

重塑场地·营造空间 Redesign the site-Create a space.
To respect the natural and urban characteristics of the site and to consider the properties of the project itself as a sales center and a corner park, we create a natural and pleasant modern space with the theme of fantasy wonderland.
梦幻之地·醒着做梦 Land of dreams-Day dreaming.
从海洋、天空、山谷等秘境中提取元素,串联起梦幻之旅的故事主线。利用空间对行为和感受的导向性作用,将场地分为四重空间:神奇海洋 ——入口广场;仙境山谷 ——下沉活动空间;天空之城 ——销售中心;精灵森林 ——市民绿地。通过重重视觉惊喜,将人从都市中抽离,海洋到天空,广阔到秘境,开启奇幻自然之旅。
Extracting elements from the ocean, the sky and the valley in to talk a story of dream journey. We divide the site into four different spaces by taking advantage of the action-oriented of the space: Magic Ocean – Entrance of the square; Paradise Valley –Sinking activity space; City of Sky – Sales center; Fairy Forest – Public green space. Through various visual highlights, it gives people a feeling of escaping the city to the ocean, sky, vast and the secret.
▼神奇海洋——入口广场 Magic Ocean–Entrance of the square
神奇海洋·忘却时空 Magical ocean-Forget the space & time.
When we walk into the entrance square, a new lanndscape journey is getting start. Dragon ride wall and wave tunnel are the impression of the sea.
仙境山谷·原始活力 Wonderland valley-Raw power.
Bursting into the sinking activity site makes you feel bright. The design technique is straightforward and bold,which gives you wonderful experience from abundant terrain and elven trees.
The flying cloud bridge is the focal point of fairyland valley.
Grassy slope,full of flowers, running children and romantic. The valley is designed to providing a place for the children and their parents.
天空之城·轻盈生活 City in the sky-Light life.
Creating a pure land of mind is to draw a paradise in the dream.
The water reflects the sky light and the cloud shadow. People may feel like walking in the sky when the night falls.
▼销售中心地下庭院夜景 The underground courtyard night view
精灵森林·趣味探索 Elven forest-Fun exploration.
The public park is suitable for all ages as it is themed as elven forest. Wandering in the park and enjoying the life.
▼夕阳下的精灵森林 The elven forest in sunset
Kids’ space, ramble past and cabin enrich the interest and involvement of the site.
▼森林小品 The sculpture in forest
▼基地总平面 Site Plan
完成年份: 2018年
摄影:琢墨摄影 胡超
Project name: Nanchang Greenland Central Park
Customer: Jiangxi business division of Greenland group
Project address: nanchang city, jiangxi province
Completion: 2018
Design company: EADG
Sculpture design and construction: Guangzhou Anchuang Culture Communication co., LTD
Photography: ZOOM photography-Chao Hu