate the enterprise’s take-off. (Please see the Feasibility Report).
The hotel volumetry is to be considered the fuse, the strategic and moreover non-onerous resource, that triggers off the re-qualification mechanism on which will concentrate international investors, chains of hotels, investment funds, interested in long-term profitable enterprises, persuaded by the effectiveness of the general project, thereby activating an inflow of external and private capital, the only ones able to guarantee feasibility to the Plan.
This mechanism can have a further adjustment in temporal terms. In the ten-year arch of effectiveness of the Plan are to be determined three intervention segments.The enterprises that start during the first four years enjoy the full premium, from the fifth until the seventh year the premium is reduced by approximately fifteen percent and from the eighth to the tenth year the enterprises enjoy a curtailed premium to for instance thirty percent, in order to persuade the investors to act immediately, taking advantage of the best conditions, avoiding waiting rents.
The boundaries and the active expectations for Borgo Grappa and Borgo Sabotino remain unchanged. All areas included in the perimeter of the Marine Plan in force continue to benefit the current generalized compensation index of 0,27 cubic metres every square metre, unless there are major benefits resulting from the transfer mechanism for volumetries that were legally realized, as described in the previous paragraph.
All other areas, with a current agricultural destination included in the Master Plan’s perimeter (excluding those to be considered pre-Park, essentially concentrated in the stretch between Via del Mare and Rio Martino, on which remain in force the current protection measures), could enjoy a generalized compensation index of 0,135 cubic metres every square metre (fifty percent of the index applied to those areas already considered building areas) of which a quarter, equal in approximate value to the current 0,03 for residential volumetry and the remaining three quarters, that is 0,105 cubic metres every square metre for hotel volumetry.
Also these areas benefit the transfer premium according the criterions described in the previous paragraph so as they will definitively be fixed by the Local Administration, and they will be subject to the same equalization provisions of the benefits and costs in force on the Marina areas, on the condition of the free assignment of all the public areas and of those not involved by direct building due to the owners considering the index of suitability for building.
In order to avoid an improper use of the granted hotel volumetry resulting from transfer premiums or from a new index, these will have a composition of seventy five percent of real accommodation facilities, a maximum of twenty percent dedicated to restaurants, congress facilities, meeting places, fitness, swimming pools and so on, while the remaining five percent will have a commercial destination.
There is not a trace of Architecture below the coast road that does not regard edifices dating from the land reclamation epoch or from earlier ages, such as the Borghetto di Fogliano, the so-called Casina Inglese, or the Procoio.
What is needed is the hand of a gentle god, lost with love for these places, maybe the ancient tutelary deity of the silence and the waters of the marshes, to heal ancient and new scars, a god that would donate his looking beyond times revealing a delighted future for the people of these places.
And, remembering the gentle hand of this god, has been spread out the newly defined road ridge, between the coast road and the Mastropietro, in two distinct lanes that flow between the district’s boundaries, intertwining slight and winding routes as if tango strides, but almost literally referring to the ancient river courses that right here gently rocked wearing watermarked textures variating every season before mingling with the water of the sea.
And flexuously were engraved the joints with the existing road system, incorporating everywhere water and large green spaces between the lanes, thinning the system near Fogliano, bypassing beyond the built-up areas of Borgo Sabotino in order to cement the embrace of the Borgo and its new heart: the harbour, somehow materializing its detachment from its agricultural hinterland and sealing its new fate: the sea.
And around this road-river shingle have been designed the surfaces on which to build the volumetries both of transfer as well as newly planned, residences and hotels, together, preferring the contamination and the complexity to the separation of resident and hotel areas in which the latter, during periods of less use, could transform in deserted and dull neighbourhoods.
From the shore of this sea the horizon is every night unceasingly animated by the silhouettes of the ships that, laden with light, pursue in the dark their silent courses. In a kind of reciprocal play the built-up has been conceived for being seen from the sea, at night, materializing these sharp and askewed prisms, at their turn full with lights, intertwined like salt crystals, outstretching towards the stars. Glass surfaces, sensitive and intelligent, that during the day capture the heath of the sun for returning it as energy and light. Burning crests as gushing fountains of an untameable volcano.
Mysterious and inexplicable to the eyes of the nocturnal seafarer who’s pupils are moving between the Little Bear and the coast that has not been noted on the maps nor has it ever been narrated by anyone.
Latest spell of that Enchantress that used to freeze the blood of ancient sailors, in sight of Capo Circeo. In the plan this is how have been materialized these buildings that emerged from telluric fractures, full of different waters and solidified under the sky, exactly like rock salt fragments, limpid, transparent, random and different among them even though subtended by an aggregation law, unique and inexplicable multiform, so sensitive to register in its DNA the casual incorporation of a pollen lump, of a spore, of a discard of the wind, of a thread of light.
Faceted geometries, shattered, that as a matter of fact constitute a single gigantic system of photovoltaic mirrors, inclinated in order to absorb solar energy throughout the whole day, the whole year.
Prophecy of a city that re-writes its very past and designs, under obligation of a upsetting evidence, a different future for its environment.
Latina, condemned to bear the tumoral mass of a nuclear reactor with its immarcescible freight of death, result of a harsh and unaware embrace with reason of state.
No geometries of Brunelleschi, of Alberti, or of the twentieth century Masters modulated the building because they do not suffice anymore, and the “I am because I doubt” foundation of modern thought, within a pencil explodes because prevented from alluding to certainties, also if only sub-species of symmetric and reassuring figures.
And on the top of the dune cordon these slight encampments, tormented by the wind, slender, fragile, kind, supported by poles that appear to be the masts of a fleet of ships that is ready to sail. They refresh with shade those who came in search of the sea, making them halt at a distance, a little scared, disenchanted, amazed that all this beauty is for their eyes only.
“... the area subject of the Master Plan, as a workshop of the future, as a strategic resource, vital, precious to such an extend to be explored every metre of the entire surface in search of all the traces of history, the ancient and the recent history, of all of the environmental specificities, all the traces, the footprints of labour, all future’s evidence. And to have the resoluteness to cancel all scars of offence, the carelessness, both guilty and unaware, to feel the duty of indemnity, of restoration of what got lost ...”1. URBANISTIC FEASIBILITY· The territorial equilibrium of the Detailed Plan in force.
The current Detailed Plan, worked out between the sixties and the seventies during the industrialization period, considers a city connected by a strong umbilical cord to the vast industrial area of the ASI Authority that also involves the hill’s towns and villages, locating on the axis Latina – Latina Scalo the General Service area (in which are to be included as well the hotel and accommodation facilities).
The interrupted development of the industrial area and its progressive impoverishment made that this General Services area, that covers about 100 hectares for 2.000.000 cubic metres, was never realized.
South of the city, in the direction of Frosinone, had been planned another industrial zone that was realized only in part and that nowadays shows large unbuilded zones that involve volumetries that can be estimated in about 1.000.000 cubic metres, to which are to be added the 1.500.000 cubic metres that were never realized in the ASI Authority area.
Then, when we add to this the abandoned industrial volumetries of only the most important plants such as the ex-Rossi Sud and the ex-Richard Ginori, we reach a total of about 5.000.000 cubic metres falsely appointed to productivity and for which does not exist any legitimate expectation of realization on middle or long term.
In this old Detailed Plan the Marina of Latin is considered a mere residential area, economically secondary, for which were not even planned hotel and accommodation facilities, nor ordinary service areas.
· New hypothesis for settlement equilibrium.
The end of the Southern Italy Development Fund and the collapse of the pontine industrial sector may induce to ponder the opportunity to re-modulate on the territory the importance of the productive and service areas as stipulated in the old Plan, giving them a well-reasoned conversion parameter that anyhow guarantees the critical threshold of feasibility, necessary to a non-assisted development cycle, in agreement with the territorial vocations, acknowledging the old Plan’s outdateness.
This means that, during a first definition, could be transferred to the coast those investment expectations of the accommodation and hotel sector as well as the productive sector in a broad sense, exactly there where they, at this moment, would be strategic and irremissible, without essentially modifying the overall equilibrium on the territory.
· Variant of the General Plan for the coast District.
The compulsory passage is a variant to the general urbanistic tool of almost forty years old in order to acknowledge the abysmal economical, social and entrepreneurial differences occurred and that impose a totally different definition of the planning and development strategic.
Afterwards the local government of Latina will carry out the Executive Detailed Plan for the Coast District, measuring and determining politically and administratively the various indexes, criterions and implementation mechanisms as described in this global restoring Master Plan for the very District through a vast operation of transferring the current settlements.
· Application of the equalization mechanism of the benefits and the costs.
Key of the entire operation is the equalization mechanism of the benefits and the costs resulting from the implementation of the urbanistic expectations, as invented almost thirty years ago by the very Administration of Latina, abundantly tested and that nowadays is widely used in this city and has become patrimony of the whole Public Administration in Italy.
This mechanism allows, in the context of a planned circle, to distribute all the available volumetries over all the included properties, and consequently also the costs.
The conception is to identify an equalization index that equals the available volumetries divided by the entire surface.
The owners of the volumetries enjoy these areas only for the pertaining quote on the basis of the equalization index and not on the basis of the land property index, and are obliged to make over, directly or by means of an administrative transfer that considers the temporary entrustment to the local Administration, that settlements exceeding their direct constructing means.
On the other side, the owners of those areas appointed for burdensome realizations such as streets, gardens and parks or public services are admitted to the construction of their volumetries by handing over free of charge their properties to the local Administration and realizing the construction or by direct agreements with the owners of constructible areas, or receiving from the Administration these areas that were acquired on occasion of the construction permit granted, for those areas for which the planned volumetries exceeded the pertaining quote on equalization basis.
Complicated to explain, but transparent to apply. And by now widely tested.
