

D+C Studio: Everyone has identical personality and appearance, unique background, and sensation, as well as the scope of adaptation. The site is just the same. It is vital to understand the character, appearance, background, and adaptability of the site to release its distinction and to create huge value. The fingerprint terraces start from the base, ingeniously integrate the farming culture and the local culture, and use the techniques of earth art to create a surreal visual landscape.
▼梯田夜间灯光秀 Terrace light show
大方奢香古镇古彝梯田俗称指纹梯田,是恒大集团结对帮扶大方精准脱贫文旅项目的一个配套绿地。奢香古镇位于大方县城城北一处荒芜的坡地上,距离高铁站 3 公里,高铁 1 小时可达贵阳。古镇分为安置区、商业区和公建配套区三大区域,文旅商业区域从南至北成环状分布在山脊上,外围是安置区,内侧“洼地”是项目所在地。
The Yi terraces, namely fingerprint terraces, are a paired project of Evergrande Group’s to assist Dafang’s cultural tourism project of ‘Targeted Poverty Alleviation’. Shexiang Ancient Town is located on a barren terrace in the north of Dafang County, 3 kilometers away from the high-speed railway station, which can reach Guiyang in 1 hour. The town is divided into three areas: resettlement area, commercial area, and public construction supporting area. The cultural and tourism commercial area is distributed in a ring from south to north on the ridge. The outer area is the resettlement area, and the inner “depression” is the project location.
▼项目位置 Site
场地属于喀斯特石灰岩地貌,土壤稀薄,缺水也不聚水,无森林植被覆盖。场地四面高,中间低,东西长近 500m,南北宽近 240m,最窄处 170m,整体东高西低,东西高差有 24m。最高点在场地东侧,与临街商业高差近 7m,最低点靠近西侧市政道路,高差近 17m,场地内最高点与最低点高差达 48m。自西向东眺望,沟壑纵横,巨大的回填土方难掩交错的山脊和逐级向上抬升的地形,宏大的尺度和复杂地形让人心生激动。
场地现状 The current situation
概念引入 Concept
Terraces are the product of agricultural civilization. Guizhou is mountainous terrain with fewer flatlands, leading to the cultivated terraced fields on the beautiful mountains. This is a beautiful and interesting impression of the city. The design is inspired by the “the terraces on the plateau”. At the same time, Shexiang Ancient Town is an accurate targeted poverty alleviation project. Most of the people who relocate here are farmers in the mountains and have feelings for the land. Through “the terraced fields”, a familiar design element of the land symbols, farmers who relocate here have spiritual sustenance and a sense of belonging here.
重构场地 Refactor
The topography is relatively complex, arranged in a wave-like staggered manner, rising eastward. When we took over the project, a large amount of earthwork had been backfilled on the site. We have a goal to retain the base structure, which is the only resource available on the site. With limited supporting funds and a large amount of stone excavated from the mountain, we used local materials, built retaining walls, conserved water and soil to prevent soil erosion, changed slopes to terraces to build a safe base structure, and reshaped the spirit and connotation of the site, utterly regenerate the site and reviving the “Guizhou Impression” in people’s memory.
▼设计手稿 Sketches
在地文化 Local Culture
The design is integrated into the culture of Guizhou Tusi Culture——Mrs. Shexiang of Guizhou Xuanweishi in the Ming Dynasty presided over the excavation of two post roads connecting all parts of the southwest while traveling through the Shuixi, aiming to promote the economic and cultural exchanges between Shuixi and the Central Plains, and enhance national unity and the country unification, known as “Nine Stations of the Dragon Field” in history. The design adopts the method of “one building and one station”. On the cascading terraces and winding mountain roads, archways, pavilions, corridors, stone bridges and other buildings are established. According to the changes of the mountain topography, the high platform builds pavilions, corridors surround the pool, and bridges fly over streams. It is a miniature “Nine Stations of the Dragon Field”. One end is Longchang Station and the other is Bijie Station.
