埃斯佩兰斯镇,720公里珀斯西澳东南部,预计到2050年作为政府指定的经历迅速成长为全州人口的两倍多,“SuperTown” Esperance’ve被指定为战略发展支持这一成长 – 而哈塞尔的设计在关键部件海滨更新。
The town of Esperance, 720 kilometres south-east of Perth in Western Australia, is expected to experience rapid growth as the state’s population more than doubles by 2050. As a government designated ‘SuperTown’, Esperance has been earmarked for strategic development to support this growth – with the HASSELL design for the waterfront renewal a key component.
通过重新开发水岸,埃斯佩兰斯郡旨在平衡一款面向家庭的目的地,改善基础设施,旅游景点和机会的私人投资。重要的是,新的海滨和恢复保护社区的中心滨海岸线的这一戏剧性的舒展。我们与郡合作,更好地了解人们如何使用的海滨在埃斯佩兰斯 – 以及他们如何希望它看起来和工作的未来。继社区参与的节目,我们设计了集成在岬角,海堤,凉亭和一个发挥的空间这对家庭的主要的drawcard回收的滨水区。复垦的岬角包括围绕历史油轮码头包裹广阔的草坪空间,哪来聚会的露天社区体育活动才能进行。这个空间还支持新的商业企业,如食品车和弹出事件。海边的广场,在詹姆斯街,有一个醒目的鲸尾雕塑成为抵达海滨的标志。这既有“针”的区回镇,为未来的发展埃斯佩兰斯海滨位置。
By redeveloping the waterfront, the Shire of Esperance aimed to balance a family-oriented destination with improved infrastructure, tourist attractions and opportunities for private investment. Critically, the new waterfront protects and restores the community’s central foreshore on this stretch of dramatic coastline. We worked with the shire to better understand how people in Esperance used the waterfront – and how they wanted it to look and work in the future. Following a program of community engagement, we designed a waterfront precinct that integrated a reclaimed headland, seawall, pavilions and a play space that’s a major drawcard for families. The reclaimed headland includes a vast lawn space wrapped around the historic Tanker Jetty, where open-air community gatherings and sports activities can take place. This space also supports new business ventures, like food trucks and pop-up events. A beachside plaza at James Street, marked by a striking Whale Tail sculpture, offers improved access to the waterfront. This both ‘stitches’ the precinct back into the town and positions the Esperance Waterfront for future growth.
项目名称:澳大利亚埃斯佩兰斯滨水公园 项目类型:滨水公园 位置:澳大利亚 景观设计:HASSELL Studio
Project name: Esperance Waterfront Project type: Waterfront Park Location: Australia Landscape: HASSELL Studio