All the owners, independently of the planned use, enjoy the benefits of the Plan; the Administration, that dispenses wealth by making the areas constructible, has the benefit to become, free of charge, the owner of the areas destined to services and infrastructures without having to pay the market-value for the expropriation of these areas that it contributed to appreciate. In this case we need to re-acquire for the community an environmental and landscape asset that is strategic for our future, and we cannot afford to consider forced acquiring methods as the amount of the necessary resources is staggering.
And so the Administration puts forward the only resource it has: the authority to plan and thereby awarding the areas a constructing susceptibility that allows the owners to create wealth, handing over to the community, free of charge, the areas for the services, infrastructures, the accomplishment of urbanity restoring on a broad scale as well.
The Administration may decide to re-assign the entire transfer volumetry on the inside of the District or also in external locations and areas, through general equilibrium valuations of strict administrative and political deliberations.
The planned strategy considers the following fundamental passages.
· Confirmation of the index of 0,27 cubic metres every square metre on the inside of the boundaries of the current Plan for the Marina of Latina.· Introduction of a building index for the areas on the inside of the District necessary for the accomplishment of the Plan equal to 0,135 cubic metres/square metre, of which a quarter (about 0,03 cubic metres/square metre) for residences and three quarter (0,105) for hotels.· Transfer of the building volumetries in the strip of 300 metres from the shoreline, after deducting what is not remediable, with an inducement bonus.· Acquiring free of charge the areas that have unlawful buildings post 1993 not remediable, through the legislative mechanisms in force.· Facilitations for the areas restricted to Agricultural Landscape Park, for which is not available the application of an equalization index, in exchange for the handing over to the community of these areas for purposes such as museums and farm holidays accommodation.· Acquiring of the areas currently restricted by military obligation for which is not considered the application of the equalization index.· Transfer of the unlawful volumetries classified as recoverable, without bonus.· Transfer of the volumetries realized executing the Marina Plan, with inducement bonus.· Transfer of the volumetries to be realized, executing the Marina Plan, without bonus.· Transfer of the legal volumetries beyond the 300 metres strip and inside the Master Plan’s District, with bonus.
These data have been summarized in the following tables.
· Volumetry comprised in the 300 m. strip,deducted those not restorable …. m3 256.000· Illegal volumetry post 1993 (not restorable m3 300.000) …………………… m3 389.000· Volumetry complexes of urbanistic restoring ……………………………... m3 645.000· Volumetry actually realized in execution of theMarina Detailed Plan (376.000 – 72.000) m3 304.000· Volumetry to be realized in execution of the Marina Detailed Plan (260.000 + 72.000) m3 332.000· Legal volumetry beyond the 300 metres strip and inside the District (estimated quantity) m3 120.000
Total volumetry existing or planned m3 1.657.000
· Surface area to be destined to compensation(Astura area 375 ha, – Fogliano area 400 ha) Ha 775
The economical values that are the basis of the determination of the volumetric transfer premiums are founded on the ascertainment that at the moment the real estate market in Latina draws up real property exchange contracts between the landowners and the building contractors applying a basis of a third.
Supposing to offer the owner of a building a desirable doubling of their property we create the condition of having to put at their disposal a volumetry of six times the size of their current estate, so that by means of a mere exchange contract (two parts to the owner and four parts to the financer – building contractor) they may obtain the doubling of their property, accepting the volumetric transfer premium and making over to the local administration the freed edifice for the new use provided for in this Plan.
The strategic innovation proposed is to divide the premium in two parts: a share that doubles the residential volume, the other four shares in hotel volumetry.
This bonus is to be calibrated at an administrative stage, by a premium differential of the hotel volumetry from two to four times the transfer volumetry, because only the Administration can decide in what measure to stimulate the enterprise’s take-off.
The hotel volumetry is to be considered the fuse, the strategic and moreover non-onerous resource, that triggers off the re-qualification mechanism on which will concentrate international investors, chains of hotels, investment funds, interested in long-term profitable enterprises, able to guarantee feasibility to the Plan through the inflow of resources external of the system, national and international.
The size of the values involved is pointed out in the following tables.
· Transfer volumetry comprised in the 300 metres strip m3 256.000
Residential volumetry ………………………. m3 256.000 x 2 512.000
Hotel volumetry max. premium …………… m3 256.000 x 4 1.024.000
Hotel volumetry min. premium ………........ m3 256.000 x 2 512.000
· Volumetry complexes urbanistic restoring m3 645.000
Residential volumetry ……………………….. m3 645.000 x 1 645.000
Hotel volumetry …………………………....... m3 645.000 x 0 0
· Volumetry actually realized Marina Detailed Plan m3 304.000
Residential volumetry ……………………….. m3 304.000 x 2 608.000
Hotel volumetry max. premium …………… m3 304.000 x 4 1.216.000
Hotel volumetry min. premium ………........ m3 304.000 x 2 608.000
· Volumetry to be realized Marine Detailed Plan m3 332.000
Residential volumetry ……………………….. m3 332.000 x 1 332.000
Hotel volumetry …………………………....... m3 332.000 x 0 0
· Legal Volumetry beyond 300 m. and inside the District (m3 120.000)Residential volumetry ………………………. m3 120.000 x 2 240.000
Hotel volumetry max. premium …………… m3 120.000 x 4 480.000
Hotel volumetry min. premium ………........ m3 120.000 x 2 240.000
· Volumetry deriving from the application of the equalization on the inside of the District
ha. 775 m2 7.750.000
m2 7.750.000 x 0,03 m3/m2 = residential volumetry …………. m3 232.500
m2 7.750.000 x 0,105 m3/m2 = hotel volumetry ………………. m3 813.750
· Total residential volumetry (512.000 + 645.000 332.000 + 240.000 + 232.000) m3 2.569.500· Total hotel volumetry – max. hypothesis (1.024.000 + 1.216.000 + 480.000 + 813.750) = m3 3.533.750· Total hotel volumetry – min. hypothesis(512.000 + 608.000 + 240.000 + 813.750) = m3 2.173.750· Difference of residential volumetry of the currentexpectations and the Master Plan(2.569.500 – 1.657.000)= m3 912.500· Difference between the hotel volumetry planned and theGeneral Services Volumetry not accomplished by the current Detailed Plan· maximum hypothesis m3 3.533.750· minimum hypothesis m3 2.173.750
The feasibility check of the Plan has been done by analyzing the real estate market of the city, with particular reference to the values of the buildings and volumetries of the Lido of Latina.
The extrapolated dates are the following :· Mean market value of the residential volumetr in the Marina of Latina zone euro 100/m3· Mean market value of hotel volumetry euro 150/m3· Mean market value for residences euro 1.500/m2Supposing the transfer of a real estate unit of 100 square metres (300 cubic metres) in the maximum premium hypothesis, we have :· Current market value ad 100 x 1.500 euro/m2 euro 150.000· Transfer premium to be calculated as follows:-Premium of two times for residential volumetry: m3 300 x 2 x euro 100/m3 euro 60.000-Premium of four times for hotel volumetry : m3 300 x 4 x euro 150/m3 euro 180.000· Total bonus 60.000 + 180.000: euro 240.000· Increase of the current market value of the property: (240.000 – 150.000) = euro 90.000 (+60%)Supposing the transfer of the same real estate unit with the minimum premium hypothesis, we have :. Premium of two times for residential volumetry :m3 300 x 2 x euro 100/m3 euro 60.000
. Premium of two times for hotel volumetry :m3 300 x 2 x euro 150/m3 euro 90.000
· Total bonus (60.000 + 90.000) euro 150.000· Increase of the current market value of the property (150.000 – 150.000) = euro 0 (+0%)In the minimum premium case the owner would have the benefit to receive in exchange a new property with identical features, but newly constructed and in a re-qualified context.
The Administration might decide for an intermediate solution.
· Resources introduced by the Administration by applying the Plan.· Residential volumetry m3 2.500.000 x euro 100/m3 euro 250.000.000· Hotel volumetry medium hypothesis(m3 2.200.000 + 3.500.000/2 = 2.850.000)x euro 150/m3 euro 427.500.000
Total resources introduced (intermediate hypothesis hotel volumetry) euro 677.500.000
· Resources activated at the realization of the Plan. (Private Capital Contributions)· Newly constructed residential volumetry m3 2500.000 x euro 750/m3 euro 1.875.000.000· Newly constructed hotel volumetry intermediate hypothesis
m3 2.850.000 x euro 1.250/m3 euro 4.600.000.000
Total private capital contributions euro 6.475.000.000
· Resources activated at the realization of the Plan. (Public Capital Contributions)· Realization of new road infrastructures km 12 x euro 2.000.000/km euro 24.000.000· Realization of bicycle tracks km. 15 x euro 100.000/km euro 1.500.000· Extension of the surface metrokm. 6 x euro 4.000.000/km euro 24.000.000· Realization parks and swimming pools euro 2.500.000
Total public capital contributions euro 52.000.000
· The Astura’s Delta Park. To be administrated by a Foundation, following the example of the Ninfa oasi, to be taken into consideration the possibility of collaboration.· The Water’s History Park. The single nucleus may be realized by Associations or private persons, in exchange for the profits of the swimming pools.· The Seafront Park. The administration of this area will be financed by the seasonal concessions for the refreshment stands.· The Health and Sports Park. May be administrated by Associations of private persons that manage the single sport facilities.· The Fogliano Park. No alterations planned as regards to the current situation.· The Park of the Good Living. The realization mechanisms are those of the application of the equalization already tested by the Local Administration.· The Agricultural Landscape Park. The fruition businesses such as farm holidays or similar may be assisted.· The Technological Park. To be decided upon by: the owners, Local Administration of Latina and the University La Sapienza of Rom.
