


GRETAPROJECT wanted Chicken Mafia Fast Food Restaurant to show how the usual forms of space can be transformed due to the introduction of large volumetric elements of irregular shape, passing from the ceiling to walls and furniture.
Gretaproject had an interesting task: to create a light, fashionable, cozy interior for a fast-food restaurant with high-quality food. The interior had to be light, provocative, fashionable, playful, and taking the customers to the homeland of fast food – the USA. Also, one of the tasks was to include unusual shapes and lighting that had not previously been used in any of Moscow’s restaurants. At the same time, the realization of the interior should not have been expensive.
The interior concept is a transformation and refraction of simple space geometry by the sophisticated geometry of the ceiling, walls, and furniture. Thus, the usual rectangular shape of a space box after the installation of our “waves” should look like a sophisticated geometry, creating an optical effect and attracting the interest of visitors.
The architects chose plywood as a cheap and warm material for this idea. Moscow’s cold climate dictates its own laws for choosing materials for public catering. Therefore, wood was chosen as the material for the geometry of the waves. Metallic reflective surfaces with ripples were chosen on the counterpart, showing the sophistication of wood forms and the simplicity of the metallic ones. The concrete floor and walls also set off and accentuate the interesting wood volume of the interior base.
The CHICKEN MAFIA label represents the tattoos of the restaurant owners – this symbol is reflected in the graphic design, in the drawings of the bathroom walls, neon inscriptions, and the choice of the Vitra Wire Chair DKR model of mesh chairs.
Photography: Mikhail Loskutov
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