

Moon The Space,饥饿的诗人降临于此,寻找在梦境中的形态本身。这是一种比欲望更为深刻的体验,导向真实和原始、启示过去与未来。如高悬的月亮,破势的黑色马匹。
Moon The Space,where the hungry poet descends in search of the form itself in the dream.It is an experience deeper than desire,leading to the real and the original,revealing the past and the futureLike a high moon,like a black horse broken.
Pioneer itself is a rule-breaker and is also establishing its own rules.The existence of the boundary means the loss of meaning.There should be no boundary in all of this. In the realm of space, the silent life is awakened by it, flowing in every texture along the veins of space.
▼从入口看内部装置,view of the device from the entrance ©GuangDao
▼装置概览,overview of the central device ©GuangDao
▼装置细部,details of the central device ©GuangDao
Death,pestilence,and famine whizzed past,overwhelming the poor people crushed by the hoof of time.Always be vigilant,because you don’t know when the terminator will come. Even if the heat asphyxiates everything,the power of thirst for life is still fighting the drought and evolving the oasis
▼室内轴线,the indoor axis ©GuangDao
The invisible time circulates and disappears in the vortex.The wind whistles beside ears engulfing the dust,and never stopped for a moment.Vision at sight means drying up,silent,deadly,but also capturing,guiding and happening.At the critical areas,resistance is being disintegrated.
▼驾驶舱区域,the cockpit ©GuangDao
▼墙体投影,projection on the wall ©GuangDao
▼展示试穿区,display and try-on area ©GuangDao
▼富有未来感的金属展架,futuristic metal shelves ©GuangDao
▼展示台,the display table ©GuangDao
Order means getting under control,it also means losing control will start from time to time.Where information,energy,life,desire,light,resistance,and inheritance are gathered and distributed,the controversy between machinery and body,matter and spirit,present and future will continue.
▼镜面天花板,the reflective ceiling©GuangDao
▼看向入口方向,view of the entrance ©GuangDao
Creation is not for self-satisfaction,but for exploring another form.At this moment,we are no longer individuals,but the mirror image of the entire ethnic group,echoing in every cell cavity of ours,breaking through the wall of invisible obstruction.
▼细部,details ©GuangDao
▼轴测图,axonometric ©GuangDao
项目名称:MOON THE SPACE设计方:ICHI DESIGN一己设计联系邮箱:ichidesign@foxmail.com项目设计 & 完成年份:2020年4月主创及设计团队:ICHI DESIGN一己设计项目地址:四川 成都建筑面积:240平方米摄影版权:GuangDao客户:睿锦尚品集合买手店品牌:不锈钢,亚克力板,地毯,永生苔藓,机械装置
Project name: MOON THE SPACEDesign: ICHI DESIGNContact: ichidesign@foxmail.comDesign year & Completion Year: Apr-20Leader designer & Team: ICHI DESIGNProject location: Chengdu ChinaGross Built Area: 240㎡Photo credits: GuangDaoClients: LuxemporiumBrands: Stainless steel,Acrylic board,carpet,installation,moss