1. Initial investments chargeable to the Local Administration
· Technical costs for the adjustment of urbanistic instruments euro 500.000· Costs for the realization of infrastructures euro 52.000.000· Costs for the force acquisition of the military property area euro 2.000.000· Costs for the thermal infrastructures of the District euro 1.000.000
Total initial costs for the Local Administration euro 54.500.000
2. Initial benefits for the Local Administration.
· Revenues for concessions euro 125.000.000· Free acquisition of public areas property byequalization (ha 700 x euro 50.000/ha) euro 35.000.000
Total initial benefits for the Local Administration euro 160.000.000
· Confirmation of the volumetries specified in the current Marina Plan.· Acquisition of volumetry equal to 0,135 m3/m2 of which 0,03 m3/m2 residential volumetry and 0,105 hotel volumetry, in favour of the areas not included in the current Marine Plan and included in the boundaries of the Master Plan.· Free acquisition of the areas for the new dislocation of the transfer volumetries.· Acqui£sition of the transfer premium equal two times the residential volumetry owned, plus a bonus for hotel volumetry of four times the property.· Acquisition of the transfer premium equal two/four times the existing hotel or commercial volumetry owned.
· Confirmation of the volumetries specified in the current Marina Plan.· Acquisition of volumetry equal to 0,135 m3/m2 of which 0,03 m3/m2 residential volumetry and 0,105 hotel volumetry, in favour of the areas not included in the current Marine Plan and included in the boundaries of the Master Plan.· Free acquisition of the areas for the new dislocation of the transfer volumetries.· Acquisition of the transfer premium equal two times the residential volumetry owned, plus a bonus for hotel volumetry of four times the property.· Acquisition of the transfer premium equal two/four times the existing hotel or commercial volumetry owned.
· The proposed mechanism if simply urbanistic and leaves the Local Administration only the determination of the coefficients of the transfer premium.· The Administration may aim to start the re-qualification of the District exerting more or less acceleration to the process by modulating the premium. A greater premium will accelerate the process, a moderate premium will take longer starting times. Furthermore, the Administration can evaluate the percentage of residential and hotel volumetry to be assigned, the temporal inducements for giving the process a fast start.· Assigns to the Administration the authority to choose the location of the premium and transfer volumetries in areas also outside the Coast District, the Borgo Grappa, the Borgo Sabotino, other city quarters, if recognizing its opportunity or convenience in a context of general rearrangement of settlement weights on the entire city territory.· The proposed mechanism, from a urbanistic point of view, is even plausible through the replacement of the volumetries generically intended as productive, already comprised in the current Plan, but never realized and of improbable accomplishment.· The Plan aims at the contribution of private capital and administrative mechanisms as the equalization that was already positively applied, and does not oblige the Local Administration to employ proper resources.· Distributes in a fair way the benefits and costs deriving from the Plan.· Is completely financeable at the setting up by means of the revenues deriving from the application of granting charges.· Does not cause deficit for ordinary or extraordinary maintenance, because, when operating regularly, substantial operating profits have been proven.
Acknowledgements to
Simone Marchetti, for grafics and documentation.
Consorzio di Bonifica dell’Agro Pontino, for pictures related to the Bonifica.
Municipality of Latina, for the pictures related to the coastal territory.
The concept drawings are by the Author.
“...and again Latina searches vigour in Mother Earth, in its territories, in order to stand up and face its very future, as she always did under difficult circumstances
Drawing from the breath of half a million years of history, finding its roots in the shattering beauty of its proper water, in the stratification of the ancient towns, the pre-historical settlements and the cultivated fields, in the brightness of its air, in the memory of the woods that yearn to cast their shadows again on this happy arch of coast, right in the centre of the Mediterranean.
Applying a wide-ranging strategy ... opens its sea to other people with whom to share the magic of a surf of twenty three waves ... escorts its guests on paths that were opened over thousands of years ... opens the blinds on its private treasures, the wades and the merchant’s strides, on the remnants of past towns and sanctuaries, the traces of roman roads...
Aerial view of the coastal territory of Latina
Alma Tellus, Alma Mater. That was how the Romans called the earth, the territory.
In her womb they were born, they moved, cultivated the fields, interweaved relations with other peoples, developed the incunambola of the great western civilization in terms of literature, jurisprudence, architecture, great engineering works, and political elaboration.
For her they had sacral respect, they thought her rivers and sources protected by Nymphs, and the plains, roads and crossroads watched by an infinite number of guardian deities.
That is why every gesture regarding the territory was performed with utmost consideration and emotion in a context of rituals that propitiated the approval of the “Genius Loci”, the spirit, that from time immemorial was the guardian divinity of that specific site.
With what different kindness we would sketch the signs, the motions of our planning if only we would be able to remember this remote portion of our cultural heritage.
Its forgetfulness results in this discomposure, this disrepute, this loudness of buildings, excavations and demolitions, in squares in which inaccurate technicians, car wreckers, sand quarrymen and garbage collectors do the best they can do.
Considering these topics, that seem different from those usually subject of town planning discussions, it becomes difficult to define the almost mathematical scheme that through consequentials results in project solutions as to the analyses, nearly always exclusively quantitative and numerical, preceding the zoning tables.
If the Territory is a complex system, intersected by the Human variable, the problem is to analyze the Complexity, intended as the final result of different superposed layers, among which those immediately comprehensive are found close to the surface because they are measured in terms of hectares, residents, and economical dynamics.
Then, while reaching depths, we find the history of the Territory, the language, the entire cultural patrimony, the human profile and their attitudes, their nature and the things they prefer to do, their expectations, their relations with those who reside their frontiers.
And so on, continuing to dig until reaching the most ancient and hidden roots that were formulated by their ancestral forefathers at the break of day.
And the more we will be able to drive into great depths this kind of investigating plough on the reasons that subtend the surface, the more the solutions that we, in our capacity of administrators or planners, will supply to the problems of the territory will result clinging and coinciding.
Tough region the “Agro Pontino”, the countryside near Latina, and yet a fertile womb for human being and their ancestrals since half a million years, ever since it was a happy and lazy concatenation of inland waters and sea bays were the hunting and fishing was easy and pleasant.
And proceeding throughout the ages this region of mediterranean scrub and Pontine Marshes filled with villages and streets, was the theatre of wars and conquests, provided in precious woods and wheat supplies, was locus of flourishing towns and sanctuaries, and port of call for sailors that brought pyrite from beyond the sea and sailed up the rivers to the inland to obtain iron for weaponry.
Then, the immense transformation of the twentieth century during which the plain changed once more in order to reply to new men that decided to settle here. They deforest, dry and regiment the waters, spread a close network of streets and canals, found Latina.
Vanishes for good the savage and dark spell of the scrub, appears a different beauty, the neat and tidy fields, the mathematical clarity of engineering and labour, the geometrical painting of the cultivations.
One plays and wins the wheat battle which in an agricultural country famished by the Great War is the right thing to do, and the towns and the villages innervate a correct, actually exemplary, system of territorial relations.
Towards the end of the fifties along the coast near Borgo Sabotino materializes a huge and disqueiting building, the most impressive of the region: the nuclear power station.
This is the constructed mark that predicts an epoch-making change; this is the Italy of the economical miracle that lays the foundations for the energetic supply for the industrialization of the sixties and seventies. From there on the countryside of Latina will be, more or less consciously, re-founded because shaken at the basis of the revolution that will turn the whole country in an industrial power of worldwide significance.
And the Territory records as a faithful seismograph production plants, infrastructures, sheds, chimneys.
Until the end of the eighties, when something goes wrong and Latina de-industrializes, the factories close because markets have changed, because the production is no longer competitive
And again Latina searches vigour in Mother Earth, in its territories, in order to stand up and face its very future, as she always did under difficult circumstances.
Drawing from the breath of half a million years of history, finding its roots in the shattering beauty of its proper water, in the stratification of the ancient towns, the pre-historical settlements and the cultivated fields, in the brightness of its air, in the memory of the woods that yearn to cast their shadows again on this happy arch of coast, right in the centre of the Mediterranean.
Applying a wide-ranging strategy.Its textile industries have gone to pieces, and soon also the tomato cultivation will crash, diabolical mechanism of the global market. So if there is no possible future for those emptied industrial buildings and the areas that are waiting for companies that no-one will found, let us acknowledge this with courage, let us found the town of the third millennium, and let us transform these non-feasible economical projects into sustainable projects that are tuned in with the Territory.
Because there is something that no competitor will ever be able to take away from Latina: its geographical position, in the centre of the ancient “Mare Nostrum” of the Romans, on a 40-minutes distance from an international airport, in a barycentric position between Rome and Naples, two cities that together add up unbounded cultural patrimonies and that possess un unequalled potential of attraction on
world’s tourism.
A fine sand coast squeezed in between the outermost edge of the Circeo National Park, the Fogliano Lake and thousands of hectare of vegetated area that reach as far as Nettuno and that comprise practically unexplored archaeological sites.
Ancient rivers that for centuries have been trade routes, along which other archaeological findings trace dizzy routes in centuries depths, lakes, roman streets, woods, thermal resources, still rows of trees that mark the day of those tilling the land that was regained by the land reclamation. Everything blessed by a climate that assures Europe’s apex of days of sun exposure.
These are the petroleum, the uranium, the gold, the treasures of Latina. In fifty years from now Italia will return to be the “Bel Paese”, the beautiful country, in which all Europe, probably the entire world will come to search culture, holidays, relief from a life of exaggerated competitiveness, spiritual and historical roots, salubrious and friendly air, because this is what matters.
Latina, with its coast and the charm of its land is still in an advantaged position.
And just as it offered fishing sites and abundance of animals and birds to pre-historical men, offered wheat to the republican and imperial Rome, offered space and land to till to the past-century Italy, and areas to industry-creating Italy, once again this Territory will draw on its womb-resources for the lucky people that will live under its skies.
Rendering available this arch of the coast falcated from Torre Astura to Rio Martino on which to lay out the bases of a third foundation of the town, a third millennium Latina.
An accommodating, welcoming Latina, easy exercise for a town that welcomed with open arms different people that preferred its eternally sea-swollen and –perfumed air, to fall in love with life and its landscape sodden with water to disenchant one-selves of these summer days that never end.
