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2021/07/01 14:38:26
近日,DS+R与艺术家、活动家和JAM画廊的创始人Linda Goode Bryant携手打造了展览“我们真的有那么不同吗?”,为人们展示了全面运作的城市农场。展览内容来自于Goode Bryant参与的EATS项目,旨在回应有关粮食公平的问题。
DS+R has collaborated with artist, activist and Just Above Midtown gallery founder Linda Goode Bryant on Are we really that different? – a fully operational urban farm that draws from Goode Bryant’s work with Project EATS to respond to issues of food equity.
▼展览现场,the exhibition scene © Brett Beyer
目前,Eats项目在纽约的四个行政区中拥有七个农场,旨在为城市社区提供健康的当地食物,为居民创造更多福利。画廊内陈列着由DS+R设计的约12.2米高的装置,维持着内部植物的生长。自然光从装置上方的天窗进入室内,水从画廊后引入了悬挂的静脉滴注袋中,为植物提供养分。这里每周都会收获各种蔬菜和花卉,他们将被挂在画廊的墙壁上供参观者食用与分享。在为期两个月的展览中,这里预计可产出 500 磅食物。
Currently, Project Eats has seven farms in four of NYC’s boroughs, with the aim of getting healthy, locally grown food to urban communities to support their health and wellbeing. Designed by Diller Scofidio + Renfro, the 40-foot tall, suspended installation hosts plants on life support inside a gallery, redirecting light from the skylight above and water from the gallery’s back of house into intravenous drip bags filled with nutrients. A variety of edible vegetables and flowers are harvested every week and mounted on the gallery walls for visitors to eat and share, with an expected yield of 500 pounds of food over the course of the exhibition’s two-month duration.
▼从入口看影像装置,view of the video from the entrance © Brett Beyer
▼12.2米高的种植装置,the 40-foot tall, suspended installation hosting plants © Brett Beyer
Linda Goode Bryant职业生涯已有50年,她在1974 年开设的Just Above Midtown画廊作为纽约首批专门面向有色艺术家开放的画廊之一,引起了黑人群体在个人、官方和公共领域的强烈共鸣。在本次“我们真的有那么不同吗?”展览中,艺术家作为画廊负责人和电影制片人,以农场运营和影像资料为媒介向人们介绍了她在2009 年创立的城市农业组织EATS,探讨了现代工业社会中人与自然之间典型的寄生关系。
Throughout her fifty-year career which includes opening Just Above Midtown, one of the first galleries in New York to focus on work by artists of color, in 1974, Linda Goode Bryant has created spaces that allow Blackness to resonate across personal, official, and public domains. Are we really that different? features an operational farm and a new video that brings together Goode Bryant’s work as a filmmaker and gallerist with Project EATS, the urban farming organization she founded in 2009, highlighting the symbiotic, and often parasitic, relationships between humans and nature that arise in the modern industrial world.
▼静脉滴注袋为植物提供养分,intravenous drip bags providing nutrients © Brett Beyer
▼细部,details © Brett Beyer
该装置曾作为高古轩画廊“社会艺术”展的展品之一。该展览由Antwaun Sargent策划,除Linda Goode Bryant外,参与群展的艺术家还包括David Adjaye、Zalika Azim、Allana Clarke、Kenturah Davis、Theaster Gates、Lauren Halsey、Titus Kaphar、Rick Lowe、Alexandria Smith和Carrie Mae Weems等。
The installation was presented by Gagosian as part of Social Works, a group exhibition curated by Antwaun Sargent with participating artists David Adjaye, Zalika Azim, Allana Clarke, Kenturah Davis, Theaster Gates, Linda Goode Bryant, Lauren Halsey, Titus Kaphar, Rick Lowe, Christie Neptune, Alexandria Smith, and Carrie Mae Weems.
▼收获的蔬菜挂在画廊的墙壁上,harvested vegetables mounted on the gallery walls © Brett Beyer
On View from June 24 – August 13, 2021 555 West 24th Street, New York 
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