

ASPECT Studios: 位于墨尔本最繁忙的铁路线为投入近16亿澳元的“Caulfield 至 Dandenong 路段道口移除工程”进行公共空间升级改造。ASPECT Studios 墨尔本工作室与各领域合作伙伴合作完成该通道的高架铁路解决方案的总体投标建议,倾力打造一个全新公共场所的改造设计-丹德农铁道线性公园。
ASPECT Studios: Melbourne’s busiest rail line is set for transformation with the $1.6 billion Caulfield to Dandenong Level Crossing Removal Project. ASPECT’s Melbourne Studio is collaborating with multidisciplinary partners to complete the overall bid proposal of an elevated rail solution for this corridor, which will result in the creation of a whole new public realm.
▼场地鸟瞰 Aerial
▼总平面图 Master plan
The design for the removal of nine level crossings along the rail corridor opens up space for a public realm that was previously unavailable and provides more opportunities for community use under the rail line. The elevation creates more than 11 football fields (225,000 m2/22.5 ha) of open space, parklands and new community areas, as well as 17 km of pedestrian and cyclist paths.
▼篮球运动场 Sports court
▼暖色调的设计使场地更具活力 The warm-toned landscape makes site more energetic
▼树桩攀爬架 Stake–like climbing frame
The project includes the creation of town squares, activational nodes and diverse public spaces. Tree planting will bring to life a new urban parkland and the elevated rail also allows for the retention of mature trees, which are home to local bird and wildlife species.
Transport corridors are the veins and arteries of the cities. This design utilizes this forgotten undervalued space and brings real life along the linear corridor.
客户: 平交路口监管局、Lendlease、CPB.
设计范围: 城市设计、概念设计、文本编制
团队: ASPECT Studios、Cox Architects事务所、Aurecon、PB
地点: 澳大利亚墨尔本
年份: 2015 – 2018年
Client: Level Crossing Removal Authority, Lendlease, CPB.
Scope: Urban Design, Concept Design, Documentation
Team: ASPECT Studios, Cox Architects, Aurecon, PB
Location: Melbourne, VIC
Year: 2015 – 2018