Latina that opens its sea to other people with whom to share the spell of a surf of twenty three waves, and escorts its guests on paths that were opened over thousands of years, that opens the blinds on its private treasures, the wades and the merchant’s strides, on the remnants of past towns and sanctuaries, the traces of roman roads, Latina that welcomes in the shade of its primordial woods and on the shores of its lakes, Latina that refreshes through the hand of its peasants that produce wholesome food as they farm the land with masterly skill, Latina that escorts new wayfarers and ancient pilgrims as far as St. Peter’s Throne and the excavations of Pompeii, as far as the islands that, in those days that the air is crystal clear, seem so close, almost touchable.
The coast, the area subject of the Master Plan, as a workshop of the future, as a strategic resource, vital, precious to such an extend to be explored every metre of the entire surface in search of all the traces of history, the ancient and the recent history, of all of the environmental specificities, all the traces, the footprints of labour, all future’s evidence.
And to have the resoluteness to cancel all scars of offence, the carelessness, both guilty and unaware, to feel the duty of indemnity, of restoration of what got lost, of the reinstatement of beauty, in order to emphasize all the unimaginable potentials.
The coast becomes a tourist centre of surprising prophetical beauty, as suitable for a new town, that settles down on this ancient territory, wild, restored with care and motherly patience, in which the marks of the past break out with flashing clarity, a theatre of time from history’s dawn until its remote future, the flowers of the dunes that become material of architecture, the quiet surface of the waters that turn into transparent façades exposing a landscape of insolent and shameless beauty, stars entangled on a stretch of the horizon, age-old fires to the sight of the sailors in the night.
The waters, in the first place.
· The sea water of this ancient sea of friendly sails and Saracen ships, of this sea that together with the wind generated the dunes and confined the coastside lakes, of this calm sea made of rollers that arrive from the other side of the horizon. This sea is to be returned to his sacral and majestic nature of history’s Father, of metaphor of this unfathonable abyss that is the human mind, of, not only physical, regenerating force. As a support to the Master Plan, at the start of the process, is to be weaven a rigid protection system of the tributaries, specially the Astura, the Acque Alte and Rio Martino, in order to preserve the complete and continuous swimming worthness, employing a commitment while thinking of the sea as a primary reserve for the survival of the entire territorial system, because that’s what it is about.
And along the ancient waters, the Astura, the Mascarello, the Cicerchia, the Mastro Pietro, the Rio Martino, regain the footsteps of transhumanation, of the passing of flatboats and barges, of the pre-historical stations and then those Volsca, Roman and medieval, right down until the times that preceded the great land reclamation. The streams and their basins, the lake of Sant’Antonio, the Isola dell’Oro.And along these passages interweave memory’s routes that are to be travelled on foot, riding horse, or sailing. The waters of the Fogliano Lake stretched towards west encountering the Astura and the other tributaries, and towards north fill up the engraving of the Cicerchia far over its current banks.
And then the new waters, those escorted to sea by land reclamation works. The land reclamation has been thought as a uniform corpus of planning decisions, of hydraulic works, of manufactures, of settled presences in landscape as wind-breaking strips, canals, constructions, that are to be restored, protected and returned intelligible in their complex as a monumental sequel, as a significant trace of those past century’s years. Also in this case was made a scrupulous field research, locating in the area subject of the Master Plan all recognizable presences of land reclamation works and proceeding in their classification, mapping and indication of the necessary interventions for their preservation and their exploitation within a tourism applied to a strong and distinguished cultural and environmental specificity. These presences as well have been stitched together in routes that will enable their exploitation and their comprehension by means of dedicated paths.
· At last all the newest waters. Those that are planned to be realized in the Mater Plan’s area, in the heart of the landscape axis that structures the new Marina system, in order to grant to the water, besides its role as memory of history and our father’s labour, also the important meaning of item of joy, of fun, of reconciliation with nature’s elements. Planned is a vast and articulated system of sheets of water, fountains, thermal pools, swimming pools with fresh water and those with sea water, all organically connected to the project’s settlements.
The Fogliano Lake stretched towards west far over the current edge of the Via del Mare, in some periods almost up to the present Borgo Sabotino, and collected the waters of the Mascarello, the Mastropietro and for a long time even those of the Astura that continued to change its outlet to sea throughout the ages.
The land reclamation governed the flow to sea of the Mascarello, channelling in it the so-called Acque Alte, traced a regular river bed for the Mastropietro intercepting it in parallel with the coast and draining the Fogliano lake by the Colmata canal below the sea level, thus trying to make cultivable the ancient swamps banking up ground up to an elevation near the sea level and ensuring the practicability of this reclaimed area by means of the Capo Portiere water-scooping machine.
The imprint of the lake, the ancient tributaries, of the pools and the swamps is still very evident in the aerial photos provided. The Piccinato plain, of which the current Detailed Plan is the immediate and true accomplishment, considered to group the residential growth in the inside of this still semi-swampy district, because these fields had never been very cultivable.
The few interventions realized of this plan had to reckon with awful sediments whereas the foundations were concerned, as stratification investigations revealed the presence of peat and insubstantial silt for dozens of metres of depth.
Bad spot for realizing buildings, still worse for living, therefore there are few permanent residents, and mainly these houses are used by a segment of recent expatriates, more or less in order with immigration laws and all laws in general terms.
The dune cordon was the easiest place to carry out the reassembling of the farms on the furthermost front towards the sea, and there is where was realized the farm link road coming from Borgo Sabotino. At the end of the fifties this cartroad and the delicate mechanisms that by nature had generate and maintained the marvellous equilibrium between aeolian, marine and vegetative actions fail for good among constructions on the sand, fences, asphalt, sidewalks and apartment blocks.
Geologically the strip between the Mastropietro and the coast road is a different matter: the zone maps report here the first culmination point of the ancient dune, this is land that emerged from remote ages, that, though poor of humus, presently is regularly cultivated.
However there have been incidents of illegal subdivision of the old farming units and building assaults that are manifest both in cartography and landscape.
Near Sabotino can be observed, also in the aerial photos, the network of riverbeds of ancient waterways that descent toward the old Mastropietro.
Three territorial segments with distinctly different features, today endangered by the same promiscuity, by use and abuse.
We propose an intervention aimed at their vocational reclamation that will be synergetic with the intervention strategic for the tourist development of the seafront and the entire municipal territory.
Wood of Fogliano, scrub of Cisterna, Riserve, Cerreto, are toponyms that are present and ranged in antique cartography, and by now present only there. In the portion of the Circeo National Park that rests in the territory of Latina the hectare of wood are really few, and, deducted the lacustrine basin, the remainder is used for agricultural purpose, very well irrigated by mother nature’s favour and definitely productive.
Therefore, of the woods remain some residual fragment and a lot of memory. For this reason the Master Plan provides for extensive areas of targeted reforestation and is, in some way, philologically cohering with a sort of overall design that sees, besides an innovative exploitation of the territory, a contemporary effort in strengthening its features and specifities.
Magnified environmental vocations combined with investment strategic of essentially private capital contribution, which may be coordinated only by a political and administrative project, wide-ranged and far-seeing. This is the exact background that implied the formulation of this proposal.
Restoring the environmental continuity along the stretch that goes from the Fogliano Lake to Foce Verde and, in a dealable future, up to Torre Astura.
Insertion of the three strong units on the seaside: the canal harbour of Rio Martino, the thermal baths pole and the tourist harbour of Foce Verde.
Re-naturalization of the basin between the Colmata canal and the Mastropietro. Withdrawal of the edifices upstream the Mastropietro through the establishment of an integrated landscape axis between the permanent residences and the hotel and congress facilities that is to contain the transfer of that volumetry presently persistent on the seafront and to ease the pressure on the Via Litoranea on geologically appropriate soil.
Volumetry in exchange for land, cubic volume bonus in exchange for the transfer and as an inducement to the re-conversion of the destinations from residential to hotel.
Recovery of the ancient watercourses and of their arboreal complements, restoration of the existing historical buildings, including those of the land reclamation era and restoration of the land reclamation streams.
Removal of the promenade from Rio Martino to Foce Verde and reinstatement of the dunes and the consequential expansion of the area available for bathing.
Activation an extension of the surface metro system from Foce Verde to Rio Martino to attend to the bathers with a route behind the dune cordon.
Opening of a cycle path from the tourist harbour of Foce Verde until Rio Martino, always behind the dunes.
A titanic effort, sure, that may engage the span of an entire generation, but dealing with complexity challenges does not tolerate shortcuts, partial solutions, weaknesses or compliances. Then let us calmly begin to disentangle this plan that may seem a visionary book of desires.
· Restoring the environmental continuity between the Fogliano Lake and the Astura delta.
Latina’s coast is embraced by two green lungs: the Circeo National Park and the area with an elevated landscape and archaeological value that currently is used as a military firing ground and is accessible for public only occasionally and with considerable restrictions. The reinstatement of continuity between these two areas of international significance has been regarded as the primary target to be realized through urbanistic and administrative mechanisms that are described in the following paragraphs.
· Insertion of the strong units of infrastructuralization of the reclamation area.
Strong points behind this continuity cordon have been considered the planned harbour of Foce Verde and the one in progress at Rio Martino, necessary reassembling for the harbour equipment of the coast, to be considered strategically irremissible to the take-off of this territory. Midway between these harbours has been integrated the thermal complex of Capo Portiere, able to activate a further, conclusive attraction on high-level and remunerative tourism all over the year, considering the quality of the thermal water available, unique in Europe for its pureness and therapeutic features.
· Render the tourist fruition non season-bounded, through the thermal infrastructuralization of the territory.
