



The architecture, reinterpreted in a modern, urban tunnels of the city and the Italian stations of the nineteenth century.
Within the urban gallery, the areas of services dedicated to the travelers, and the city, are housed in transparent volumes of steel and glass, and in the two underlying layers are parking lots and technical rooms.
The glass window of the station, is almost entirely equipped with photovoltaic cells, monocrystalline, positioned between the two layers of the glass plates, of the cover.
They serve as screen sunbreaker, increasing variable density and contribute to the internal environmental comfort in summer.
The building of the gallery, is cooled in a natural way, from the basement volume of the tracks, which allows the creation, the natural convection of air, dating from the bottom of the rail volume, the high glass roof.
The glass plates, which form the lantern at the top, allow the natural air exchange between the interior and the exterior environment.
Environmental comfort, is completed by heat gains (in winter), and cool (in summer), provided by radiant floor, positioned in the waiting areas of the travelers.
The presence of a vegetation, with trees of vessel, allows to shade, the internal circulation areas, increasing the feeling of natural comfort.
Design by AREP