

© Mikaela Burstow
Text description provided by the architects. Palestine suffers of a misuse of stone as a structural material: while it was an abundant material used for structural purposes in the past, it is now used as a cladding material only and the know-how of stone building is disappearing.
本研究旨在包括当代建筑中的石材立体切割-- 切割石材的过程-- 建筑过程。它依靠新颖的计算模拟和制造技术,将现代石材建筑技术作为本地和全球建筑语言的一部分。
The research aims at including stone stereotomy – the processes of cutting stones – construction processes in contemporary architecture. It relies on novel computational simulation and fabrication techniques in order to present a modern stone construction technique as part of a local and global architectural language.
© Mikaela Burstow
我们的研究部门-- 规模-- 和 GSA(几何结构建筑) 实验室领导这项研究的石材施工技术。这项研究的结果将被用于建造埃尔亚特兰艺术家和作家居住在杰里科。因此,Stonematters 是我们研究的第一个居住单元和第一个建造的拱顶。
Our research department – SCALES – and GSA (Geometrie Structure Architecture) lab are leading this research on stone construction techniques. The results of the research will be used to build the el-Atlal artists and writers residency in Jericho. As such, Stonematters is the first module of the residency and the first built vault of our research.
石材是建立在一种创新的建筑原则之上的,允许这种结构以前所未有的形式出现。建筑创新来自于结构形态和立体结构。地窖的表面面积为 60 平方米,跨度为 7 米,深度为 12 厘米。几何学遵循极小表面的形状,在其上画出测地线,并设置联锁石的图案。整个结构由 300 个相互支撑的独特石片组成。
Stone matters is built on an innovative construction principle allowing for unprecedented forms for such structures. The architectural innovation is born from structural morphology and stereotomy. The vault covers a surface of 60 m2 and spans 7 meters with a constant depth of 12 cm. The geometry follows the shape of a minimal surface on which geodesic lines are drawn and set the pattern of the interlocking stones. The whole structure is made of 300 mutually supported unique stone pieces. © Mikaela Burstow
除了使石匠成为一个独特对象的科学和技术问题之外,该项目还代表着一个文化挑战:它完全是在文化边缘城市杰里科 (Jericho) 的一个周边地区利用现有的知识来建造的。为了将现有的已知技术用于新用途,对几个工厂的工艺进行了组合。例如,聚苯乙烯块在一家工厂被粗略切割,然后运到另一个工厂进行机器人雕刻。建成后不久,石匠们就吸引了杰里科和巴勒斯坦其他地方好奇的居民,为未来艾尔阿特拉尔艺术家和作家的居住地埋下了种子。
Beyond the scientific and technical issues that make Stonematters a unique object, the project represents as well a cultural challenge: it has been entirely built with available know-hows in a peripheral zone of the culturally marginal city of Jericho. Processes of several factories have been combined in order to use existing known techniques for new uses. The polystyrene blocks, for example, have been roughly cut in a factory and transported to another for a robotic carving process. Right after its completion Stonematters attracted curious inhabitants of Jericho and elsewhere in Palestine, putting together the seeds of the future el-atlal artists’ and writers’ residency.
Through the understanding of our historical cities the research tries to link techniques of constructions to urban morphologies. It puts a non-hierarchical hypothetical link between the scale of stereotomy and the scale of urban fabric. In that context, the idea is to suggest new urban morphologies linked to the scientific use of a largely available material in Palestine.
© Mikaela Burstow
Stone in Palestine
在巴勒斯坦,最常见的建筑材料是石头。石材丰富,可供广泛使用,也是最重要的-- 奥斯曼人实施的一项城市法律要求建造石头,以统一已建成的景观。这一法律强调了从自我管理的城市化向权威城市化的转变。
In Palestine, the most common construction material is stone. Stone is abundant, widely available and – foremost – an urban law imposed by the Ottomans requires stone construction in order to unify the built landscapes. This law underlines the shift from a self- managed urbanism to an authority urbanism.
© Mikaela Burstow
Not only is the stone a marker of the transition in the urban and social structures, but it shows the evolution of the Palestinian city’s morphology. The construction techniques’ evolution, from fabrication to implementation, has an effect on the entirety of the Palestinian city.
圣安妮教堂是耶路撒冷旧城十字军建筑最有价值的见证之一。这座教堂是由十字军在 12 世纪建造的。圣安妮教堂提供了一个完整的例子,说明了十字军在巴勒斯坦的建筑;他们从国外带来的不同建筑元素和他们在当地发现的土著元素的组合。
The church of Sainte Anne is one of Jerusalem old city’s most valuable witness of crusaders’ architecture. The church has been built in the 12th century by the Crusaders. The church of Saint Anne offers a complete example of what was the architecture of the Crusaders in Palestine; a combination of different architectural elements that they brought from abroad and indigenous elements that they found in situ.