Near to Capo Portiere the city of Latina possesses, through the company Terme di Fogliano, a site of more than sixty hectares on which has been planned a thermal spa and therefore were excavated two wells for the extraction of the thermal water, captured in a profound basin of limitless potential. It is considered strategic that this resource, unique in Europe for the pureness and therapeutic features of the water, has to be distributed over the close net of hotels planned, because this feature would solve automatically the problem of the tourism being season-bounded, implementing the desirability of the tourist operator’s offer and activating a generator of economical flow unrivalled worldwide.
· Withdrawal and de-strengthening of the present promenade.
An unavoidable passage for the qualification of the tourist offer is the removal of the promenade over the entire length from Foce Verde to Rio Martino, in order to rebuild the ancient dynamics between land, sea and wind on the dune cordon that generated this stretch of coast. The link roads along the coast can be withdrawn beyond the very dune cordon, at approximately two hundred – two hundred and fifty metres from the shoreline, in a retreated position non visible from the beach.
The road deposit, once removed the asphalt surface and opportunely regenerated, could become the alignment of the bathing establishments, served by this discreet and out of sight link road.
This road could be articulated by a large and continuous cycle path, linked again to the urban axis planned, and by a traffic restricted lane serving the shuttles that from the single new facilities or from the hotels will distribute the bathers over the entire arch of beach as well as from the route of surface metro that disengages the very service. It is also planned that the various parking lots realized by the local government during the past years beyond the dune cordon will be re-used and linked to each other by the same road system, connected from the current Via Casilina and from the extension Sabotino – Foce Verde.
These parking lots would also serve the settlements executed during the past few years in realization of the Detailed Plan in force, pending the convenience of their re-assignment beyond the Mastropietro. The removal of the promenade will produce the effect of increasing the area at disposal of the bathers, of relieving in an extremely significant way the atrophic impact on the delicate dune stability, offering space, privacy, services for the very bathers, establishing conditions of enjoying the beach that probably are unique in the Mediterranean.
· Improvement and recovery of the ancient watercourses.
On the area considered exist many watercourses, some of which are ancient and difficult to locate by an on-site reconnaissance; others date back to the land reclamation period, often as a correction of the original courses.
Their close network is still manifest of the aerial photos, from which the original river beds can be deducted through the interlinked presence of arboreal species and, more clearly, in the chromatic differences in the green of the current cultivations that take on a more deep and luxuriant colouring there where they clearly draw water from veins flowing deeply, veins that never really dried up by land’s flattening or by the new regimentation of the drains.
These water veins, sometimes completely covered, other times still visible, have been located and enhanced in detail through planning the reintroduction of the original arboreal wealth, reimplanting the species that in ancient times crowned its course.
Along these courses have been planned non-stop walking paths linked between each other and in turn connected to the major green zones.
The watercourses traced by the land reclamation have also been protected by planning the preservation and the restoration of the wind-braking strips there where damaged.
· Rationalizing the camping system.
The realization of the link road beyond the dune cordon described at the previous point determines between this road and the Colmata canal a long strip available for the execution of a system of camping in a perfect position for the possibility of an immediate access to the beach as well as for the direct connection to the surface metro.
In this area can be organized both the transfer of the existing camping places currently outside this new destination as well as the settlements of new businesses in this sector, this through the direct undertaking by the current owners and the intervention of the local administration when it concerns areas obtained by means of the cession of other areas in virtue of the volumetric transfer to the new zones destined to construction.
· Strolling around everywhere, by metro, walking, cycling, horse riding, canoeing.
The connection between the city and the sea has been stubbornly pursued linking the cycling track presently established below the office district and planning its extension until the dune cordon and along this for the entire length of the shore, planning new cycling tracks: one along the Cicerchia canal that from the heart of the city leads, without intersections with the road system, directly to the centre of Fogliano, another one along the Astura, others as minor connection between the various settlements along the ancient watercourses and along the land reclamation’s canals.
Providing in rendering navigable the Cicerchia, the Astura, the Mastropietro and the Colmata completes this plan to make usable the entire reclamation district and to connect it to the city in an organic and total way, for everybody, without cars, every day of the year.
· The marriage of the sea.
When Latina was founded it did not possess a direct connection the sea, realized only in the sixties. Strange destiny for a sea town. It is now time for the city to meet its lover that has been waiting while caressing its hem with indefatigable surf.
That is why the sea – mountain Territorial Road is innervated to the longitudinal axis of the coast district and becomes the connection aorta between the city and its heart. And that is why the surface metro is extended until the dune cordon and proceeds towards west in order to serve the Sabotino harbour, and slides down towards east until the channel harbour of Rio Martino.
Finally that is why the union of the planned and the existing road systems has been supervised in a fluent and natural way: so that the sea will be at a two minutes distance from every point in the territory, so that it will be near also mentally, so that it will enter in the interior panorama of the city as an immanent, daily and unavoidable presence.One can ponder about the hidden sense of the rite with which Venice each year marries its sea, of those magnificent boats that cross the lagoon, of those crowns of flowers thrown in the water: the marriage of the sea.
And, after the reasons of the Complexity, the Plan.
That is not to crumble, but to reunify.
That is not to invent but to reveal, that is to satisfy with the smooth and sensual gestures of a lover. And that is how the zoning marks have been offered the opportunity for eight intertuned stories, stratified in a choral chant in which the land, the water and time have disentangled their stories, with different voices, from one end to the other of the reclamation district. Majestic the voice of the sea, melancholic the voice of the Astura and its delta, joyful and silvery the new water’s voice.
Areas reconciled with their past and their future with large signs of continuity, eight vocations that become eight steps over time, that become eight continuous parks.
· The Seafront Park.
Profile and features of the dune cordon are evident in the stretch between Capo Portiere and Rio Martino, even with the interferences constituted by the presence of the seafront road.
The restoring of its continuity also in the stretch between Capo Portiere and Foce Verde and beyond is a strongpoint of the proposed Master Plan.
The removal of the roads should be followed by a subsequent step that guarantees the total reactivation of natural mechanisms that throughout ages have created the dune cordon and that allowed its development, evolution and preservation.
Therefore all paths that, from the course of the new roads beyond the dune cordon, lead to the bathing establishments settles near the current seafront road and reach the shore, will be executed with suspended wooden walkways, method already applied by the administration of the Circeo National Park, so that natural mechanisms between wind, sea and vegetative actions will not be damaged.
The same precaution is to be taken in the installation of all the bathing establishments, seasonal or regular.
And above these walkways unification mark: the large white tents that shadow the refreshment and bathroom places. A reference to the temporary encampments of whom travels the desert, knowing that his strides last for just a moment on the sand of these dunes that are moulded and reshaped by wind’s willing.
At a distance of only a few days of sailing from here, on the opposite seashore.
· The Archaeological and Naturalistic Park of the Astura’s Delta.
Silently the Astura approaches the sea. Reaching its sight, near the ruins of the ancient town that has given it its name, stopped, consternated because its course had reached the end, and hesitating dispersed in the twists and turns of the flat plain on which was written and re-written an inextricable labyrinth of courses, among the vegetation of the large Pontine Marshes and the ruins of buildings, bridges, of warehouses animated by ships and merchants, by sailors and smugglers that had seen the waters indelible coloured by the blood of Corradino Di Svevia.
Nowadays of these things remain the engravings on the dune, the fascination of a name, the Isola dell’Oro, the torture of sunset, the ruins covered by vegetation, memory’s spectres of ages that have only barely been veiled with an almost human piteous mantle by abandonment and time.
This is the stretch of the coast that partly is in use as military firing ground and partly has been illegally apportioned, and on which is planned the execution of the Archaeological and Naturalistic Park of the Astura, highlighting through a guided re-naturalization both the tracing of the ancient course of the river and the archaeological ruins of the ancient city, as already has been done by Princess Caetani for the town of Ninfa.
This park is the incipit of a naturalistic and archaeological route that ends at Satricum and unravels itself on the water of the very river, joined by a path to be travelled by horse or by bicycle among these two emergencies, territorially and culturally enchanting and charming.
· The Park of the Water’s History.
It is our concern to transmit in the Plan the so-called DNA of these lands. Complicated genomes, stratified, sometimes conflicting.
Bring to the surface the secret laws that produced it, made it grow, that signed its traces, through the ancient settlements constructed on the border of the rivers and the ditches and the land reclamation houses lined up along the land division roads.
That is how the structuring axis between the Mastropietro that crosses the entire Plan’s District has been thought as assonance as to the old watercourses that pass through the marsh with loops and stagnations, bending around the dune’s emergences, thinning there where the sandy appearances were more substantial and spreading beyond the dune cordon before plunging into the sea.
And inside this road axis, whose two lanes have been widely divaricated, has been planned the Park of the Water’s History, a concatenation of water landscapes, of potting and fountains as if generated by a handwritten transcription of the engravings of all times waters of the skin of these lands.
On the borders of these potting have been set fountains, swimming pools with either fresh water, sea water or thermal water, a festival of the waters, of all the waters of Latina, so that they may re-emerge physically at the centre of this new living, that amazes and charms mankind every morning just like it did half a million years ago.
· The Park of the Good Living.
Currently the coast district could be described as a “sparse urban system”, spreaded by the promenade (the stretch from Capo Portiere to Foce Verde), by the coast road and by the intermediary connection that is the link road planned in the Marina Plan in force as a connection between the new settlements, up to now performed for only a small part.
The current promenade has the profile of the land reclamation’s farm link road. The coast road that until the sixties showed a neat line of farms has now been crammed on the street front with a continuous series of new buildings that made his specificity completely illegible and the original edifices still distinguishable can probably be counted on the fingers of one single hand.
The link road of the Plan in force is a fast-flowing traffic road that supports the secondary roads to the new residential complexes, isolated among them, enclaves going adrift who’s summer equipment appear an ephemeral firework, brief intermission of the continuous presence of illegal rents, emigrant’s and underground families, perfect spot for prostitution and brothels.
