


wAtelier re-branded the shoes retailer Shooz with reconfigurable display shelves in a space of 34 square meters.
The design pulls vision onto the central wall featuring the new brand logo. Along this central axis sit movable display counters, offset for circulation. Terracing towards the cashier, they forego the conventional display systems to make an open plan. Interactions naturally take place around them.
Seven walls unfold as distinct patterns and functions. 330 steel L-shelves and 70 letter shelves are attached and removed freely to the plywood wall on a grid accommodating eight shelf types.
As discrete elements, the L-shelves echo a typical shoe box. As an aggregation, they emerge as a lively pattern in absence of products, or muted as functional pieces giving way to the merchandise.
When photographed, the left L shelves aimed toward the logo to accentuate the one-point perspective. On the right, they switched as alphabet letter shelves, emerging as language, texture or function. At the corner, the letters aligned to spell the brand, only to disintegrate, followed by a mirror and finally a wall of letter hooks.
These change infinitely within the given grid.
(Photography: Giuseppe de Francesco; graphic design: Wulff Graphics)