

Guangzhou Cloud DCS Data Center office
位置:广东 广州
设计团队:Arboit Ltd Design and Architecture
Arboit Ltd Design and Architecture设计团队,为Cloud DCS公司在中国广州打造了一间新的数据中心办公室。2013年下半年,该公司找到香港Arboit Limited设计公司,要求为他们打造一个面积20000平方米的工业办公空间,这项艰巨的任务落到了意大利设计师Alberto Puchetti身上,他们需要里面有办公室、有能容纳成千上万只服务器架子的机房、还要有一个按照客户要求打造的能够展示公司服务、还有互联网文化以及公司历史的多媒体展示间。
Arboit Ltd Design and Architecture has developed the new data center offices of Cloud DCS located in Guangzhou, China.Italian architect Alberto Puchetti director of Hong Kong-based design company Arboit Limited got briefed in late 2013 to design a company headquarter inside an existing 20.000 sqm industrial building including offices, rooms containing thousands of servers’ racks, areas to meet clients and multimedia show rooms introducing company services and envisioning internet culture and history.
Fluidity and dynamism of clouds shaped by winds, is expressed by a layered ceiling 30 meters long sculpture to epitomize digital communications across space and highlight its immaterial and yet powerful nature. This ceiling feature is made of metal profiles painted in seven gradients of blue, covered by Barrisol’s stretch fabric back-illuminated by neon lights.
广州Cloud DCS数据中心办公室室内实景图
广州Cloud DCS数据中心办公室平面图