The formulated proposal is to transfer this link road to the northern part of the District in order to make it a urban and contemporary landscape axis, strong, well-organized, and to realize on its borders the constructions non accomplished of the Plan in force, the edifices newly planned, the transfer volumetry for both residences as hotels in a tight link that does not admit dark zones or of irregular brightness, animated continuously by residents and tourist, both seasonal and congressional, by bars, restaurants and clubs open to public all over the year along a pedestrian mall, lively, amazing.
The route is established on the extreme west of the district and on the east on the road that leads from Borgo Grappa to the Canal Harbour of Rio Martino, following the crest located on the geological maps and granting thereby to the newly planned edifices optimum settlement conditions, besides salubrity of living.
The transfer with volumetric premium along this axis does not only involve the volumetries at the south of the Mastropietro but also the housings situated on its inside and those on the street front of the coast road, exactly to restore the coast road’s original appearance and to encourage, there where appropriate, an excavation campaign searching the traces of the ancient Via Severiana.
· The Fogliano National Park.
The area of the Fogliano Park is managed by the National Park administration. The only interventions planned in this area concern the demolition of the current promenade and its de-strengthening by its transfer beyond the dune cordon.
The newly planned trace is dedicated exclusively to the shuttle-bus, the surface metro and the accessibility by bicycle and on foot. This new condition is an absolute improvement of the current circumstances and should meet the Park administration’s approval. Beyond, along the coast road, the link axis between the Canal Harbour of Rio Martino and the rest of the coast district has been approached as near as possible to the very coast road on the outside of the Park, planning a broad strip to be dedicated to the foundation of the Fogliano Agricultural Landscape Park.
The existing buildings can be used as the seat of a University Department of Landscape Sciences.
· The Pontine Agricultural Landscape Park.
The portion of the district that goes from the present Via del Lido until Rio Martino, engaged for the most by the National Park and the Fogliano Lake, preserves, outside the boundaries of the very Park, evocative aspects of the original agricultural landscape of the Pontine countryside and has been destined by the Plan in force to become public parks and gardens.
The necessity to guarantee an organic connection between the two extremities of the district until Borgo Grappa and the Canal Harbour of Rio Martino, in this case has been suppressed mitigating the longitudinal link’s redundancy also through the partial re-use of the coast road, exactly to minimize the impact on this splendid and calm stretch of the landscape.
The building interventions planned, in order to stimulate the landscape recovery of the narrow strip that has been damaged by recent buildings along the coast road, has been concentrated on Borgo Grappa’s constructed boundaries with the double purpose to provide the Borgo as well as the Canal Harbour with hotel accommodations and to render it rather an expansion of the existing.
All this to set up the Pontine Agricultural Landscape Park, concluding the preservation cycle of the Master Plan’s area applying the last topic, the protection of the Pontine Agricultural Landscape, that in this area takes on the utmost of pregnancy and specific significance.
· The Health and Sports Park.
The area at present called of the Colmata before the land reclamation was part of the old basin of the Fogliano Lake and in part swamp in which the old course of the Mastropietro, but also the Astura, the Mascarello and the other ancient rivers turned into a marsh for the greater part of the year
It lies below the sea-level and has always been unsuited for agricultural exploitation. Its geological features make building difficult. The Master Plan provides in the re-naturalization and the introduction inside its perimeter of facilities for the recreation, health, sports, walking and free time in order to enable its use as completing area for the restored dune cordon, a green lung for the entire city.
· The Technological Park.
With regard to the two Atomic Power Plants of Borgo Sabotino there is little and conflicting information available.
These blocks are part of landscape and history of this territory.
The Plan proposes to convert them into the seat of an Energy Technological Park, with educational and museum purposes.
Remains to define the compatibility of this intent with the company that currently manages the decommissioning of the old reactor, but surely the introduction of a new function would grant the city both the re-use of a container and a strategic area, as well as the benefit of a centre of technological excellence that is to aim at the research of the future’s energies, compatible with a context of high naturalistic value, besides the possibility to protect this site for the temptation to create here a radioactive waste cemetery.
In order to make the territorial system planned propulsive and in agreement with a political project that thinks the city territory as a single theatre of life and planning skill able to look forward, have been introduced four University Centres attached to the district’s features, and that contribute in strengthening the Latina University Centre.
· University Institute for the Future’s Energy Research.
In the form of a regular faculty or of a short-term degree, to be realized within the Technological Park situated in the Atomic Power Plants of Borgo Sabotino. The current laws that stimulate the use of alternative energies such as solar, marine of aeolian energy would thereby have a direct and immediate study and experimentation scenario, and the whole district would become a pilot experience on an urban scale of the new technologies of procurement from renewable sources of energy.
· University Institute of Medical Hydrology.
The thermal resource of Capoportiere has therapeutically features unique in Europe and in the world. A University Institute for the Study of Medical Hydrology connected as a specialization course to the local Faculty of Medicine or as a short-term degree for thermal health workers would award a medical qualification to the Thermal Establishment and to the hotel accommodations a matchless credibility, and would excellently instruct the whole staff needed.
· University Institute for Landscape Sciences.
To be locate on the inside of the Fogliano National Park through the re-use of the many buildings now vacant or of improper use. It should deal with the sector generally called Landscaping, tackle problems such as environmental management, landscape restoring and the recovery, the planning and the management of Natural Parks.
· University Institute of Sea Sciences.
To be situated at Borgo Grappa, in order to create a strong centre at the east of the District. Should deal with Oceanology, Natural Science referred to the marine environment, the management of sea’s resources, purifying problems. The allocation could partially be planned on the outer edge of the Borgo and partially in the vacant Foundation’s edifices. The coast district hereby becomes a single laboratory in which new ways of understanding the relation with environment, new ways of living, of enjoying the landscape, of living the history of the territory become ways of being, and then of planning the future.
First pillar of the plan is the equalization mechanism of benefits and burdens of the urbanistic expectations that was created in the seventies exactly in the city of Latina and that today has become patrimony of the entire urban and administrative culture in Italy.
By means of this mechanism the local administration will acquire for free all areas with public destination specified in this Master Plan and will also act as a clearinghouse between the various properties with different destinations, according to a smoothly working mechanism that yielded an unequalled administrative productiveness. The second pillar is an unsuspected mechanism of transfer premiums regarding the volumetries situated in the areas that are to be recovered, according to the following essential outlines.
The economical values that are the basis for the calculation of the volumetric transfer premiums are founded on the ascertainment that at the moment the real estate market in Latina draws up contracts of real property exchange between the landowners and the building contractors applying a basis of a third.
Supposing to offer the owners of a building a desirable doubling of their property, we create the condition of having to put at their disposal a volumetry of six times the size of their current estate, so that by means of a mere exchange contract (two parts to the owner and four parts to the financer-building contractor) they may obtain the doubling of their property, accepting the volumetric transfer premium and making over to the Local Administration the freed edifice for the new use provided for in this Plan. The strategic innovation proposed is to divide the premium in two parts: a share that doubles the residential volume, the other four shares in hotel volumetry. This bonus is to be calibrated at an administrative stage, by a premium differential of the hotel volumetry from two to four times the transfer volumetry, because only the Administration can decide in what measure to stimulate the enterprise’s take-off. (Please see the Feasibility Report).
The hotel volumetry is to be considered the fuse, the strategic and moreover non-onerous resource, that triggers off the re-qualification mechanism on which will concentrate international investors, chains of hotels, investment funds, interested in long-term profitable enterprises, persuaded by the effectiveness of the general project, thereby activating an inflow of external and private capital, the only ones able to guarantee feasibility to the Plan.
This mechanism can have a further adjustment in temporal terms. In the ten-year arch of effectiveness of the Plan are to be determined three intervention segments.The enterprises that start during the first four years enjoy the full premium, from the fifth until the seventh year the premium is reduced by approximately fifteen percent and from the eighth to the tenth year the enterprises enjoy a curtailed premium to for instance thirty percent, in order to persuade the investors to act immediately, taking advantage of the best conditions, avoiding waiting rents.
The boundaries and the active expectations for Borgo Grappa and Borgo Sabotino remain unchanged. All areas included in the perimeter of the Marine Plan in force continue to benefit the current generalized compensation index of 0,27 cubic metres every square metre, unless there are major benefits resulting from the transfer mechanism for volumetries that were legally realized, as described in the previous paragraph.
All other areas, with a current agricultural destination included in the Master Plan’s perimeter (excluding those to be considered pre-Park, essentially concentrated in the stretch between Via del Mare and Rio Martino, on which remain in force the current protection measures), could enjoy a generalized compensation index of 0,135 cubic metres every square metre (fifty percent of the index applied to those areas already considered building areas) of which a quarter, equal in approximate value to the current 0,03 for residential volumetry and the remaining three quarters, that is 0,105 cubic metres every square metre for hotel volumetry.
Also these areas benefit the transfer premium according the criterions described in the previous paragraph so as they will definitively be fixed by the Local Administration, and they will be subject to the same equalization provisions of the benefits and costs in force on the Marina areas, on the condition of the free assignment of all the public areas and of those not involved by direct building due to the owners considering the index of suitability for building.
In order to avoid an improper use of the granted hotel volumetry resulting from transfer premiums or from a new index, these will have a composition of seventy five percent of real accommodation facilities, a maximum of twenty percent dedicated to restaurants, congress facilities, meeting places, fitness, swimming pools and so on, while the remaining five percent will have a commercial destination.
There is not a trace of Architecture below the coast road that does not regard edifices dating from the land reclamation epoch or from earlier ages, such as the Borghetto di Fogliano, the so-called Casina Inglese, or the Procoio.
What is needed is the hand of a gentle god, lost with love for these places, maybe the ancient tutelary deity of the silence and the waters of the marshes, to heal ancient and new scars, a god that would donate his looking beyond times revealing a delighted future for the people of these places.
And, remembering the gentle hand of this god, has been spread out the newly defined road ridge, between the coast road and the Mastropietro, in two distinct lanes that flow between the district’s boundaries, intertwining slight and winding routes as if tango strides, but almost literally referring to the ancient river courses that right here gently rocked wearing watermarked textures variating every season before mingling with the water of the sea.
