荷兰特塞尔岛度假屋丨benthem crouwel architects

2014/07/31 04:09:04
Netherlands Selma island vacation home
设计方:benthem crouwel architects
位置:荷兰 特塞尔岛
图片来源:jannes linders
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度假屋位于荷兰瓦登群岛的特塞尔岛,是由benthem crouwel architects事务所设计建造的。这里环境优美,绿化很好,周围有树木和草地。度假寓所采用典型的木质结构,外部采用橡胶涂料喷涂,彩色的渔网将整个房子包裹住,很有特色。房子外部的颜色布局和垂直剖面图中的内部布局相对应,房子外包裹了两层渔网,第一层是红色、绿色或蓝色的渔网,第二层都是黑色的。
度假屋的设计风格在特塞尔岛上很常见,被称为“schapenboet”风格,岛上的屋子可以存储干草和牧羊人的工具,周围都是开放的草地。该结构的特点是玻璃屋顶,斜屋顶朝向西南,顺着风向而建。benthem crouwel建筑事务所在外部设计了很多窗户,南面为玻璃外观,视野开阔,便于欣赏周围的景色,透过上面的窗户可以看到远处的沙丘和海。
译者: Odette
located on the island of texel, in the wadden archipelago in the netherlands, benthem crouwel architects has designed a holiday home which opens onto a grassy landscape. taking the form of a traditional dutch ‘schapenboet’ shed, the structure is comprised of a typical wood frame, while the exterior surfaces have been sprayed with a rubber coating and wrapped in colored fishing nets. the tonal patterning on the exterior takes its arrangement directly from the internal spatial organization, when viewed in vertical cross section. the mesh envelope is composed of two layers: the first in either red, green, or blue, while the second is consistently black.
the residence is informed by the local ‘schapenboet,’ which are shed buildings typically found throughout the texel island landscape. they are used for storing hay and tools of sheep farmers, and stand alone in the expansive open meadows. the structures are characterized by their gable-roof form, with a beveled top section facing the southwest in response to wind direction. their main entry door is often located on the straight and sheltered northeast side of the layout.benthem crouwel’s design deviates from the vernacular influence through its use of many windows on the envelope. the entirety of the south façade is transparent to provide a wide panorama of the surrounding fields, while upper level fenestration allows views to the dunes and sea in the distance.
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