知末案例   /   商业空间   /   服装店   /   堤由匡建筑


2021/05/26 15:22:27
At an important milestone in Japan, we often wear a special clothes called as Haregi. Yokohama Marusho is a long-established costume rental store with the mission of handing down traditional Japanese culture to posterity through Haregi. This time, we mainly renewed the sales floor of wedding Kimono costumes. Nowadays, people tend to be pushed by costume rentals at wedding hall affiliated shops, and there is a strong desire of clients to widely inform them that they can offer a wide variety of costumes at reasonable prices through space design, and against the sense of danger that the ceremony is shrinking due to the COVID-19, a form and impression suitable for a place to choose a special costume once in a lifetime was required.
▼空间概览,overall view © 广松美佐江 / 鋭景撮影
There are many Kimonos are exhibited because they boast a wide variety of items, so the fixtures are arranged in a simple layout and easy-to-recognize, and the height of the fixtures is kept to a minimum of 1.8 m in order to reduce the feeling of oppression. The hanger pipe was raised from the bottom plate instead of the back plate so that the main product, Tomesode, could be displayed beautifully and continuously without being blocked by the bracket.
▼货架布置简洁明了,the fixtures are arranged in a simple layout © 广松美佐江 / 鋭景撮影
▼货架高度1.8m,减少压迫感,the height of the fixtures is kept to 1.8 m in order to reduce the feeling of oppression © 广松美佐江 / 鋭景撮影
▼和服展示,kimono display © 广松美佐江 / 鋭景撮影
The partition of the meeting space is a thin lattice partition, and different Kumiko work is fitted to each spandrel. The traditional pattern name of Kumiko printed on the Kutani ware plate which becomes the room sign.
▼由更衣区望向洽谈区,view to the meeting space from the changing area © 广松美佐江 / 鋭景撮影
▼日式传统的格栅分隔,Japanese traditional lattice partition © 广松美佐江 / 鋭景撮影
▼每个格栅都嵌入不同图案,different Kumiko works are fitted to each spandrel © 广松美佐江 / 鋭景撮影
由于建筑的结构原因,我们店铺的中心位置存在一根很大的立柱,因此我们模仿了夯土工艺装饰,使其富有冲击力,与日式空间相得益彰。 卫生间空间比较小我们把整个空间墙面处理成一个整体铺满了浅色大谷石,天花板采用深红色的和纸,打造一个更加典雅的空间与和服店的调性适配。
The large column in the center was intentionally shown positively, and was painted to imitate rammed earth, giving it an impactful presence that harmonizes with the Japanese-style space. Oya stone is piled up on the wall of the toilet, and Japanese paper of glossy Bengala color is pasted on the ceiling to design a dignified and elegant sanitary.
▼夯土工艺装饰的立柱,the column decorated with rammed earth © 广松美佐江 / 鋭景撮影
由于现有天花净高有限的原因,我们想拉大空间的层次感,因此我们天花避开混凝土梁采用了很薄的防火木饰面高度错落变化在阴角的部分预留空隙视觉上使其达到重叠的效果,这个想法是受到穿和服的重叠方法(かさね)的启发。在日本传统的服装文化中,衣服的层次非常多,最著名的可能是平安时代的十二单。 据说在这个时代的服装能够处理各种配色方案的重叠(かさね)是证明时尚感的方法。 我们希望,在受传统启发的当代空间中我们的设计也能与传统的服装文化相呼应,让现代的空间融入传统的历史文化。
The most remarking design of ceiling was an idea due to the limited height of the existing structure. While avoiding the beams of the RC structure, thin wooden boards are pasted while slightly changing the height, and the bottom joints are cut to make it look as if they overlap. This idea is inspired by the traditional manner of layering Kimono called as Kasane. Since ancient times till present days, Japanese people have enjoyed layering cloths. The most well-known case is probably the Junihitoe of the Heian period. It is said that in this era, it was a proof of fashion sense to be able to handle layering various color schemes. We hope that the experience of choosing costumes in a contemporary space inspired by tradition will enhance the uplifting feeling of the upcoming sunny stage.
▼富于层次感的天花,layered ceiling © 广松美佐江 / 鋭景撮影
▼细部,details © (上)广松美佐江 / 鋭景撮影,(下)横滨丸昌
▼平面图,plan © 堤由匡建筑设计工作室
地址: 日本横滨市 面积: 401.44㎡ 功能: 和服店 竣工: 2021/4/28 施工: Ooibashi 建筑与室内设计:堤由匡建筑设计工作室(堤由匡、洪秀秀) 灯光设计:Lightmoment(田中圭吾、金森善弘) 导示设计:横滨丸昌 机电顾问:北京东洲际技术咨询有限公司(石川星明、竹林克宣、山崎隆司) 摄影:广松美佐江 / 鋭景撮影, (陶瓷门牌 /横滨丸昌)
Address: Yokohama, Japan Area: 401.44㎡ Program: Kimono Shop Completion: April 2021 Construction: Ooibashi Interior design; TSUTSUMI & ASSOCIATES (Yoshimasa Tsutsumi, Xiuxiu Hong) Lighting Design; Lightmoment co.,ltd (Keigo Tanaka, Yoshihiro Kanamori) Signage Design; Marusho Facility Advise; Beijing Dongzhouji Technical Consultation(Hoshiaki Ishikawa, Katsunori Takebayashi, Ryuji Yamazaki,) Photo: Misae Hiromatsu / Ruijing Photo, (only sign plate by HAREGINO MARUSHO)
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