And flexuously were engraved the joints with the existing road system, incorporating everywhere water and large green spaces between the lanes, thinning the system near Fogliano, bypassing beyond the built-up areas of Borgo Sabotino in order to cement the embrace of the Borgo and its new heart: the harbour, somehow materializing its detachment from its agricultural hinterland and sealing its new fate: the sea.
And around this road-river shingle have been designed the surfaces on which to build the volumetries both of transfer as well as newly planned, residences and hotels, together, preferring the contamination and the complexity to the separation of resident and hotel areas in which the latter, during periods of less use, could transform in deserted and dull neighbourhoods.
From the shore of this sea the horizon is every night unceasingly animated by the silhouettes of the ships that, laden with light, pursue in the dark their silent courses. In a kind of reciprocal play the built-up has been conceived for being seen from the sea, at night, materializing these sharp and askewed prisms, at their turn full with lights, intertwined like salt crystals, outstretching towards the stars. Glass surfaces, sensitive and intelligent, that during the day capture the heath of the sun for returning it as energy and light. Burning crests as gushing fountains of an untameable volcano.
Mysterious and inexplicable to the eyes of the nocturnal seafarer who’s pupils are moving between the Little Bear and the coast that has not been noted on the maps nor has it ever been narrated by anyone.
Latest spell of that Enchantress that used to freeze the blood of ancient sailors, in sight of Capo Circeo. In the plan this is how have been materialized these buildings that emerged from telluric fractures, full of different waters and solidified under the sky, exactly like rock salt fragments, limpid, transparent, random and different among them even though subtended by an aggregation law, unique and inexplicable multiform, so sensitive to register in its DNA the casual incorporation of a pollen lump, of a spore, of a discard of the wind, of a thread of light.
Faceted geometries, shattered, that as a matter of fact constitute a single gigantic system of photovoltaic mirrors, inclinated in order to absorb solar energy throughout the whole day, the whole year.
Prophecy of a city that re-writes its very past and designs, under obligation of a upsetting evidence, a different future for its environment.
Latina, condemned to bear the tumoral mass of a nuclear reactor with its immarcescible freight of death, result of a harsh and unaware embrace with reason of state.
No geometries of Brunelleschi, of Alberti, or of the twentieth century Masters modulated the building because they do not suffice anymore, and the “I am because I doubt” foundation of modern thought, within a pencil explodes because prevented from alluding to certainties, also if only sub-species of symmetric and reassuring figures.
And on the top of the dune cordon these slight encampments, tormented by the wind, slender, fragile, kind, supported by poles that appear to be the masts of a fleet of ships that is ready to sail. They refresh with shade those who came in search of the sea, making them halt at a distance, a little scared, disenchanted, amazed that all this beauty is for their eyes only.
“... the area subject of the Master Plan, as a workshop of the future, as a strategic resource, vital, precious to such an extend to be explored every metre of the entire surface in search of all the traces of history, the ancient and the recent history, of all of the environmental specificities, all the traces, the footprints of labour, all future’s evidence. And to have the resoluteness to cancel all scars of offence, the carelessness, both guilty and unaware, to feel the duty of indemnity, of restoration of what got lost ...”1. URBANISTIC FEASIBILITY· The territorial equilibrium of the Detailed Plan in force.
The current Detailed Plan, worked out between the sixties and the seventies during the industrialization period, considers a city connected by a strong umbilical cord to the vast industrial area of the ASI Authority that also involves the hill’s towns and villages, locating on the axis Latina – Latina Scalo the General Service area (in which are to be included as well the hotel and accommodation facilities).
The interrupted development of the industrial area and its progressive impoverishment made that this General Services area, that covers about 100 hectares for 2.000.000 cubic metres, was never realized.
South of the city, in the direction of Frosinone, had been planned another industrial zone that was realized only in part and that nowadays shows large unbuilded zones that involve volumetries that can be estimated in about 1.000.000 cubic metres, to which are to be added the 1.500.000 cubic metres that were never realized in the ASI Authority area.
Then, when we add to this the abandoned industrial volumetries of only the most important plants such as the ex-Rossi Sud and the ex-Richard Ginori, we reach a total of about 5.000.000 cubic metres falsely appointed to productivity and for which does not exist any legitimate expectation of realization on middle or long term.
In this old Detailed Plan the Marina of Latin is considered a mere residential area, economically secondary, for which were not even planned hotel and accommodation facilities, nor ordinary service areas.
· New hypothesis for settlement equilibrium.
The end of the Southern Italy Development Fund and the collapse of the pontine industrial sector may induce to ponder the opportunity to re-modulate on the territory the importance of the productive and service areas as stipulated in the old Plan, giving them a well-reasoned conversion parameter that anyhow guarantees the critical threshold of feasibility, necessary to a non-assisted development cycle, in agreement with the territorial vocations, acknowledging the old Plan’s outdateness.
This means that, during a first definition, could be transferred to the coast those investment expectations of the accommodation and hotel sector as well as the productive sector in a broad sense, exactly there where they, at this moment, would be strategic and irremissible, without essentially modifying the overall equilibrium on the territory.
· Variant of the General Plan for the coast District.
The compulsory passage is a variant to the general urbanistic tool of almost forty years old in order to acknowledge the abysmal economical, social and entrepreneurial differences occurred and that impose a totally different definition of the planning and development strategic.
Afterwards the local government of Latina will carry out the Executive Detailed Plan for the Coast District, measuring and determining politically and administratively the various indexes, criterions and implementation mechanisms as described in this global restoring Master Plan for the very District through a vast operation of transferring the current settlements.
· Application of the equalization mechanism of the benefits and the costs.
Key of the entire operation is the equalization mechanism of the benefits and the costs resulting from the implementation of the urbanistic expectations, as invented almost thirty years ago by the very Administration of Latina, abundantly tested and that nowadays is widely used in this city and has become patrimony of the whole Public Administration in Italy.
This mechanism allows, in the context of a planned circle, to distribute all the available volumetries over all the included properties, and consequently also the costs.
The conception is to identify an equalization index that equals the available volumetries divided by the entire surface.
The owners of the volumetries enjoy these areas only for the pertaining quote on the basis of the equalization index and not on the basis of the land property index, and are obliged to make over, directly or by means of an administrative transfer that considers the temporary entrustment to the local Administration, that settlements exceeding their direct constructing means.
On the other side, the owners of those areas appointed for burdensome realizations such as streets, gardens and parks or public services are admitted to the construction of their volumetries by handing over free of charge their properties to the local Administration and realizing the construction or by direct agreements with the owners of constructible areas, or receiving from the Administration these areas that were acquired on occasion of the construction permit granted, for those areas for which the planned volumetries exceeded the pertaining quote on equalization basis.
Complicated to explain, but transparent to apply. And by now widely tested.
All the owners, independently of the planned use, enjoy the benefits of the Plan; the Administration, that dispenses wealth by making the areas constructible, has the benefit to become, free of charge, the owner of the areas destined to services and infrastructures without having to pay the market-value for the expropriation of these areas that it contributed to appreciate. In this case we need to re-acquire for the community an environmental and landscape asset that is strategic for our future, and we cannot afford to consider forced acquiring methods as the amount of the necessary resources is staggering.
And so the Administration puts forward the only resource it has: the authority to plan and thereby awarding the areas a constructing susceptibility that allows the owners to create wealth, handing over to the community, free of charge, the areas for the services, infrastructures, the accomplishment of urbanity restoring on a broad scale as well.
The Administration may decide to re-assign the entire transfer volumetry on the inside of the District or also in external locations and areas, through general equilibrium valuations of strict administrative and political deliberations.
The planned strategy considers the following fundamental passages.
· Confirmation of the index of 0,27 cubic metres every square metre on the inside of the boundaries of the current Plan for the Marina of Latina.· Introduction of a building index for the areas on the inside of the District necessary for the accomplishment of the Plan equal to 0,135 cubic metres/square metre, of which a quarter (about 0,03 cubic metres/square metre) for residences and three quarter (0,105) for hotels.· Transfer of the building volumetries in the strip of 300 metres from the shoreline, after deducting what is not remediable, with an inducement bonus.· Acquiring free of charge the areas that have unlawful buildings post 1993 not remediable, through the legislative mechanisms in force.· Facilitations for the areas restricted to Agricultural Landscape Park, for which is not available the application of an equalization index, in exchange for the handing over to the community of these areas for purposes such as museums and farm holidays accommodation.· Acquiring of the areas currently restricted by military obligation for which is not considered the application of the equalization index.· Transfer of the unlawful volumetries classified as recoverable, without bonus.· Transfer of the volumetries realized executing the Marina Plan, with inducement bonus.· Transfer of the volumetries to be realized, executing the Marina Plan, without bonus.· Transfer of the legal volumetries beyond the 300 metres strip and inside the Master Plan’s District, with bonus.
These data have been summarized in the following tables.
· Volumetry comprised in the 300 m. strip,deducted those not restorable …. m3 256.000· Illegal volumetry post 1993 (not restorable m3 300.000) …………………… m3 389.000· Volumetry complexes of urbanistic restoring ……………………………... m3 645.000· Volumetry actually realized in execution of theMarina Detailed Plan (376.000 – 72.000) m3 304.000· Volumetry to be realized in execution of the Marina Detailed Plan (260.000 + 72.000) m3 332.000· Legal volumetry beyond the 300 metres strip and inside the District (estimated quantity) m3 120.000
Total volumetry existing or planned m3 1.657.000
· Surface area to be destined to compensation(Astura area 375 ha, – Fogliano area 400 ha) Ha 775
The economical values that are the basis of the determination of the volumetric transfer premiums are founded on the ascertainment that at the moment the real estate market in Latina draws up real property exchange contracts between the landowners and the building contractors applying a basis of a third.
