

BIG ART at Amsterdam's historic Diamantbeurs (soon to be Capital C's HQ) played host to a collection of large-scale paintings, drawings, sculptures and installations by both established and new talent. Pictured, 12º32’19.7”N 70º3’47.5”WE by Aruban artist and Gerrit Rietveld Academie graduate Lillian Vlaun
震中和亮点之一无疑是RijksakademieOPEN,它在一年中只为人们发现艺术趋势和思想打开了当地艺术家工作室的大门。今年的令人耳目一新和乐观的动态包括德国视频艺术家Funda Gül zcan的“在东北极说你好”(2016),这是一个类似于diorama的多媒体雕塑装置,作为一首视觉诗的展示;巴基斯坦艺术家巴西尔·马哈茂德(Basir Mahmood)简单但迷人的“抵达与归来视频纪念碑”(2016)观察和记录了一段衰落的历史和文化。
藏起来的是巡回艺术双年一次的Manifesta在Herengracht的吸引人的总部。在历史悠久的运河豪宅中,基金会主办了由安妮特·盖林克画廊主办的双年展。该网站名为“美丽午后的剧院梦-第二部分”,在整个建筑和花园中展开,展出了9位艺术家的作品,包括芭芭拉·维瑟(Barbara Visser)的大型编织挂毯-巴洛克天花板(2013)和以色列艺术家雅尔·巴塔纳(Yael Bartana)的“我们的霓虹灯-我们的弱点”(2012),这两部作品都反映了这栋建筑的历史和位置。
一个弹出式展览,“收藏家视图”,由Fons Welters(GalerieFons Welters)和LaurieClitman策划,在前钻石交易所大楼举行,展示了来自6个荷兰私人收藏品的作品。从左开始,弗罗里安的“Ex Futuro”
Marinus Boezem被认为是荷兰概念艺术的创建者之一,他以对哥特式建筑象征主义的迷恋而闻名,他在这座城市最古老的建筑-有800年历史的OudKerk(“老教堂”)-的舞台上占据了中心位置。除了雄伟的建筑,他的新网站具体作品包括迷宫(2016),一种半透明布的安装,创造了一个迷宫模仿人类对超越性的无止境的追求。教堂的中心是“进入空气”(2016),一部建筑升降机将观众带到15米高的高度,以改变视角-在那里,他们可以找到艺术家的个人信息。
这座城市对重新设计的建筑的精通也得到了强烈的体现;最新的改造后的建筑将是最初建于19世纪10年代的响尾蛇。这座新落成的艺术纪念馆目前正被改造成创意中心“首都C”,但它同时举办了两场弹出式艺术展,以配合艺术周末的到来。大型艺术是安妮·范德·兹瓦格(Object鹿特丹创始人)创建的一个新平台,展示了一批规模超大型的艺术品,其中既有著名的名字,也有年轻的血液-格丽特·里特维尔德学院(Gerrit Rietveld Academy)毕业生莉莉安·弗劳恩(Lillian Vlaun)的1232‘19.7“N 703’47.5”我们(2016)用帕皮尔·玛奇(Papier m ché)来模拟她出生的阿鲁巴海滩上的人造石头的防波堤,仔细审视了自然与文化之间的紧张关系
同样在Manifesta基金会的还有以色列艺术家Yael Bartana的霓虹灯“我们将在我们的弱点中坚强”,2012年,她提到了她的电影“Zamach(暗杀)”,其中她探讨了在一个政治和社会分裂的世界中生活困难的主题。
“收藏家视图”占据了一楼的大厅,展出了来自6个独立的荷兰私人收藏家的35位艺术家的50多件作品,参观了当地的艺术场景。对作品的选择在某种程度上是“大胆的”-甚至无法与之共存,有人可能会说。在塞马·贝基罗维奇(Sema Bekirovic)的“货物共享”(2016)中,安装了被冰覆盖的压缩机铜管回路;Sarah van Sonsbeeck的“破碎沉默1立方米(2009-2010年)”相当反复地安装了一立方米碎玻璃。
Dutch artist Jaap Scheeren shows how blowing up a moment in time – a childhood shot of him on a beach – changes its impact
Painting showed it was still going strong in the Dutch art scene. Borzo Gallery presented a new series of works from painter Koen Vermeule titled Soul Shades, which he made during his recent residency near Vincent van Gogh's birthplace in Brabant as an examination of his relationship with this famous 19th century forerunner. Pictured, Yume no Uchi by Koen Vermeule, 2016
Dutch artist Melanie Bonajo, who lives and works in Amsterdam and New York, has been working on a trilogy of semi-documentary films, Night Soil, which explores themes – mostly illegal – outside sociological and political norms. Her three video works were presented at FOAM. Pictured, still from Night Soil Economy of Love, 2015. Photography: courtesy of AKINCI Amsterdam
In the Manifesta Foundation's group exhibition 'Theatre Dreams of a Beautiful Afternoon – Part 2', presented by Annet Gelink Gallery, Barbara Visser’s large woven tapestry Baroque Ceiling, 2013, would have been perfectly at home when the traditional Herengracht canal house venue was first built. In the corner is a marble sculpture by Greek artist Antonis Pittas
Jasper Hagenaar’s light-filled, earth-coloured paintings are on show at Ornis A Gallery. In It Looks Like Rain, he sets out a certain mood of foreboding with a new series of small, oil-painted works on a wooden panel
Rapture by Jasper Hagenaar, 2016, at Ornis A Gallery
Marinus Boezem’s new site-specific works were presented in Oude Kerk, the oldest building in Amsterdam. Known for his levity, in Labyrinth, 2016, he created a vertical cloth maze, in which visitors disappear and reappear and can imagine a temporary escape from their earthly existence. Photography: Robert Glas
The Rijksakademie offers residencies to some 50 artists a year, with no set programme, style or ideology. The RijksakademieOPEN presented Time to Say Hello at the East Pole, 2016, by Funda Gül Özcan. The German video-artist defies logic and here, using videos connected to sculptures and miniatures, she challenges the viewer to experience something simultaneously familiar yet unknown
Artist Jonathan van Doornum at RijksakademieOPEN takes his inspiration from religious symbolism. He works with sewn and bonded MDF as well as chipboard, and more recently epoxy clay, to make base architectural elements as representations of faith. Photography: Tomek Dersu Aaron
The Stedelijk Museum is holding an exhibition by American artist Jordan Wolfson, who is at the forefront of a generation of artists exploring digitalisation and other new technologies. Here, unsettling robotic human figures (pictured, Colored Sculpture, 2016) interact with viewers using motion-sensor technology. Photography: Dan Bradica. Courtesy of Jordan Wolfson, Sadie Coles HQ London and David Zwirner Gallery
Raspberry Poser by Jordan Wolfson, at Stedelijk Museum
keywords:Global Fair Guide 2016, Amsterdam exhibitions