

GALA Tokyo BRIDAL jewelry store
设计方:Ichiro Nishiwaki Design
位置:日本 东京
图片来源:Nacása & Partners Inc.
GALA BRIDAL是一家珠宝店,专卖婚礼珠宝,位于日本东京银座的中心,在那有很多奢侈品牌的旗舰店。作为在这个繁华地带的路边店,其设计理念就是让人从老远就能发现,并且还对其外观留下印象。其标志是为了展示商店的名称和婚宴珠宝。白天,外围看起来是雪白的,就像婚礼的颜色一样。日落后,室外用间接的灯光改变其形象。新的标志里面是由品牌名称的是字母G和意味爱情的心形图案来结合的。整体的服务都是单独操作,有几处亭子都没有封闭感,只用窗帘边缘进行遮挡。二楼让顾客感觉更加私密,供应的甜点和茶就像是喝下午茶一样。全身镜展现出新娘的身材,并不单单是珠宝。
译者: Jasereen
The jewelry shop “GALA BRIDAL” featuring bridal jewelry, was at the core of Japan, Ginza, where many luxury brands had their flagship shop. As it was roadside store in this special area, the concepts were visibility from the distance and memorable facade. The sign was made to represent both the name of the shop and bridal as its category. In the daytime, the facade looked snow-white, the image of bridal.
Then, after the sunset, the exterior changed the expression using the indirect light. At this opportunity of opening this Ginza flagship shop, the new icon motif was created with the combination of the initial of the brand’s name, “G”, and “heart” meaning love. Then, this was arranged at the entrance to be the sign of the brand opening branches in the future. At the entrance on the first floor, the crystal pieces of Swarovski shaping arch became the shining dorm and covered the approach imaging virgin road.
As the whole service was done individually, several booths without the feeling of closeout were set with the partition of fringe curtain, and this ornament and the indirect light from the ceiling created the space showing soft and gentle curve. On the second floor, to let the guests feel more private, sweets and tea were served just like afternoon tea. Also the full-length mirror enhanced the feeling of the bride showing the whole body not only the jewelry on the fingertip. By uniting the whole interior with white, objects with color such as flower set off the space more dramatically.
东京GALA BRIDAL珠宝店室内局部图