Station distribution
大地艺术 Earth Art
梯田有很多的做法,这里我们采用了大地景观的手法,将每一级等高线处理成挡墙,每一级挡墙代表一级梯田,层层叠叠有 40 多级。沿石阶而下,来到场地中部,向西眺望,只见一座高塔矗立在山脊,右侧梯田层层向上,山脊上乔木后退,梯田直接与天空相接,仰望梯田宛若美籍华人艺术家沈伟舞作里的天梯,神圣、宏伟、壮丽。由西向东亭台廊桥沿石阶上下起伏跌宕,气宇轩昂,山脊森林环布,四周建筑若影若现。根据不同的需要,梯田里种植了茶叶、农作物、花卉和园艺植物,适时采摘、收割、欣赏。
There are many ways of terraced fields. We adopt the technique of earth art to process each level of contour into a retaining wall. Each level of retaining wall represents one level of terraces, with more than 40 levels stacked. Going down the stone steps to the middle of the site, people can see a tall tower standing on the ridge at the west. The terraces on the right side are rising up, and the trees on the ridge are receding. The terraces are directly connected to the sky. The terraces are like the work of the Chinese American artist Shen Weiwu, which is solemn and glory. The pavilion and gallery bridge undulates from west to east along with the stone steps. According to different needs, tea, crops, flowers, and garden plants are planted in the terraced fields.
At night, the dazzling lighting of the commercial street echoes the lights on the terraced fields. It is like a world of sparks.
意外的收获 Suprises
让我们意想不到的是游玩的人好像不太愿意按照固定的线路去游赏,更愿意在层层叠叠的梯田上找寻乐趣,梯田挡墙不高,基本都是 1m 等高,挡墙上人流熙攘,偶尔遇见三三两两的彝族姑娘,合影拍照,总是让人心情舒畅,不虚此行。设计时没有考虑梯田挡墙可以通行,是游人的好奇和寻找更美风景的视角,赋予其新的功能。这何尝不是设计之外的惊喜,丰富了梯田的视角和内容。
The fact that people be reluctant to follow the designed route is unexpected. They are more willing to find fun on the stacked terraces. The retaining walls of the terraces are 1 meter high. On the retaining wall, people are passing or taking photos with Yi girls. The design did not consider the passage of the terraced retaining wall, which is the curiosity of tourists giving it new functions to looking for more beautiful views. This is an unexpected surprise, enriching the perspective and content of the terraces.
设计的意义和价值 the meaning and value of the Design
通过重构场地,融入文化和艺术,构建文旅项目的核心资源——古彝梯田,吸引人流,聚集人气,结合特色小镇配套产业和设施,搭建产业平台,带动地方特色产业及相关经济发展,譬如漆器、天麻、豆制品产业等等,解决搬迁居民就业,从根本上解决扶贫问题。项目从 2017 年建成至今,通过电视、媒体和自媒体的报道传播,大方除了百里杜鹃,奢香古镇古彝梯田成为大方新的旅游名片和产业发展平台。奢香古镇现已成为国家 AAAA 级旅游景区,贵州毕节地区新的热门旅游景点。
By restructuring the site, integrating culture and art, constructing the core resources of cultural tourism projects – Yi terraces, attract people, gather popularity, combine supporting industries and facilities in characteristic towns, build an industrial platform, and promote local characteristic industries and related economic development (lacquerware, gastrodia, soybean products, etc.), solve the employment of relocated residents, and fundamentally solve the problem of poverty alleviation. Since the project was completed in 2017, through TV, media, and self-media reports, Dafang has become the new tourism business card and industrial development platform besides Baili Dujuan. Shexiang Ancient Town has now become a national AAAA-level tourist attraction and a newly popular tourist attraction in Bijie, Guizhou.
设计时间:2016 年
建成时间:2017 年
公司地址:深圳南山区南园枫叶大厦 11 楼 11Q
Project Name: Ancient Yi Terraces in Shexiang Ancient Town, Dafang
Project location: North of Dafang County, Guizhou
Project Type: Cultural Tourism Project
Landscape area: 12ha
Design time: 2016Completion time: 2017
Owner: Evergrande Group
Landscape Design: D+C Studio
Photograph: Qiu Wen Architectural Photography—Qiu Ripei
Company: Shenzhen D+C Studio Co., Ltd.
Company Address: 11Q, 11th Floor, Fengye Building, Nanyuan, Nanshan District, Shenzhen