© Mikaela Burstow
石材Stone Matters
地窖的表面面积为 60 平方米,跨度为 7 米,深度为 12 厘米。几何学遵循极小表面的形状,在其上画出测地线,并设置联锁石的图案。整个结构由 300 个相互支撑的独特石片组成。
The vault covers a surface of 60 m2 and spans 7 meters with a constant depth of 12 cm. The geometry follows the shape of a minimal surface on which geodesic lines are drawn and set the pattern of the interlocking stones. The whole structure is made of 300 mutually supported unique stone pieces.
© Mikaela Burstow
Stone Cutting
金库的几何形状遵循一个极小的表面的形状,在其上画出测地线,并设置联锁石的图案。整个结构由 300 个相互支撑的独特石片组成。每个石头有 4 个倾斜的界面,这允许不同的石头瓦索装配。
The geometry of the vault follows the shape of a minimal surface on which geodesic lines are drawn and set the pattern of the interlocking stones. The whole structure is made of 300 mutually supported unique stone pieces. Each stone has 4 inclined interfaces, that allow the assembly of the different stone voussoirs.
© Mikaela Burstow
根据几何参数,如整体形状、铺装密度、接触面倾角、Voussoir 尺寸、Voussoir 类型数等,可以改进具体的结构判据。
Stone Geometry
© Mikaela Burstow
Stone Assembly
Formwork Carving
The formwork of the vault is made out of blocks of polystyrene of variable heights, carved with the shape of each stone. When arranged together they form a continuous counter-form of the entire structure. On each block, stones are referenced and placed at their exact position.
© Mikaela Burstow
Formwork Diagram
© Mikaela Burstow
While the polystyrene blocks were digitally cut using robots, the main formwork was created by the local artisans using usual wooden formworks. Different altimetries were defined, generating a stepped formwork that receives the carved polystyrene blocks. © Mikaela Burstow
Stone Mounting
Stone voussoirs are assembled on the mounted polystyrene blocks. Each stone’s location is defined on the formwork. The mounting started from the upper center of the vault progressively advanced towards the edges in a concentric process. The inclined interfaces between the stone voussoirs generate the interlocking system of the structure.
© Mikaela Burstow
© Mikaela Burstow
© Mikaela Burstow
跨度 7m 的拱顶垂直位移得到了很好的控制。对初始形状进行了多次调整,在陀螺形状中心增加了反臂,增加了曲率,从而减小了位移。
Spanning 7m, the vertical displacement of the vault has been delicately controlled. The initial shape has been adjusted several times, adding a counter jib in the center of the gyroid form, increasing the curvature thus reducing the displacement.
© Mikaela Burstow
Dismantling of the Scaffolding
The dismantling of the scaffolding was sequenced by different steps. Laboratory glass plates were first installed at few locations of the structure, allowing the measuring of the movements of the structure during the un-mounting of scaffolding. The formwork jacks were then taken down of a few centimeters, letting the whole structure hold by itself. After a few hours, the glass plates were inspected, and no brakes were visible. The scaffolding was gradually taken off.
© Mikaela Burstow
© Mikaela Burstow
埃尔-- 亚特兰项目是一个建筑技术的典范。它允许设想新的可能的城市的形态,新的建筑技术和复杂的使用石头。该项目的目标是创造一种城市化模式,随着哈拉特人成功地通过石制建筑技术建造一座适合他们需要的城市,埃尔亚特兰预计将成为巴勒斯坦城市化的包容性方法的温床。一种都市主义,其规模有着深刻的联系。一种技术上和持久的城市化,留下了城市的演变和巴勒斯坦景观的痕迹。
The el-Atlal project is meant to be a model of construction techniques. It allows to envision new possible cities’ morphologies, new construction techniques and a sophisticated use of stone. The project has the ambition of creating a mode of urbanism, and as the harat succeeded in building a city that fits their needs through stone construction techniques, el-Atlal expects to be a breeding ground of inclusive approaches to Palestinian urbanism. An urbanism whose scales are profoundly associated. A technical and durable urbanism leaving a trace on the city’s evolution and on the Palestinian landscape.
© Mikaela Burstow
Until the beginning of the previous century stereotomy, or the art of cutting and assembling stones, played an important role in the esthetics as well as in the structural construction principles. Today’s stone factories only produce standardized blocks of few cm, used as cladding of a reinforced concrete structure. The techniques used for building with stone have an effect on the speed of construction, the urban spread of territorial boundaries, and the morphology of all buildings. In other words, stereotomy and the construction methods leave a trace on the palestinian landscape.
© Mikaela Burstow
© Mikaela Burstow
用先进的设计模拟方法来优化结构性能是石材的基本原理。根据几何参数,如整体形状、铺装密度、接触面倾角、Voussoir 尺寸、Voussoir 类型数等,可以改进具体的结构判据。整个过程是一个正在进行的工作流程,目的是利用计算设计和先进的制造技术,将现代石材建筑技术作为本地和全球建筑语言的一部分。
© Mikaela Burstow
Architects AAU ANASTAS
Location Jericho, Palestine
Category Small Scale
Research Lab SCALES, GSA Lab ENSA Paris-Malaquais
Area 62.0 m2Project Year 2017
Photographs Mikaela Burstow