

London's Michael Werner gallery presents 'Flora, Fauna and Other Life', featuring important works from an impressive list of modern masters. Pictured: installation view
今年夏天,现代大师大师Michael Werner画廊一直以“芙罗拉、动物群和其他形式的生活”展览保持着完美的形象。该展览的主要作品来自画廊的宠儿Hans Arp和乔治·巴塞利玆,以及来自Enrico David,保罗·克利和Sigmar Polke的影响力的例子,在许多其他特殊的名字。
高水平的作品都与自然主义意象的主题松散地联系在一起。所有的特写作品都有一些怪诞、变态和右下的恐怖元素,比如弗里德里希·施罗德·索嫩斯特恩(Friedrich Schr Der Sonnentern)的作品中充满了扭曲的演员,其中一部分是幽默的,两部分是可怕的。有一个疯狂的,令人发笑的“Zynus理论”的科学家-无论是“死亡与衰弱的恶魔”(1953年),还是“骑在白马上的月亮骑士的长腿马”(1956)。
同时,汉斯·阿普的流体混凝土雕塑Pflanzengriffel(Pistil)(1959年)与AR Penck的铜牌S(1985)相互作用。这两个抽象的形状看上去像从白色画廊空间发芽的深色花朵,并提供了一个时刻的平静,从神话疯狂。他们对比了另一个著名的雕塑,约尔格·英门多夫的“格特鲁德”(2001);一位弯曲的双青铜女士在巨大的鞋子上跌跌撞撞地走来走去。
The high calibre works are all loosely affiliated with the theme of naturalistic imagery. What ties the exhibition together more tightly is that all the featured works share an element of the grotesque, the metamorphoric and the down-right scary
Hans Arp's fluid concrete sculpture, Pflanzengriffel (pictured left) looks like a dark flower sprouting from the white gallery space, providing a moment of calm from the mythical madness
Distorted actors populate Schröder Sonnenstern's drawings, which are one part humorous, two parts terrifying – as evinced in the mad, grimacing scientist figure of Zynus Theory – whether Demon of Dessication and Withering (1953) (pictured left)
Pictured left: Untitled, by Sigmar Polke, 1996. Right: Gertrude, by Jörg Immendorff, 2001
'We wanted to create a dark physiological garden,' explains Kadee Robbins, director at Michael Werner Gallery, London. 'We wanted to populate the gallery with real and mythical creatures, plausible and far fetched plants'
keywords:London exhibitions