
2019/10/06 07:39:32
Surfacedesign:该项目坐落于北加州植被梯度上的伍德赛德硅谷社区,面积约为三英亩。业主委托 Surfacedesign 将住宅(由 Olson kundigi 设计)和周围的景观融合成一个单一、流动的整体空间。于是我们运用了哲学设计方法优先模糊高地块的不同高差的视线,并“借用”了邻近的圣克鲁斯山脉的远景,通过创造性地创建四个不同的种植区——橄榄园、住宅入口 (多肉植物)、多年生水生草地和加州原生草地过渡边缘——来实现这一设计愿景。
Surfacedesign: Located on a vegetative gradient in Northern California, this three-acre property is in the Silicon Valley community of Woodside. The property owners commissioned Surfacedesign to merge the residential structures—designed by architecture firm Olson Kundig—and the surrounding landscape into a single, flowing, integrated entity. The philosophical design approach prioritized blurring the sight lines of the parcel’s varying elevations and “borrowing” vistas of the adjacent Santa Cruz mountains. This vision was realized by innovatively creating four distinct planting areas: olive orchard, house entrance (succulents), water-wise perennial meadow, and California native meadow transition edge.
该项目命名为 Uliveto(意大利语意为“橄榄园”),是因为 Surfacedesign 种植的树木营造了从街道进入的宜人体验:车道蜿蜒穿过一片古老的橄榄树林,两旁是矮生橄榄和成排的薰衣草,连接雕塑般的多肉植物庭院,构成了住宅的主要入口。
The project was named Uliveto, “olive orchard” in Italian, for the trees that Surfacedesign planted to create the welcoming entry experience from the street: The driveway winds through a grove of ancient olive trees, which is lined by hedges of dwarf olives and rows of lavender. The olive orchard leads to a court of sculptural succulents that frames the house’s main entry.
▼入口处古老的橄榄树林 The ancient olive trees at entrance
为了将住宅及其附属建筑与场地变化的立面无缝联系起来,Surfacedesign 设计了一种三轴几何法。利用主轴连接住宅的所有空间,耐候钢挡墙和层叠的水景将这条主轴线延伸到景观中,突出了主入口空间,并将交通流线上的空间视野延伸到了住宅的边界之外。
To seamlessly tie the house and its accessory buildings to the property’s elevation changes, Surfacedesign devised a geometric three-axis approach. The primary axis connects all spaces of the house. Corten-steel walls and cascading water features extend this axis into the landscape, accentuating the main entrance and stretching the view of the circulation spaces beyond the limits of the house.
▼项目平面图 Master Plan
A second axis transverses the first one at the home’s entry. It defines the property’s first change in grade. A series of pavilion buildings located along this axis extends the program of the house and incorporates a first screening layer for privacy from the street via the geometrically planted olive orchard.
主轴空间—耐候钢挡墙和层叠的水景将主轴线延伸到景观中,突出主入口 The primary axis –Corten-steel walls and cascading water features extend this axis into the landscape, accentuating the main entrance
A third axis—also transversal to the first one—divides the living areas of the house from the bedrooms and extends into the landscape. A basalt retaining wall acts as a new limit for the grading change. The wall also differentiates the outdoor living spaces from the perennial meadow.
▼次轴空间—住宅入口 (多肉花园)Secondary axial– house entrance (succulents)
The design’s secondary and tertiary axes also define three distinct planting zones, each located below the previous one. The highest zone is the olive orchard.
花园第二层与住宅的起居空间相连,设有火炉和地掷球场等,是较为活跃的区域。客厅一侧的水景和另一侧的游泳池将天空和周围的自然环境映入屋内。Surfacedesign 通过精心布局,结合楼梯、露台和墙壁进一步缓和了场地的巨大高差。这种硬质景观也为小花园创造了一个画布效果,将人们的视线从房子转移到广阔的草地上。中心花园是一个小葡萄园,用来表达客户对葡萄酒的喜爱。
▼与住宅生活区相连的花园露台,设有壁炉和地掷球场 The second level is connected to the living spaces of the house and is where the more active areas such as the firepit and bocce court are located
A water feature on one side of the living room and a swimming pool on the other reflect the sky and surrounding nature into the house
Surfacedesign further mitigated the site’s rolling topography with carefully inserted stairs, terraces, and walls
This hardscape also creates a canvas for small gardens, which transition the view from the house to the expansive meadow
The centerpiece garden is a small vineyard, celebrating the clients’fondness for wine
▼楼梯、露台和挡墙进一步缓和了场地的巨大高差 Surfacedesign further mitigated the site’s rolling topography with carefully inserted stairs, terraces, and walls
▼露台上设有火炉 The firepit on the terrace
Stepping down, a series of micro-gardens re-purposes fossilized trees from the pre-existing garden, arranged as a miniature rocky landscape.
