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米兰 140 平米公寓 | 地中海极简遇上北欧风

2020/11/24 23:55:55
Nikita Kasyanov / Elena Tomlenova
Archventil Team \ 朴实纯粹 侘寂生活 意大利 . 米兰
米兰 140 平米公寓 | 地中海极简遇上北欧风-5
When technology achieves its true mission, it is sublimated into art
德] 密斯·凡·德·罗
(Ludwig Mies Van der Rohe)
Archventil 意味着了解客户的需求并关注每一个细节,从初步概念到最终实现。它意味着了解业务流程、开发任何规模的项目并以不同语言以图形方式进行交流的能力。
Archventil means understanding the customers needs and paying attention to every detail, from the initial concept to the final realization. It means the ability to understand business processes, develop projects of any size, and communicate graphically in different languages.
米兰 140 平米公寓 | 地中海极简遇上北欧风-13
The 140-square-meter apartment in Milan has become a residence where the minimalist Mediterranean style meets the Nordic style. The slender elements and the sculptural form create a strong contrast, while the tones are based on the warm gray tones and light tones of the upholstery. wood. An extremely smooth floor plan, in which free arched passages alternate with doors and glass structures. Air and light are the protagonists of filling and transforming this space.
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米兰 140 平米公寓 | 地中海极简遇上北欧风-43
Nikita Kasyanov
Elena Tomlenova
联合创始人兼建筑师 /
Nikita Kasyanov 毕业于莫斯科建筑学院住宅和公共建筑专业。在国家统一企业莫斯科研究与设计研究所(也称为“Mosproject-4”)工作的 4 年中,Nikita 参与了以下项目的实现:莫斯科多功能商业中心科技园(俄罗斯)、莫斯科音乐学院(俄罗斯)、莫斯科的马可波罗酒店、迪米特洛夫娱乐中心(俄罗斯)、音乐厅(中国哈尔滨)。在俄罗斯积累了丰富的经验后,他移居米兰,在米兰理工学院专攻建筑建筑。
Nikita Kasyanov graduated from the Moscow School of Architecture, majoring in residential and public architecture. During the 4 years of working at the Moscow Research and Design Institute (also known as Mosproject-4), a national unified enterprise, Nikita has participated in the realization of the following projects: Moscow Multifunctional Business Center Science Park (Russia), Moscow Conservatory of Music (Russia) ), Marco Polo Hotel in Moscow, Dimitrov Entertainment Center (Russia), Concert Hall (Harbin, China). After accumulating a wealth of experience in Russia, he moved to Milan to specialize in architecture at the Milan Polytechnic Institute.
Elena Tomlenova毕业于莫斯科国立大学文学系,然而,她一直与艺术有着特殊的关系。在罗马罗马第三大学实习后,他决定搬到米兰,将他对艺术和设计的热情结合起来。在尝试了不同的方法后,他决定先在米兰理工大学攻读室内设计学位,然后再攻读产品服务系统设计学位。在她的学习期间,她被要求对说明技术和视频艺术的主题进行一些干预。拱门的学生。Michele De Lucchi,Elena 将她的技能扩展到学术界之外:她从事私人研究并参加了各种比赛。他的学位和他为皮尔卡丹空间的内部概念工作的不同寻常的经验。
Elena Tomlenova graduated from the Literature Department of Moscow State University, however, she has always had a special relationship with art. After an internship at Rome III University in Rome, he decided to move to Milan to combine his passion for art and design. After trying different methods, he decided to study for a degree in interior design at the Politecnico di Milano first, and then a degree in product service system design. During her studies, she was asked to make some interventions on the subject of illustrating technology and video art. The student of the arch. Michele De Lucchi, Elena expands her skills beyond academia: she engages in private research and participates in various competitions. His degree and his unusual experience working on the internal concepts of Pierre Cardin Space.
2012 年,Nikita Kasyanov与 Elena Tomlenova 合作创立了 Archventil。
In 2012, Nikita Kasyanov co-founded Archventil with Elena Tomlenova.
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