

MC A: 2012年,艾米利亚-- 罗马涅大区和 Padana 河谷地区的地震,使得瓜斯塔拉地区的幼儿园遭到严重破坏,因此政府决定重建来满足当地居民的需求。
项目荣获多个奖项,产生了很强的社会影响,获得 2017 年 The Plan Award 教育类别设计奖 2017 年意大利木制建筑教育类建筑奖 2015 年意大利 Sterminata Bellezza 奖。
MC A: The earthquakes in Emilia-Romagna and the Lower Po Valley in 2012 caused severe damage to the kindergartens in the Guastara area, so the government decided to rebuild to meet the needs of local residents.
The new school stands from the perspective of user needs from the form, spatial organization and sensory cognitive system, with creative empathy establishes a harmonious relationship with the climate, region and environment, considers factors related to the growth of children in many ways. It aims to cultivate children’s imagination and creativity from play while respecting nature and ecological sustainability.
The project won multiple awards and had a strong social impact. It won the 2017 The Plan Award design award in the educational category. The 2017 Italian wooden architecture education award. The 2015 Italian Sterminata Bellezza award.
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Design Concept
瓜斯塔拉幼儿园充分体现 Cucinella“创造性的同理心”的建筑理念,设计遵循当地气候环境特征和居民的真正需求,回应震后社会发展的需要。满怀同理心,扎根于本质关系关注人、环境和社会的真正诉求创造一个以用户为中心,新的生态友好环境。这是一个依据儿童教育愿景而设计的空间,处处都体现了设计师的同理心和创意,一切都旨在启发孩子们的行动、思想、和情感。
The Nursery School in Guastalla perfectly represents one of the fundamental themes of Cucinella’s vision: the spirit of creative empathy. The design follows the local climate, environmental characteristics and the real needs of residents, responding to the needs of post-earthquake social development. The project is full of empathy, rooted in the essential relationship and paying attention to the real demands of people, environment and society to create a new eco-friendly environment centered on users.
As with other projects, the building takes its cues from the widespread and collective intelligence of the plant world. Changes in the environment − in this case changes in spatial articulation − become tools used by the children to communicate, that is to interact and learn. This is also a low-tech architecture, using local natural materials to become part of a new circular economy, it is the product of cross-disciplinary dialogue across architecture, education, psychology and anthropology.
Planning Ideas
Campus architecture is very important for the children’s experience in school, because they live according to the seasons and know nothing about the climate and the seasons. They saw what happened, but did not know the reason. Campus architecture is also a form of education, not only a teacher, but the architecture itself also conveys some information to students.
The planning takes into account the current situation of the rich vegetation in the plain where the site is located, combined with the children’s needs for the world’s cognition, constructing the entire general plan like a bird, forming a fun animal metaphor, and becoming a paradise of environmental cognition, comprehensive education, teaching and learning with trees, bushes, flowers, buildings.
The plan combines architecture and landscape, it becomes a garden with seasonal changes in color and shape allows children to identify summer and winter by observing changes in the outdoor environment and plants.
▼项目规划效果图 Renderings
▼项目模型图 Model
形态灵感 Morphological Inspiration
尽管建筑无法移动,但孩子们可以在回忆中旅行。这些身高通常不足 1.5 米的孩子们将看到与成人视野完全不同的空间尺度。在这里,孩子们可以迈出探索空间的第一步,然后返回到安全的巢穴中。因此,孩子们会发现自己处于一个既复杂又极为熟悉的空间,在那里,他们可以提升自己的技能,发展自己的个性。当孩子们的情感被打动的时候,建筑会给他们的记忆留下最美好的体验。
Since they have been in the interior for a long time, the regular square space in the field of view is all the environment they recognize. Therefore, children need to experience different shapes, the entire space is designed to like the belly of a whale. This is a spatial concept that children can imagine, derived from a famous novel “Pinocchio”. The hero of the puppet is Pinocchio. He was eaten by the whale and lived in the dark belly of the whale for two years. When Pinocchio saw a faint light in the dark belly, he ran in this space and searched for several hours. He found the glowing candle, and the letter written by his father to him. Also in the candlelight, it sees the structure of the whale, which is like a mother protecting the child. Therefore, this is the metaphor of this building: the curvature of the internal space and the warmth of the material emotionally evoke the impression of the mother’s womb and bring a sense of security to the child.
Although the building cannot be moved, children can travel in memory. These children, who are usually less than 1.5 meters tall, will see a spatial scale that is completely different from that of an adult. Here, children can take the first step in exploring the space and then return to a safe lair. Therefore, children will find themselves in a complex and extremely familiar space where they can upgrade their skills and develop their own personality. When the children’s emotions are impressed, the architecture will leave their memories with the best experience.
▼建筑概念设计灵感来源 Concept Inspiration
▼建筑实景图 The Real Scene
空间组织 Space Organization
The design pays special attention to establishing a kind of relationship between children and the harmonious relationship with natural changes. When the children are inside, the whole building looks like a corridor, a large room made up of many different rooms. All parts of the building are connected to the garden. The design of the continuous space is not simply to penetrate the space, but to inspire children’s curiosity and pleasure through the play area and classroom. Children can stay in these spaces and look out through the glass. The design integrates natural light and spaces, also the large-area glass curtain wall facing all directions inside the building makes no boundary between internal and external, bringing a great sense of lightness. The school is perfectly integrated with the external environment, and you can enjoy the magnificent panoramic view of the surrounding forest. Uninterrupted internal space, no area has the function of blocking and limiting, encouraging children to use and share space with curiosity.