Past the outside living area, the third planting zone is a perennial meadow that gracefully transitions into the natural oak-savanna hills. A drainage swale in this meadow divides the plants from wet to dry. The most xeric plants reside at the top of the “hills,” and water runoff promotes a greener, lusher landscape in the “valleys.” Evergreen sub-shrubs and blooming perennials are at the meadow’s core. The remainder of the Mediterranean meadow palette is filled by low-water plants with proven structure and habitat creation.
To frame the estate, a transition edge of native perennials and evergreen shrubs creates a buffer around the property line and stitches into the surrounding rural landscape. The property is screened from the adjacent streets and bridle trails by an array of California native woodland trees and shrubs that transitions at the main gate, luring the residents and visitors into the front yard.
植物列表 Planting List:
橄榄园 Olive Orchard 油橄榄 Olea europaea 小叶油橄榄 Olea europaea“Little Ollie” 衣草 Lavandula x intermedia“Phenomenal”
小叶油橄榄 Olea europaea“Little Ollie”
密花无耳兰 Arctostaphylos densiflora“Howard McMinn”
野青茅 Calamagrostis“Karl Foerster”狼尾草 Pennisetum messiacum
柳叶马鞭草 Verbena bonariensis“Lollipop”爬地桃金娘 Myoporum parvifolium
巨型羽毛草 Stipa gigantea
刺苞菜蓟 Cynara cardunculus
蓍属 Achillea“Apple Blossom”紫景天 Sedum telephium“Matrona”and“Autumn Joy”灯芯草 Juncus effusus“Quartz Creek”
西伯利亚鸢尾 Iris sibirica“Sky Wing”
Iris sibirica “Caesar’s Brother”荫鼠尾草 Salvia nemorosa“Caradonna”紫松果菊 Echinacea purpurea“Magnus”岷江蓝雪花 Ceratostigma willmottianum
紫菀 Aster frikartii“Mönch”, 茴藿香 Agastache“Heatwave”
旋花属植物 Convolvulus cneorum
山桃草 Gaura lindheimeri
俄罗斯分药花 Perovskia atriplicifolia“Little Spire”加勒比飞蓬 Erigeron karvinskianum
岩玫瑰属 Cistus x skanbergii
乱子草 Muhlenbergia capillaris“Regal Mist”
柳叶马鞭草 Verbena bonariensis
野生荞麦 Eriogonum fasciculatum var. Foliolosum, 山桃草 Gaura lindheimeri“Siskiyou Pink”, 紫、蓝鼠尾草 Salvia leucophylla x clevelandii“Pozo Blue”。
加利福尼亚树罂粟 Romneya coulteri
千叶蓍 Achillea millefolium“Paprika”蒿属 Artemisia“Powis Castle”格兰马草 Bouteloua gracilis“Blonde Ambition”丽色画眉草 Eragrostis elliottii“Wind Dancer”垂穗草 Bouteloua xurtipendula
胡须草 Schizachyrium scoparium“The Blues”
大绒毛蓼 Eriogonum giganteum
大叶悬钩子 Eriogonum grande var. rubescens
加利福尼亚荞麦Eriogonum fasciculatum “Warriner Lytle”
美洲茶属 Ceanothus“Yankee Point”墨西哥鼠尾草 Salvia“Pozo Blue”
开花醋栗 Ribes sanguineum var. glutinosum
加利福尼亚树罂粟 Romneya coulteri
项目名称:橄榄林住宅花园 完成:2018 年 设计面积:3 亩 项目地点:美国 加利福尼亚 伍德赛德
景观公司:Surfacedesign, Inc.
首席设计师:James A. Lord, FASLA, Partner
Andrés Pérez Rodríguez, 高级助理
Kika Probst, 高级助理
Lauren Stahl, PLA, 助理
Project name: Uliveto Residential Garden
Completion Year: 2018
Design Area: 3 Acres
Project location: Woodside, CA
Landscape/Architecture Firm: Surfacedesign, Inc.
Lead Architect: James A. Lord, FASLA, Partner
Design Team:Andrés Pérez Rodríguez, Senior Associate
Kika Probst, Senior Associate
Lauren Stahl, PLA, Associate
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