Supposing to offer the owner of a building a desirable doubling of their property we create the condition of having to put at their disposal a volumetry of six times the size of their current estate, so that by means of a mere exchange contract (two parts to the owner and four parts to the financer – building contractor) they may obtain the doubling of their property, accepting the volumetric transfer premium and making over to the local administration the freed edifice for the new use provided for in this Plan.
The strategic innovation proposed is to divide the premium in two parts: a share that doubles the residential volume, the other four shares in hotel volumetry.
This bonus is to be calibrated at an administrative stage, by a premium differential of the hotel volumetry from two to four times the transfer volumetry, because only the Administration can decide in what measure to stimulate the enterprise’s take-off.
The hotel volumetry is to be considered the fuse, the strategic and moreover non-onerous resource, that triggers off the re-qualification mechanism on which will concentrate international investors, chains of hotels, investment funds, interested in long-term profitable enterprises, able to guarantee feasibility to the Plan through the inflow of resources external of the system, national and international.
The size of the values involved is pointed out in the following tables.
· Transfer volumetry comprised in the 300 metres strip m3 256.000
Residential volumetry ………………………. m3 256.000 x 2 512.000
Hotel volumetry max. premium …………… m3 256.000 x 4 1.024.000
Hotel volumetry min. premium ………........ m3 256.000 x 2 512.000
· Volumetry complexes urbanistic restoring m3 645.000
Residential volumetry ……………………….. m3 645.000 x 1 645.000
Hotel volumetry …………………………....... m3 645.000 x 0 0
· Volumetry actually realized Marina Detailed Plan m3 304.000
Residential volumetry ……………………….. m3 304.000 x 2 608.000
Hotel volumetry max. premium …………… m3 304.000 x 4 1.216.000
Hotel volumetry min. premium ………........ m3 304.000 x 2 608.000
· Volumetry to be realized Marine Detailed Plan m3 332.000
Residential volumetry ……………………….. m3 332.000 x 1 332.000
Hotel volumetry …………………………....... m3 332.000 x 0 0
· Legal Volumetry beyond 300 m. and inside the District (m3 120.000)Residential volumetry ………………………. m3 120.000 x 2 240.000
Hotel volumetry max. premium …………… m3 120.000 x 4 480.000
Hotel volumetry min. premium ………........ m3 120.000 x 2 240.000
· Volumetry deriving from the application of the equalization on the inside of the District
ha. 775 m2 7.750.000
m2 7.750.000 x 0,03 m3/m2 = residential volumetry …………. m3 232.500
m2 7.750.000 x 0,105 m3/m2 = hotel volumetry ………………. m3 813.750
· Total residential volumetry (512.000 + 645.000 332.000 + 240.000 + 232.000) m3 2.569.500· Total hotel volumetry – max. hypothesis (1.024.000 + 1.216.000 + 480.000 + 813.750) = m3 3.533.750· Total hotel volumetry – min. hypothesis(512.000 + 608.000 + 240.000 + 813.750) = m3 2.173.750· Difference of residential volumetry of the currentexpectations and the Master Plan(2.569.500 – 1.657.000)= m3 912.500· Difference between the hotel volumetry planned and theGeneral Services Volumetry not accomplished by the current Detailed Plan· maximum hypothesis m3 3.533.750· minimum hypothesis m3 2.173.750
The feasibility check of the Plan has been done by analyzing the real estate market of the city, with particular reference to the values of the buildings and volumetries of the Lido of Latina.
The extrapolated dates are the following :· Mean market value of the residential volumetr in the Marina of Latina zone euro 100/m3· Mean market value of hotel volumetry euro 150/m3· Mean market value for residences euro 1.500/m2Supposing the transfer of a real estate unit of 100 square metres (300 cubic metres) in the maximum premium hypothesis, we have :· Current market value ad 100 x 1.500 euro/m2 euro 150.000· Transfer premium to be calculated as follows:-Premium of two times for residential volumetry: m3 300 x 2 x euro 100/m3 euro 60.000-Premium of four times for hotel volumetry : m3 300 x 4 x euro 150/m3 euro 180.000· Total bonus 60.000 + 180.000: euro 240.000· Increase of the current market value of the property: (240.000 – 150.000) = euro 90.000 (+60%)Supposing the transfer of the same real estate unit with the minimum premium hypothesis, we have :. Premium of two times for residential volumetry :m3 300 x 2 x euro 100/m3 euro 60.000
. Premium of two times for hotel volumetry :m3 300 x 2 x euro 150/m3 euro 90.000
· Total bonus (60.000 + 90.000) euro 150.000· Increase of the current market value of the property (150.000 – 150.000) = euro 0 (+0%)In the minimum premium case the owner would have the benefit to receive in exchange a new property with identical features, but newly constructed and in a re-qualified context.
The Administration might decide for an intermediate solution.
· Resources introduced by the Administration by applying the Plan.· Residential volumetry m3 2.500.000 x euro 100/m3 euro 250.000.000· Hotel volumetry medium hypothesis(m3 2.200.000 + 3.500.000/2 = 2.850.000)x euro 150/m3 euro 427.500.000
Total resources introduced (intermediate hypothesis hotel volumetry) euro 677.500.000
· Resources activated at the realization of the Plan. (Private Capital Contributions)· Newly constructed residential volumetry m3 2500.000 x euro 750/m3 euro 1.875.000.000· Newly constructed hotel volumetry intermediate hypothesis
m3 2.850.000 x euro 1.250/m3 euro 4.600.000.000
Total private capital contributions euro 6.475.000.000
· Resources activated at the realization of the Plan. (Public Capital Contributions)· Realization of new road infrastructures km 12 x euro 2.000.000/km euro 24.000.000· Realization of bicycle tracks km. 15 x euro 100.000/km euro 1.500.000· Extension of the surface metrokm. 6 x euro 4.000.000/km euro 24.000.000· Realization parks and swimming pools euro 2.500.000
Total public capital contributions euro 52.000.000
· The Astura’s Delta Park. To be administrated by a Foundation, following the example of the Ninfa oasi, to be taken into consideration the possibility of collaboration.· The Water’s History Park. The single nucleus may be realized by Associations or private persons, in exchange for the profits of the swimming pools.· The Seafront Park. The administration of this area will be financed by the seasonal concessions for the refreshment stands.· The Health and Sports Park. May be administrated by Associations of private persons that manage the single sport facilities.· The Fogliano Park. No alterations planned as regards to the current situation.· The Park of the Good Living. The realization mechanisms are those of the application of the equalization already tested by the Local Administration.· The Agricultural Landscape Park. The fruition businesses such as farm holidays or similar may be assisted.· The Technological Park. To be decided upon by: the owners, Local Administration of Latina and the University La Sapienza of Rom.
1. Initial investments chargeable to the Local Administration
· Technical costs for the adjustment of urbanistic instruments euro 500.000· Costs for the realization of infrastructures euro 52.000.000· Costs for the force acquisition of the military property area euro 2.000.000· Costs for the thermal infrastructures of the District euro 1.000.000
Total initial costs for the Local Administration euro 54.500.000
2. Initial benefits for the Local Administration.
· Revenues for concessions euro 125.000.000· Free acquisition of public areas property byequalization (ha 700 x euro 50.000/ha) euro 35.000.000
Total initial benefits for the Local Administration euro 160.000.000
· Confirmation of the volumetries specified in the current Marina Plan.· Acquisition of volumetry equal to 0,135 m3/m2 of which 0,03 m3/m2 residential volumetry and 0,105 hotel volumetry, in favour of the areas not included in the current Marine Plan and included in the boundaries of the Master Plan.· Free acquisition of the areas for the new dislocation of the transfer volumetries.· Acqui£sition of the transfer premium equal two times the residential volumetry owned, plus a bonus for hotel volumetry of four times the property.· Acquisition of the transfer premium equal two/four times the existing hotel or commercial volumetry owned.
· Confirmation of the volumetries specified in the current Marina Plan.· Acquisition of volumetry equal to 0,135 m3/m2 of which 0,03 m3/m2 residential volumetry and 0,105 hotel volumetry, in favour of the areas not included in the current Marine Plan and included in the boundaries of the Master Plan.· Free acquisition of the areas for the new dislocation of the transfer volumetries.· Acquisition of the transfer premium equal two times the residential volumetry owned, plus a bonus for hotel volumetry of four times the property.· Acquisition of the transfer premium equal two/four times the existing hotel or commercial volumetry owned.
· The proposed mechanism if simply urbanistic and leaves the Local Administration only the determination of the coefficients of the transfer premium.· The Administration may aim to start the re-qualification of the District exerting more or less acceleration to the process by modulating the premium. A greater premium will accelerate the process, a moderate premium will take longer starting times. Furthermore, the Administration can evaluate the percentage of residential and hotel volumetry to be assigned, the temporal inducements for giving the process a fast start.· Assigns to the Administration the authority to choose the location of the premium and transfer volumetries in areas also outside the Coast District, the Borgo Grappa, the Borgo Sabotino, other city quarters, if recognizing its opportunity or convenience in a context of general rearrangement of settlement weights on the entire city territory.· The proposed mechanism, from a urbanistic point of view, is even plausible through the replacement of the volumetries generically intended as productive, already comprised in the current Plan, but never realized and of improbable accomplishment.· The Plan aims at the contribution of private capital and administrative mechanisms as the equalization that was already positively applied, and does not oblige the Local Administration to employ proper resources.· Distributes in a fair way the benefits and costs deriving from the Plan.· Is completely financeable at the setting up by means of the revenues deriving from the application of granting charges.· Does not cause deficit for ordinary or extraordinary maintenance, because, when operating regularly, substantial operating profits have been proven.
Status Unrealised proposals
Type Waterfront / Urban development plans / Neighbourhoods/settlements/residential parcelling / Landscape/territorial planning / Feasibility Studies / River and coastal redevelopment / Strategic Urban Plans / Metropolitan area planning
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