内外边界为空的建筑设计-- 效果图 The architectural design with no boundary between internal and external – Rendering
Theschool is perfectly integrated with the external environment
室内陈设 Interior Design
The interior design of the school is based on meeting the needs of children. Children’s scale furniture, tables, chairs, toys and games truly reproduce the home environment created for children, allowing them to move and use items completely freely. The furnishings in the room faithfully follow the principles of Montessori theory, “In order to help the child, we must provide him with an environment that allows him to grow freely” ——Maria Montessori, Italian childhood educator.
Building Structure
幼儿园以钢筋混凝土为基础,由 50 层层压杉木制成的框架组成内部支撑结构,确保 100%的地震安全性和 100%的环境安全性。同时这些垂直排布的木质元素,为整个建筑物赋予了生机,制造了轻盈感,避免了学校典型的紧凑结构,在形式上与 Padano 地区白杨林景观构成了紧密的联系。
The school is based on reinforced concrete and consists of a frame made of 50-layer laminated fir to form an internal support structure, ensuring 100% earthquake and environmental safety. At the same time, these vertically timber structural elements give life to the entire building, creating a close dialogue with the orderly rows of poplar groves that are a typical feature of the Po Valley landscape.
▼木结构分析图 Wood structure analysis diagram
Building Materials
Consider that the area was previously hit by an earthquake and the ecological environment is fragile. A natural material that has little impact on the surrounding environment and has an earthquake resistance effect is used. Considering that children in this age group like to touch and lick, they want to use tongue to understand the material. Therefore, building materials must ensure that everything is safe: including the paint and color of the wood. Wood has high insulation, sustainability and rapid construction, which is both safe and ideal in maintaining building insulation.
The school is equipped with a large area of glass windows, which is simple and allows the classrooms in the enclosed area to communicate with the outside world.
景观设计 Landscape Design
The landscape design of the school aims to provide a place for children to exercise, feel and socialize. The layout is conceived based on two main elements, “sensory path” and “winter garden”.
The sensory path is characterized by a series of small thematic gardens. From the main entrance, they consist of the “Butterfly Garden” (vision), the “Sound Garden” (hearing), the “Perfume Garden” (smell), the “Good Food Garden” (taste), and lastly, accessed from the school’s interior, the “Thumbelina Trail” (touch).
The winter garden is an enchanted environment with child-sized seating and large cushions in which the children can play or participate in activities while surrounded by plants even during cold weather. The magical effect of the space, with its invitation to explore, continues as it transitions into a bamboo garden on the same level as the other gardens.
▼景观概念设计草图 Landscape design sketch plan
环境策略 Environmental Strategy
建筑采用高隔热性能透明玻璃的优化配置,可以提供更好的自然采光。建立雨水收集系统用于生活污水,洗衣房和相关的绿地灌溉需求,可节约建筑 57%的用水量。
屋顶嵌入式光伏发电板,充分利用太阳能,能够满足 40%的供暖需求和生活热水。整个被动设计系统,保证了只需最低能耗就可以满足学校能源需求,获得了建筑 A 级能源认证。
The optimized configuration of transparent glass with high thermal insulation performance can provide better natural lighting. Establish a rainwater collection system for domestic sewage, laundry room and related green space irrigation needs, which can save 57% of the building’s water consumption.
The embedded photovoltaic power generation panels on the roof make full use of solar energy and can meet 40% of the heating demand and domestic hot water. The entire passive design system ensures that only the minimum energy consumption can meet the school’s energy needs, and it has obtained the building A-level energy certification.
▼太阳能分析图 Solar energy analysis diagram
▼节能分析图 Theenergy conservation diagram
▼能源利用概念草图 Conceptual sketches of Energy Utilization
梦想乐园 Dream Paradise
The architectural elements of Guastara Kindergarten, such as interior shapes, furnishings, spatial organization, material selection, and sensory cognition systems that are related to light, color, sound, and touch, are designed according to the education that children need to grow, combined with low energy consumption. The passive design and friendly environmental strategy make it becomes a vivid examples of ecological sustainable design with creative empathy.
▼总平面图 Master Plan
▼平面图 Plan
▼立面图 Elevation
时间:2014 年 – 2015 年建成
MC A 团队:Mario Cucinella, Marco Sapienza, Ferruccio Palumbo; Alberto Casarotto, Alberto Bruno; Yuri Costantini
景观建筑:Greencure and Landscape, Marilena Baggio
渲染:Cristian Chierici – CC79
摄像:Moreno Maggi, Fausto Fronzosi
工程:Geoequipe Studio Tecnico Associato (结构), Area Engineering (建筑服务), Enrico Manzi (声学)
项目管理和艺术指导:MC A 建筑事务所,Marco Dell’Agli
建设公司:Scisciani e Frascarelli Impresa Edile
Location: Reggio Emilia, Italy
Type: Public tender, winning project
Year: 2014 – 2015 built
Client: Comune di Guastalla
Project: Mario Cucinella Architects
Team: Mario Cucinella, Marco dell’Agli, Alberto Casarotto, Irene Sapienza, Ferruccio Palumbo; Alberto Bruno; Yuri Costantini
Landscape Architecture: Greencure and Landscape, Marilena Baggio
Rendering: Cristian Chierici – CC79
Photography: Moreno Maggi, Fausto Fronzosi
Engineering: Geoequipe Studio Tecnico Associato (structural), Area Engineering (building services), Enrico Manzi (acoustics)Project management and artistic supervision: Mario Cucinella Architects, Marco Dell’Agli
Construction Company: Scisciani e Frascarelli Impresa Edile
Timber structures: Rubner Holzbau
Building system design: Saitec Company
Doors and Windows: Promo