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Gentile 披萨店丨加拿大蒙特利尔丨Atelier Zébulon Perron

2021/05/31 15:58:33
Atelier Zébulon Perron事务所专为商业领域提供独特的室内设计,于近期发布了具有怀旧氛围的Gentile披萨店。这家蒙特利尔新餐厅承袭家族传统,向七八十年代的纽约经典披萨店致敬,协调复古和现代元素,营造出极具特色的雅致日常空间。Atelier Zébulon Perron事务所在2016年与店主Anthony Gentile成功合作第一家餐厅后,受邀设计与之相邻的新披萨店。设计团队以怀旧概念入手,打造契合家族历史的标志性且现代的空间, 向1959年首次开业的Gentile咖啡旗舰店以及现任店主度过大部分青春时光的家庭购物中心致敬。
Atelier Zébulon Perron, a firm renowned for its distinct interior design services for the commercial sector, is proud to unveil the nostalgic ambiance of Gentile Pizza Parlour. Inspired by family legacy, the new Montreal restaurant’s original concept pays homage to the classic pizzerias of 70s and 80s New York City, balancing retro and contemporary elements to create a chic and colloquial space, with a strong identity. After a successful collaboration with owner, Anthony Gentile, to design his first restaurant in 2016, Atelier Zébulon Perron was selected to design the new adjacent pizzeria. The firm embarked on a concept of nostalgia within an iconic and contemporary space that is inspired by family history, with tributes to the flagship Café Gentile, first opened in 1959, as well as to a family arcade where the current owner spent much of his youth.
▼空间概览,preview © Jean-Sébastien Senécal
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Zébulon Perron表示:“Anthony提及的许多场景和元素都映射了难忘的过去。我们想要尽可能地尊重那些珍贵的记忆,同时避免设计过于老套。”设计团队以现代手法诠释复古元素,从而创造既根植于时间、又拥抱未来的活力空间,反应了新一代蒙特利尔家庭餐厅的追求与激情。既有空间具有天然的复古特质,设计团队保留用于照明的、富有韵律的金属板天花等构件,使这里恢复了1980年代的华丽样貌。一些旧有的照明装置由于发出玫瑰色、氛围柔和的光而被保留下来,设计团队克服一系列技术挑战对其进行更新,通过涂上金属香槟漆面、安装背光屏幕使其散发柔和的粉色光芒。
“Many of the settings and design elements that Anthony referenced reflected a memorable past,” says Zébulon Perron. “We wanted to honor aspects of those cherished memories as much as possible, without being too cliché.” The studio’s designers focused on a contemporary interpretation of throwback references in order to create a dynamic space that is both rooted in time, and which embraces the future, reflecting the ambitions and passions of a new generation of Montreal family restaurateurs. The unique character of the original space offered some naturally vintage qualities that the designers embraced, including an existing ceiling of rhythmic metal slats, designed for signage purposes, that the firm restored to its 1980s architectural grandeur. Some of the old sign devices were maintained for their diffusion of rosy, subdued mood lighting. The design team also overcame a series of technical challenges to update the concept, applying a metallic champagne paint finish and installing backlit screens to emit a soft pink glow.
▼入口吧台,the bar at entrance © Jean-Sébastien Senécal
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▼由吧台望向入口,view to the entrance from the bar © Jean-Sébastien Senécal
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▼吧台立面,facade of the bar © Jean-Sébastien Senécal
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▼灯具与凳子细部,details of lamps and stools © Jean-Sébastien Senécal
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▼有韵律的金属板天花与柔和的粉色灯光,ceiling of rhythmic metal slats and soft pink lighting © Jean-Sébastien Senécal
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▼就餐区立面,facade of dining area © Jean-Sébastien Senécal
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▼桌面细部,details of tabletops © Jean-Sébastien Senécal
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Gentile 披萨店丨加拿大蒙特利尔丨Atelier Zébulon Perron-21
为了打破原有空间的线性特点,设计团队设计了连续的斜向瓷砖图案,铺设在地面、墙面和酒吧区域。新旧材料并置突出餐厅的灯光以及有趣的家具和饰面,包括大理石和乙烯基混合桌面、设有背光镜的多层预制木板墙、琥珀色玻璃隔板和老式垂直百叶。灯具、椅子、凳子、甚至旧吃豆人(Pac Man)游戏机等古董来自私人收藏和分类广告,它们为空间带来充满熟悉感、独创性和温馨的视觉冲击。
To break down the existing space’s natural linearity, the team developed a continuous diagonal tile pattern that covers the floors, the walls, and the bar. A juxtaposition of old and new materials characterizes the restaurant’s light and playful furnishings and finishes, including a mix of marble and vinyl tabletops, layered, prefinished wood panelled walls with backlit mirrors, amber glass dividers, and old-fashioned vertical blinds. Vintage objects, including light fixtures, chairs, stools, and even an old Pac Man machine, were acquired through personal collections and classified ads, infusing the space with a strong visual impact of familiarity, originality, and warmth.
▼新旧材料并置,juxtaposition of old and new materials © Jean-Sébastien Senécal
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▼连续的斜向瓷砖图案,continuous diagonal tile pattern © Jean-Sébastien Senécal
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▼墙面细部,details of walls © Jean-Sébastien Senécal
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Gentile 披萨店丨加拿大蒙特利尔丨Atelier Zébulon Perron-30
Zébulon Perron解释道:“人们对视觉和情感上熟悉的场所感到舒适。我认为我们成功地设计了温馨的环境,它与建筑、独特、活力和怀旧并重。”
“People are comforted by the familiarity of places that they recognize in visual and emotional ways,” explains Zébulon Perron. “I think that we have succeeded in designing a welcoming environment that is equal parts architectural, unique, dynamic, and nostalgic.”
▼平面图,plan ©Atelier Zébulon Perron
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Project Name: Gentile Pizza Parlour Completion: September 2020 Project Site: 4134 Ste-Catherine St West, Montreal, QC H3Z 2Y5 Project type: Restaurant Surface area: 280 m2 (3,000 sq. ft.) Construction: Planit Construction Design: Atelier Zébulon Perron Lead designer: Zébulon Perron Team: Valérie Picard, Anik Mandalian, Mathieu Belen, Samuel Casaubon, Audrey Dasilva, Justine Rahilly, Tony Lemoignan Photographer: Jean-Sébastien Senécal
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Gentile 披萨店丨加拿大蒙特利尔丨Atelier Zébulon Perron-37
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