

Lemay:A grand entrance to the City of Lévis -What was a mere drop-off point has been transformed into a landmark and a grand entrance to the City of Lévis: a cruise and ferry wharf, a tourist attraction, a historic interpretation site, a local recreational area and a precious greenspace with a waterside bicycle path passing through, minutes from downtown.
At the heart of the design, a monumental fountain with 160 jets performs a stunning spectacle of programmed sequences, in some cases shooting water a dizzying nine metres high, in others bubbling or dancing to the rhythm of a magnificent, multi-coloured light show.
The fountain, the largest in Canada, offers both a dramatic panorama when viewed from Quebec City and a playful, multisensory experience up close. It acts as a connection between the two shores, and between the City of Lévis and the St. Lawrence River. When not walking through or around the fountain, visitors can sit and watch its performance from the wharf’s grassy amphitheatre. The latter’s subtle pyramid shape is also an exceptional vantage point to view (in the opposite direction) majestic Old Quebec and what is still very much a working port.
与当地历史相结合 Historical references
以浮冰的形式出现的“冰池”建筑,结合岛屿和长椅,不禁让人联想起La Traverse(魁北克市和列维斯之间的“十字路口”)的历史:在现代破冰船到来之前,La Traverse在冬季或多或少被冰所困。因此,我们在此地冰块制成的基座上,建造了一尊面向北方的Joseph-Elzéar Bernier船长的青铜雕像。
Architectural “ice pools” with islands and benches in the form of floating ice recall the history of La Traverse (“the crossing” between Quebec City and Lévis), which was more or less icebound in winter before the arrival of modern icebreakers. From a pedestal made of blocks of ice, a bronze sculpture of Captain Joseph-Elzéar Bernier emerges, facing north . . .
The most accomplished navigator of his time, Captain Bernier of Lévis (1852-1934) is famous for making over 250 Atlantic crossings, and for exploring and proclaiming Canadian sovereignty over Arctic land and waters.
象征性的家具与照明设计 Symbolic furniture and lighting
The project’s custom furniture and lighting selection by Lemay recall the area’s industrial and maritime past, with cast-iron detailing, benches in the form of ships’ bows and others adorned with cast iron-inspired stove legs and plaques recounting key moments in the site’s history . . . as a trading space for Amerindians, a Jesuit settlement, a foundry, a shipbuilding and railway hub, a port for the industrial golden age and, finally, in 1980, the onset of its decline with the closure of the railroad. Long benches and picnic tables are made of wooden blocks to resemble the natural harbour’s original wooden docks. Concrete pavers, designed to accommodate heavy vehicles, are patterned in a style resembling the wooden hulls of early sailing ships.
The green and hardscape areas of the esplanade are designed and equipped to host festivals and other major events. Colourful gardens provide a green oasis and a festive backdrop.
Today’s Paquet Wharf is a place of contemplation, relaxation and social activity. Where it was once a mere stepping stone on the way to Quebec’s capital, it has become one of the region’s key draws and a cornerstone of the vision to revitalize Lévis’ riverbanks.
客户:李维斯市 位置:加拿大 李维斯 项目年份:2013 – 2016年 设计范围:景观
CLIENT: City of Levis EMPLACEMENT: Levis, Canada YEAR: 2013-2016 MANDAT: Landscape architecture